Monday 28 December 2009

Blog of 2009ness

Alas, it's nearing the end of the noughties. I daresay it's "the me decade" because I've got a good feeling about the oh-tens :) but in my overly cheesy and reflective manner, I shall dedicate a blog to looking back on the past year. Here's my 2009 in a nutshell.

January: Well, my 17th was pretty cool, going to see "Yesman" with a few mates (Zooey Deschanel ftw!). Also with our new additions to the family as of 31/12/08, Heathcliffe and Cathy, to keep Toulouse and Ayla company. They spent most of it under the Xmas tree, which we kept up a little longer by popular demand. Mocks were extraordinarily "bleh". OH! I also started driving lessons. Woop woop.

February: As with all Februarys, rather nondescript. Did see Tilly for the first time in six months, and the only time this year. So that was pretty cool.

March: Again, a bit of a blur, really. I think this was when I started to overdo everything, and ended up asking someone out... just when they told me they had a boyfriend. That's my first lesson of the year, as well as a full-fledged slap on the back which hopefully left a mark :). Also, I got asked out by someone :O which was a complete honour... at this point, however, I cruelly gave it the big fat "maybe". In true Jimmeh fashion.

MONTH OF THE YEAR: April. Well, doesn't necessarily mean the BEST month, per se, but a LOT happened during it.
- 2nd: Cathy gave birth to four little baby kittens :)
- 3rd: Going to Peterborough to see "Lesbian Vampire Killers" in the cinema. Well, why not?! Also attended "We Will Rock You" backstage at the COWA. Saw it afterwards. Top quality stuff :)
- 4th: Landmark anniversary. Mainly involved walking around the churchyard, I think. Then I cheered up and went backstage at the COWA again with la mere. From there I made a good friend, so it's all good.
- 5th-12th: SALAMANCA! A pretty amazing trip. Made me realise a lot about myself... but hey, it's a blog so I should probably write some of these down: the first: to admire beauty when it arises, to meet new people (biggup the Brentwood School people!), and also to not doubt friends. You know who I'm talking about, person involved... not that they read my blog anyway.
- 13th: Someone else told me they liked me (yep, you :D) but swore me to not respond. Very sweet, actually. Hadn't felt that sense of [i can't think of the word] to that intensity for a long while.
- 21st: Toulouse sadly had to be taken to the vets to be put down, aged 16. His legacy still lives on :(. On a separate note, I also found a friend I haven't spoken to in YEARS.

That was April. This was May: well, I said no to the first invitation out, but told "(yep, you :D)" I was still interested. We still didn't go out, agreed due to imminent exams. On a separate note, we were robbed. My laptop, our DVD recorder, and a PC monitor was taken, as well as several important remotes. Luckily the damage was minimal, and we actually think this was due to the rabbit scaring them off with her banging action... that is, banging of her body on the cage. Okay, there's no way to make that any less innuendous.

June: The exams. Didn't feel they went too well. On the other hand, I was made Deputy Head Boy of WGS 2009-10, so I couldn't really complain. Meg's barbeque occurred - good fun times :) oh, and I also witnessed and thus begun the long game saga that is Edraved. It's still going :D

July: SUMMAR! The month of next to nothing happening. Bliss.

August: STILL SUMMAR! Started with twelve days in London with grandparents and uncle, which was where I started my running routine (it's still going but haven't been able to recently due to that blasted snowfall >:( ). Results day came, it was a bit pants, hence starting a massive panic about what the hell I was doing.

This continued through to September, where I made the bold choice of dropping Spanish. In a sense I'm glad I did because it's made UCAS a lot easier, but on the other hand, I miss those lessons XD. Started Amadeus, in the golden period of rehearsals. Was asked out by someone else, I wasn't so much touched this time as mystified due to the fact that I'd never met them before. So that was a definite no. However I did start going out with Rose, and everything was hunky dory.

