Friday 27 March 2009

Blog of Rascalness

Hey guys!

So anyway, it's been one whole month since I made a decent blog! Well, decent to my standards... how would I know? It's not as if anyone reads this anymore! XD

Ladies and gentlemen, if you're reading this, you ARE actually in the cubby-hole that is my brain. This blog is just a way of getting things off my chest and spewing all kinds of stuff that's automatically classified as heartfelt by me.

Speaking of which, I thought I might as well start with some heartfelt stuff (coincidence much?!)

Anyway, the last couple of weeks have been rather eventful... you probably read my whinging about March being a busy month. Well, that's completely out of the way now :> and to be honest, even though there were many successes as of recent, what with the play and the concert and all, I actually kinda feel indifferent. Why? Because I'm too bloody nakered. Plus, of all the contemplation I do, I haven't really gone back to contemplating everything that's happened as of recent. Too much stuff to do, what with exams and everything.

Yep. The Easter holidays have arrived. Bring on the revision.

Alas, it's not all black-and-white good-slash-badness. There've been other things keeping me going and knocking me back as well. For instance, in typical Jimmeh rascal fashion (*cheesy grin*) I've professed my love to yet another person. Lo and behold, I find she's actually got a boyfriend.

In some respects, that's a Godsend. I mean, it could have ended badly. And seeing my track record of these kind of things... yeah, my esteem on that matters isn't actually that high, no matter how high it may seem.

But yes, I've made a new friend, and it also seems that as I asked her out, she still wants to stay friends. For that, I genuinely respect her, no matter how much I rue the situation deep down(!).

The Samuel Beckett plays were successful, the concert truly was kinda cool, applied for both Senior and Form Prefect in the end, and in terms of definite occurrences, that's about as far as it went. Oh yeah, and I saw Watchmen.... Yeah, I didn't follow the storyline a lot. But then again, it was a Saturday night, I was nakered, but it was pretty good eye candy.

In truth, I'd never even heard of Watchmen before the film came out. It was only when Eddy sent me a link to the trailer and the opening credits that I thought that it looked pretty damn good.

And speaking of pretty damn good, I'm going to Thorpe Park on Sunday!!! CAN'T WAIT :>
And on top of that, it's another Spanish trip to the area of Salamanca on the 5th! I am so lucky... though on the other hand, that all contributes to less time for revision. Even though I'll be going to Spanish School in Salamanca... Simply Splendid! (oh come on, I was bound to put something else cheesy in this blog... this IS me we're talking about :P)

But yes, that is the situation of my life at the moment, as I type into this and watch an orchestra perform "To Zanarkand" on my iPod (from Final Fantasy X... wasn't too keen on the game, but when you see a large orchestra perform it, and not only that but make it seem extremely beautiful, it really makes you remember the true beauty of music. In my opinion, another reason why I absolutely adore life. But that's just me...)

Chances are I'll be blogging in another half month to express my feelings on stuff. But will miss you all in Salamanca!
Love to all!
Jimbob xxx

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