Friday 27 November 2009

Blog of Yet-another-return-after-a-long-absence-ness

Well, it seems you guys just can't get enough of my blog. It seems that all one of my readers (you know who you are ;D) actually wanted me to update it.

Four and a half months on, here I am, on top form to rant about nothing, as per usual. :)

So, what's been going on in the past few months? Well, everything's changed since last time I came on here. For instance, I'm now an Upper Sixth Former! Yessiree, way back in 2003 when I joined first form in good ol' Mrs Waling's class (I don't care what you say, I thought she was a lovely teacher), Sixth Form just seemed like a pipe dream. Back in those days, I remember thinking: one day in the future, I'll be one of them.

Then I remembered I had to do my colouring-in homework, and complained that it was too hard.

Nowadays, to the first form I'm the most recognised student in the school (if you think you can beat my record, PLEASE tell me. I'll take comfort in it. Honest.), which in effect is quite worrying; I seem to remember in earlier blogs how I hated playing the false prophet. Now, even due to the vast numbers of people who know my name yet I still don't remember theirs, I've had this odd sense of attention for at least three, maybe four years now.

And to be honest, if I let it worry me now, it'll ruin my last year at Wisbech. So I might as well enjoy it! Because otherwise... well...

What else... well, made new friends, happily got a girlfriend (I'll give you a hint: her name rhymes with "wose washby"... if you emphasise the A in it :D), plus I'm currently in the process - well, nearly completed - of making my university application form!

Whatsmore, it's nearly Xmas '09, which means it's nearly New Year oh-ten, which means... yes, my eighteenth birthday is coming soon.


And I'm still learning to drive. Ever since my first lesson on the 25th January '09, my test is sometime in January oh-ten. Probably tells you how bad I was. :D

(if you ever see a car going around with a driver with a mad bouffant - likely to be on a Saturday - in a black car with "A47" painted all over it... it's likely to be me. Please don't stop and don't laugh. :D)

The school play's coming awfully close! This year's production is "Amadeus" - the tragic yet mad story of a composer who isn't very good prevailing over a composer of genius proportions. It'll be good, so please come and see it.

If you come on the Friday, you'll even hear me give the end-of-play speech! XD

Oh yeah, hard to forget that next week is actually exam week for Upper Sixth formers. This should be interesting. Further Maths is a bit of a mixed bag for me... for instance, the Decision Maths module I find to be SO EASY (...please omit that from any quotations because Sod's Law states that after this blog is published I will fail the exam in it...) yet the Further Pure modules are pretty nasty. And I mean NASTY.

I miss my colouring-in homework!

Anyone free on the 4th December at 1:10 may get to see me on a lunchtime concert play some cool 'choons' with Modern Music Workshop. Free yourselves for that, because it's going to be a BLAST.

And who knows, I may even switch the amp on this time. THIS time.

Well, that's about all that naturally rolls off the mind, through my fingers, and onto the "Tinterwebz".

Will there be more blogs? Who knows.

If you want more, please pester me continuously. Otherwise, I'll see if I naturally update it without thinking. Who knows. :D

Until then, I reciprocate the amount of love you give to me back to you.
(Yeah, if you don't understand, don't worry because I do.)
Jimbob :D xxxxxx

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