October... hmmm.... trying to remember it... passed my theory test... actually attended some parties :O Chaz's 18th, Ellie's Hallowe'en do, and Rosie's Geeks and Greeks 18th. All highly enjoyable :)

November: The end of the golden age of 2009, I think. Just felt... a bit... I dunno... rubbish. :)

December: Started horribly. Troubles with UCAS application (which was finally sent on the 14th). Amadeus was causing a lot of pre-performance stress, but fortunately turned out well in the end! And the relationship ended [I still hope you're okay - we don't talk that much anymore!] But then Xmas came, and it's been pretty good, touchwood. Got a Blackberry and a new router, so I can now go online on everything that isn't a PC! WOO! Even bought "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" for play on the Nintendo Wii. Good times!

So all in all, a generally good year, with a few bad things thrown in. But you've got to take the rough with the smooth; of course bad things are going to happen, life wouldn't be any good if there weren't any.

And I suppose if I've learnt one thing, it's this: you have to focus on things if you want them to turn out well. There's no use saying that you're going to change things if you're going to do nothing about it. I suppose that's where I faltered in a lot of things (thinking exams particularly).

So, the oh-tens are coming. May you all have a great new 2010 and a great new decade :)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot: my ritual annual apology! Silly me...

To everyone I have hurt this year (yes, I know I've hurt a few people), I truly am sorry. I honestly am trying to do things with the least amount of pain being inflicted upon others. It's actually quite hard *empty laugh*. So yeah, if collective-you are still miffed with me, please don't be :) I love you all!

And that's that for Abstract Insanity this year, this decade. Tune in next year where I'll try to install a pony for your entertainment*.

Lots of love to all!
Jimbob :D xxxx

*pony not included. STOP BUGGING ME ABOUT THE PONY.

Friday 27 November 2009

Blog of Yet-another-return-after-a-long-absence-ness

Well, it seems you guys just can't get enough of my blog. It seems that all one of my readers (you know who you are ;D) actually wanted me to update it.

Four and a half months on, here I am, on top form to rant about nothing, as per usual. :)

So, what's been going on in the past few months? Well, everything's changed since last time I came on here. For instance, I'm now an Upper Sixth Former! Yessiree, way back in 2003 when I joined first form in good ol' Mrs Waling's class (I don't care what you say, I thought she was a lovely teacher), Sixth Form just seemed like a pipe dream. Back in those days, I remember thinking: one day in the future, I'll be one of them.

Then I remembered I had to do my colouring-in homework, and complained that it was too hard.

Nowadays, to the first form I'm the most recognised student in the school (if you think you can beat my record, PLEASE tell me. I'll take comfort in it. Honest.), which in effect is quite worrying; I seem to remember in earlier blogs how I hated playing the false prophet. Now, even due to the vast numbers of people who know my name yet I still don't remember theirs, I've had this odd sense of attention for at least three, maybe four years now.

And to be honest, if I let it worry me now, it'll ruin my last year at Wisbech. So I might as well enjoy it! Because otherwise... well...

What else... well, made new friends, happily got a girlfriend (I'll give you a hint: her name rhymes with "wose washby"... if you emphasise the A in it :D), plus I'm currently in the process - well, nearly completed - of making my university application form!

Whatsmore, it's nearly Xmas '09, which means it's nearly New Year oh-ten, which means... yes, my eighteenth birthday is coming soon.


And I'm still learning to drive. Ever since my first lesson on the 25th January '09, my test is sometime in January oh-ten. Probably tells you how bad I was. :D

(if you ever see a car going around with a driver with a mad bouffant - likely to be on a Saturday - in a black car with "A47" painted all over it... it's likely to be me. Please don't stop and don't laugh. :D)

The school play's coming awfully close! This year's production is "Amadeus" - the tragic yet mad story of a composer who isn't very good prevailing over a composer of genius proportions. It'll be good, so please come and see it.

If you come on the Friday, you'll even hear me give the end-of-play speech! XD

Oh yeah, hard to forget that next week is actually exam week for Upper Sixth formers. This should be interesting. Further Maths is a bit of a mixed bag for me... for instance, the Decision Maths module I find to be SO EASY (...please omit that from any quotations because Sod's Law states that after this blog is published I will fail the exam in it...) yet the Further Pure modules are pretty nasty. And I mean NASTY.

I miss my colouring-in homework!

