Saturday 21 February 2009

Blog of the Change of Seasonness + Abe Simpson rant

Hey peeps.

I'm quite happy today... It's lovely when you walk to the market through Wisbech Park (by day: quite the pleasant area when there aren't youth around... by night: dangerous like the ghetto) and it actually isn't cold! Whatsmore, you can actually smell the blooming flowers!

And for the record, that's not me trying to shield a swear word. If I was, I wouldn't bother. I refer to the gerundio form of the verb "to bloom".

......Because sometimes AS-level languages can tip your vocabulary in English to the point of no-one caring!

With that happily put aside, it has been half term... and I have spent most of it without the internet. Oh well, the withdrawal symptoms luckily haven't set in. However there's so much stuff I need to download.

Legally, thank you very much :P.

Not that you want me to list my iTunes list. That would make one awful blog. But let's just say I'm moving away from my modern rock, and starting to hit on the '90s stuff. Because if there's one thing I absolutely adore, it's nostalgia.

I'm seventeen going on one hundred and seventeen, it seems. Ouch.

To be honest, I can't think of anything else to write, so I'm just gonna list some things that annoy me. Heck, maybe you'll learn something new about me.

  • Those texts/messages that have a really pointless story that usually involves a teenager finding love and then breaking it off, or some scary story about the creepy death of some fictional character. Why? Because what often follows is "Send tihs messsgae 2 evry1 u no!!1!1one!" And to be honest, I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO WASTE MY CREDIT AND TIME ON... like Persona 3: FES... shut up...
  • Chick Flicks. They mainly have a really pointless story that usually involves a teenager finding love and then breaking it off, or some scary story about the creepy death of some fictional character. Well, maybe not the latter part of that... but my point still stands.
  • People who take the piss out of other people. However much they may or may not deserve it.
  • Celebrities who sell their stories to give themselves more money than they already have. However, as much as I hate to admit it, I do agree that Jade Goody's idea of getting money for her children through this isn't too much of a bad idea...
  • ...unfortunate for her that I'm adding her to this list. Oops!
  • The poetic form of teenage angst. I'm not saying that teenage angst is such a bad thing, because I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel it now and again. However I hate the following:
    - Sentences with no purpose with a full stop.
    - Sentencesthathavenospacesandafullstop.
    - Selling the angst for popularity.
    - When people have a completely different alter ego that are ONLY about angst.
  • Robert Pattinson fans. CHANGE THE SUBJECT!
  • The fact that the newest Guitar Hero game features so much emo music. Guitar Hero is the game for people who want to play guitars. And feel cool about it. Kay?

And that sums up my Grandpa Abraham Simpson rant. Who knows, I might make more in the future.

Till then, stay classy San Diego. Jimbob xxxoxoxox

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