Anyone free on the 4th December at 1:10 may get to see me on a lunchtime concert play some cool 'choons' with Modern Music Workshop. Free yourselves for that, because it's going to be a BLAST.

And who knows, I may even switch the amp on this time. THIS time.

Well, that's about all that naturally rolls off the mind, through my fingers, and onto the "Tinterwebz".

Will there be more blogs? Who knows.

If you want more, please pester me continuously. Otherwise, I'll see if I naturally update it without thinking. Who knows. :D

Until then, I reciprocate the amount of love you give to me back to you.
(Yeah, if you don't understand, don't worry because I do.)
Jimbob :D xxxxxx

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Blog of [word]ness

Good evening!!!

Yes, I know it's been a while! Thanks to all one of you who asked me to update this (it was a while ago... but Rose, you still rock :P) and BOY has a lot happened since the 29th April.

Well, if we were living in the P3 world, more and more people would be succumbing to the Apathy Syndrome, and people would be questioning their own motives. Things are pretty similar over here, actually. So much has happened in the past couple of months, so I'll try to fill you all in to the best of my ability. (In-your-endo realised and lolled at.)

First of all, it's nice to give shout-outs to some new people; well, one. Aimeh! Fellow roflwaffler, Lt. Corporal Douchemallow, hug-whore (hug a mugger!)... or as I found myself calling her today, "English Person". It's 'coz I'm Greekly blond.

Oooh, look at me and my new lingo. :P

Also, there's been SO much focus on universities and futures and stuff. Don't get me wrong - I really panic about it and I truly am trying to sort myself out... but it was only the other day that it hit me: I'm gonna struggle living for myself in the real world (oooo!)... Luckily, I'll manage somehow. I always do. And yes, I am aware that this is quite a bad way to go about life. But to be honest, it diverts from the fear. Henceforth, I'm a coward.

...thing is, I already knew that.

Speaking of which, I'm now Deputy Head Boy at my school next year. I'm really proud and everything, but again, this is meant to show that I have common sense about me. It's my main flaw! Crud.

Well, it really has been too long for me to not write in my chronicle of boredom (hey, that's a good name for a blog...) so I'll try to drag it out as much as physically and humanly (and Dalekly) possible.

I've been reading up on Philosophy lately, in a book entitled "What's It All About?" by Julian Baggini. I never realised how in-depth a subject it is. Think of something deep, and double it. In order to be a good philosopher, you really need to know some stuff.

The book contemplates the meaning of life, whether there's an afterlife, etc. and so forth. Unfortunately, I've only just finished the third chapter. And to be honest, I can't really regurgitate any of the thinking behind some of the stuff, but it's strange; this guy (who is an Athiest, not sure if that contributes to anything) considers both sides of the argument - let's go for whether there's purpose to life or not, and links it to whether there is an afterlife. Because let's face it, we probably would too. Basically we're at the stage that if there is a meaning of life, does that really mean anything when after we're dead, there might not be an afterlife? And even if there is, we'd've forgotten anyway?

There's more, but I hate rambling about complicated stuff. :>

Anyway, it's the Summer now! WOO! Hopefully I will have a job... I've applied for several places (four - hey, it beats one) INCLUDING the new reptile place in Wisbech.

Rose, if you're reading this, they have rare snakes... apparently there are some breeds of which there are only thirty-or-so of in the country. This shop has them! GO! :>

I was talking with one of the staff there; they were all like "Do you know a lot about reptiles?" and to be honest, they'd already had me there. But to me (and here comes the philosophy again... mine, this time) we've got a short time on Earth, try new things and learn as much as possible.

I know, reptiles can potentially be extremely complicated animals. Or can they....... well, if on the extremely low possibility that I actually get this job, then I will definitely mug up on the subject! Well, that's kind of harsh. Reptiles aren't a "subject", they're living creatures.

On the plus side, if they eventually get baby crocs in, I can at least confront my fears. Don't worry, my worry is ONLY for crocs and gators. Nothing more.

Well, here's my conclusionless hole-dig at an end.
Love you all!
Jimbob! xxxoxoxox

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Blog of OVERLOADness

Hey people!

Sigh... the death month is nearing its end. Thank goodness.

And sadly, it has lived up to its name; Toulouse, my loyal companion I've owned for nearly twelve years, was put down on the 21st. It's really sad.

Still, it's not characteristic of me to stay down in the dumps :) besides, with this unfortunate death, there was a blessing of the birth of the kittens earlier this month as well. They're growing up so fast! In fact, the video's up on Youtube now, if you haven't looked at it. Search "Pikachu Galileo Scaramouche Garfield" or something like that, you should see it. I warn you, the quality of sound and light is pretty bad with the recording camera, but you can't have everything!

So how are you?! Well, in the course of since the last time I've blogged, a lot has happened.

The biggest achievement so far for me is probably surviving the concert on Friday, that was scary, what with actually having to play my first solo piece to everyone who came (thanks to all my friends who did come, Rose, Ellie, Alice... the lot of ya XD)!

Then, up there with that, I GOT A SENIOR PREFECT INTERVIEW! Quite chuffed (is that the positive terminology? I get mixed up with "chuffed" and "gutted", they're so similar! *rolls eyes*)! Interview's next Wednesday. Good luck to all the others who managed to get this far :)

Plus, last time I blogged I was still on holiday. I'm back now. Whoop-dee. What better way to celebrate than with a Spanish oral?! Well, that said, it wasn't TOO disastrous. Just used the same words over and over (oh, they were good ones though!) so hopefully if they can overlook the overloading of this, then I should - in theory - be okay!

Birthday shoutouts to Alice last Saturday, and Rose tomorrow! WOO!

So, may May bring more happiness to you all.

And to the person involved who I know probably won't be celebrating too much due to a truly horrific incident recently, my thoughts go to you, and if you ever want to talk about it, I'm right here :)

Love you ALL! (except you and you and you)
Jimbob! xoxoxox

Sunday 12 April 2009

The Easter Bloggy

Hey guys! I'm back from Spain! Miss meh? Thought not XD

So yeah, the past couple of weeks have been absolutely phenomenal. There was Spain, and before that I helped out with the cast of We Will Rock You at the College of West Anglia. Great guys, and they absolutely rock.

I'd probably even consider performing that if our school were to do it... only problem being that it contains rather a lot of swearing XD it even says that everyone from I'm A Celebrity are "a bunch of twats", haaa!!! But seriously, I enjoyed it, and I'm actually quite interested in the music of Queen because of it. Nice one, guys!

But now onto the most interesting part of my life so far... well, this holiday, anyway :> SPAIN!

Man, it rocked.

The family? ROCKED. The food? ROCKED. The partying? SUCKED (well, the sangria was quite nice actually, so the terminology "sucked" is a compliment because it's on a higher end of the spectrum...). The views? ROCKED. The activities? PRETTY GOOD. The weather? MEH.

However, the main thing that twisted it for me were - trying, and failing, to not be cliched here - my friends :> Matthew, Vince, Emily, Catherine, Emily (from another school), Sammy, Kim... oh to heck with it, they were all awesome!

Either way, I learnt so much about myself and others. For instance, I feared that I was quite lacklustre (or is it lacklustER? I dunno!) in terms of general passion. Sloth kinda does that to you, you don't give a damn either way about a lot of things. But it hit me on the final night (last night) when me, Matthew and Vince just stood in the Plaza Mayor, staring at the lights for one last time. Absolutely amazing, and I actually cried.

There is some sentiment behind my cold logic :>

But yeah, and also it's Easter. Happy Easter! And yes, I will hopefully be uploading photos later to do with the Salamanca trip, if you really wanna see them. And even if you don't, I do :P

Friday 27 March 2009

Blog of Rascalness

Hey guys!

So anyway, it's been one whole month since I made a decent blog! Well, decent to my standards... how would I know? It's not as if anyone reads this anymore! XD

Ladies and gentlemen, if you're reading this, you ARE actually in the cubby-hole that is my brain. This blog is just a way of getting things off my chest and spewing all kinds of stuff that's automatically classified as heartfelt by me.

Speaking of which, I thought I might as well start with some heartfelt stuff (coincidence much?!)

Anyway, the last couple of weeks have been rather eventful... you probably read my whinging about March being a busy month. Well, that's completely out of the way now :> and to be honest, even though there were many successes as of recent, what with the play and the concert and all, I actually kinda feel indifferent. Why? Because I'm too bloody nakered. Plus, of all the contemplation I do, I haven't really gone back to contemplating everything that's happened as of recent. Too much stuff to do, what with exams and everything.

Yep. The Easter holidays have arrived. Bring on the revision.

Alas, it's not all black-and-white good-slash-badness. There've been other things keeping me going and knocking me back as well. For instance, in typical Jimmeh rascal fashion (*cheesy grin*) I've professed my love to yet another person. Lo and behold, I find she's actually got a boyfriend.

In some respects, that's a Godsend. I mean, it could have ended badly. And seeing my track record of these kind of things... yeah, my esteem on that matters isn't actually that high, no matter how high it may seem.

But yes, I've made a new friend, and it also seems that as I asked her out, she still wants to stay friends. For that, I genuinely respect her, no matter how much I rue the situation deep down(!).

The Samuel Beckett plays were successful, the concert truly was kinda cool, applied for both Senior and Form Prefect in the end, and in terms of definite occurrences, that's about as far as it went. Oh yeah, and I saw Watchmen.... Yeah, I didn't follow the storyline a lot. But then again, it was a Saturday night, I was nakered, but it was pretty good eye candy.

In truth, I'd never even heard of Watchmen before the film came out. It was only when Eddy sent me a link to the trailer and the opening credits that I thought that it looked pretty damn good.

And speaking of pretty damn good, I'm going to Thorpe Park on Sunday!!! CAN'T WAIT :>
And on top of that, it's another Spanish trip to the area of Salamanca on the 5th! I am so lucky... though on the other hand, that all contributes to less time for revision. Even though I'll be going to Spanish School in Salamanca... Simply Splendid! (oh come on, I was bound to put something else cheesy in this blog... this IS me we're talking about :P)

But yes, that is the situation of my life at the moment, as I type into this and watch an orchestra perform "To Zanarkand" on my iPod (from Final Fantasy X... wasn't too keen on the game, but when you see a large orchestra perform it, and not only that but make it seem extremely beautiful, it really makes you remember the true beauty of music. In my opinion, another reason why I absolutely adore life. But that's just me...)

Chances are I'll be blogging in another half month to express my feelings on stuff. But will miss you all in Salamanca!
Love to all!
Jimbob xxx

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Blog of Normalness


So here I am, in the centre of normality... which, as you probably know by now, is HELL to keep up with!

I'm trying to think of anything intelligent to say... failing miserably... it's all after preparations of a debate speech for tomorrow. "This house believes that under-21's should not consume alcohol". And I think I have tons of useful, fantastic statistics on the matter... haven't really linked them in any way...

And by the way, before you start bitching at me, "oh why haven't you updated in a long time lol lol", I tried. The internet closed on me!

So, sorry for the short, rubbishy blog. Oh well :>

Jimmeh xxxoxox

Saturday 21 February 2009

Blog of the Change of Seasonness + Abe Simpson rant

Hey peeps.

I'm quite happy today... It's lovely when you walk to the market through Wisbech Park (by day: quite the pleasant area when there aren't youth around... by night: dangerous like the ghetto) and it actually isn't cold! Whatsmore, you can actually smell the blooming flowers!

And for the record, that's not me trying to shield a swear word. If I was, I wouldn't bother. I refer to the gerundio form of the verb "to bloom".

......Because sometimes AS-level languages can tip your vocabulary in English to the point of no-one caring!

With that happily put aside, it has been half term... and I have spent most of it without the internet. Oh well, the withdrawal symptoms luckily haven't set in. However there's so much stuff I need to download.

Legally, thank you very much :P.

Not that you want me to list my iTunes list. That would make one awful blog. But let's just say I'm moving away from my modern rock, and starting to hit on the '90s stuff. Because if there's one thing I absolutely adore, it's nostalgia.

I'm seventeen going on one hundred and seventeen, it seems. Ouch.

To be honest, I can't think of anything else to write, so I'm just gonna list some things that annoy me. Heck, maybe you'll learn something new about me.

  • Those texts/messages that have a really pointless story that usually involves a teenager finding love and then breaking it off, or some scary story about the creepy death of some fictional character. Why? Because what often follows is "Send tihs messsgae 2 evry1 u no!!1!1one!" And to be honest, I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO WASTE MY CREDIT AND TIME ON... like Persona 3: FES... shut up...
  • Chick Flicks. They mainly have a really pointless story that usually involves a teenager finding love and then breaking it off, or some scary story about the creepy death of some fictional character. Well, maybe not the latter part of that... but my point still stands.
  • People who take the piss out of other people. However much they may or may not deserve it.
  • Celebrities who sell their stories to give themselves more money than they already have. However, as much as I hate to admit it, I do agree that Jade Goody's idea of getting money for her children through this isn't too much of a bad idea...
  • ...unfortunate for her that I'm adding her to this list. Oops!
  • The poetic form of teenage angst. I'm not saying that teenage angst is such a bad thing, because I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel it now and again. However I hate the following:
    - Sentences with no purpose with a full stop.
    - Sentencesthathavenospacesandafullstop.
    - Selling the angst for popularity.
    - When people have a completely different alter ego that are ONLY about angst.
  • Robert Pattinson fans. CHANGE THE SUBJECT!
  • The fact that the newest Guitar Hero game features so much emo music. Guitar Hero is the game for people who want to play guitars. And feel cool about it. Kay?

And that sums up my Grandpa Abraham Simpson rant. Who knows, I might make more in the future.

Till then, stay classy San Diego. Jimbob xxxoxoxox

Friday 6 February 2009

Blog of Laborousnessness

Snow... the white sugary stuff that canes like hell when compacted into... um... compact (for lack of a better word) three-dimensional amoebas that our species lob at others of our species for fun.

Unfortunately I haven't thrown very many this time round. Although I have discovered that the kittens like eating them!

Still, it absolutely sucked yesterday that most of the one day off I could get was spent doing Chemistry homework. Man that was hard. At least it was handed in on time :>

Either way, I'm at the age when snowball fights just aren't really that exciting anymore! Snowman building, however, ROCKS. I didn't do one of them, unfortunately, but I did make handprints in Wisbech Park, just to see if I could hear some people's reactions... I couldn't, but I still found some of them in the ground when I walked in it today :>

That made me smile :)

Chinese food also makes me smile. How can anyone not like Chicken Chow Mein? [except for those vegetarians... they just don't know what they're missing...] And shredded crispy spicy beef. If only that could be abbreviated.

"SCSB". Sounds like a game in which Pikachu can kick the hell out of Super Mario and Princess Zelda... oh wait, that's "SSBB". Oh well.

You may have figured that I'm experimenting with a new writing style tonight. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid I've hit the stage of only checking the blog sites about once every two weeks. Only one of the people I follow frequently updates their blogs. And to be honest, I'm starting to hit that point in my own blog in which I'm actually losing interest in everything I'm writing.

Probably because you all are too! Just as well, really.

How am I? Actually, quite happy :>

Anyway, enough. I'm bored, and several people are MSNing me.
Gotta blast!
Jimbob :>

Sunday 25 January 2009

Blog of "Miss me?"ness

Wow, I really am cutting down on the blogs... don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Then again, I don't know how many people read these. Maybe it's more beneficial to me because nobody's reading the bloody things...

...either way, it helps to clarify my trail of thoughts sometimes. And sometimes it completely screws it up. I dunno.

Anyway, HEY!

So yeah, life, as usual, is pretty good at the minute. Mocks came out so-so (A, B, B, D... yes, ladies and gentlemen, the afro can have its off days :P), I had my first driving test today!!! It was so cool... went from the Walton Road area through Terrington St. Clement BACK to my own house! I mean... that's quite the adrenaline rush for me, considering I didn't go too far above 30mph the whole time...

Whatsmore, its success is marked by the fact that I'm still right here with everything still mobile :)

Anyway, today I'm resolved to myself to actually make a blog out of this. Y'know, not one of those short ones. Woop.

And some thoughts have been occurring to me, what with a change in behaviour I've noticed in some people... do people see me as arrogant? Or very VERY confident of myself? Or alternative state of mind that comes across as unsettling?

Answers on a postcard please. Or over MSN or blog comment. I promise I won't take offence, 'specially because I would very much like to know. Just lay off the heavy insults, please :>

But yes, I just can't help but get the feeling that I'm being hinted at here.

To all of those I've hurt or offended (or alternative), I sincerely apologise.

If it's any consellation, I don't love myself. I have many faults, many of which I wish I could change. And who knows, maybe some of them I can actually change. But is there anything wrong with having a positive outlook on life? I can fully accept that in some cases it may be quite the opposite, and understandably so. Not everyone has "easy" lives (though that said, mine isn't), and I suppose I should be more thankful for having such great opportunities and experiences.

I'm not perfect. If you think I think otherwise, you're seriously wrong.

*sigh* I don't know... am I too overpowering in my happiness?

C'est une enigma pour moi. (Enigma, coincidentally, is my favourite Gladiator. Not that you really needed to know that, but, y'know...)

So yes. Off my chest. Long live the blog. Hallelujah.

Right, so it seems 2009's proving to have gotten off to a better start this year than last. So far so good. Heath and Cathy are growing up to be right characters, and Toulouse and Ayla are starting to go with the new flow now. Good for them :>

And with that, and with a lack of things to say, I'm off!
Adios amigos, laters homes, Charmander char. Diddly.
Jimbob :> xxxx

PS: thanks a LOT to eddy who got bored and put up a non-functioning website in my honour. You rock :P the address: . Who'd've thought...

PPS: Yes, I'm aware that the PS very much contradicts the rest of the blog. I suppose if I made the website in my honour it would be a different story... anyway, sorry if you're now getting the idea that I'm a hypocrite.

PPPS: I'll shut up now :> BYE! xxxx

Thursday 15 January 2009

Blog of Mellow-like-a-marsh-ness

Hey people!

So here I am! You may have noticed that lately I haven't been on "Teh Interwebz" as often as normal... that is because I've kinda gotten myself obsessed with the good ol' PS2 again XD. Oh well!

To be honest, I'm nice and calm at the moment - we had exams at school, they're over, and whatever happens from there happens (from there) :>.

So what have I been up to lately? Had a physics lecture on Tuesday ("Let's physicise!"), and.... uhrm... not much else!


I'm sorry, I haven't posted a long, juicy, "twelve inch meat feast"-styled blog for a good while now... when I get the time and the willpower, I shall.

Shout-outs to Rose, who was DARLING enough (and hyper enough... minor detail!) to create a whole song about me... based on an Abba classic! Love to Zack (Rose's lizard) and, of course, I'm still waiting for you to show me Boobs! (yes, Boobs is a nickname for one of her--- actually, I won't explain it. I think the teenage male explanation is easier to fathom....yes.)

Love to all!
Jimbob XD xxx

Saturday 3 January 2009

Blog of Newness

HEY peeps :>

Well, here we are again... only this time, it's a completely different timeframe; from the murky depths of 2008 (year of the nutritionally-challenged Credit Crunch and others) to the present day... ladies and gentlemen, it is the Year of the *muffled sound of unknowingness* and stuff's gonna change :>

How? P-huh... how should I know? I can't read the future!

So, whether this year's gonna be a positive turnaround, or a complete and utter bad time, we can only imagine.

Of course, if you're looking to the future with dread and fear, "you ain't got much hope have ya?" (taken from a very funny book, "F In Exams", which shows all the funny answers to normal exam questions :>)

Anyway, I'm pretty damn tired, it's a late blog and my MSN isn't working tonight for some reason (normally you click on the link, it comes on, yippee-kye-ay... only this time you click on the link, you see the typical Windows XP egg-timer thing for a millisecond and it turns back into the typical arrow... and yes, I do think that restarting would help, only I'm defragging... and I haven't done that in a few months now.)

OH! ANECDOTE! I also emptied my recycle bin... 1.5 Gigabytes. So today's lesson, kids: empty your recycle bins now and again!

...Wow, what better way to start the cyberyear with a short, crappy blog.


Anyway, goodnight!
Happy new year to you all!
Jimbob xxxxxx