Tuesday 14 July 2009

Blog of [word]ness

Good evening!!!

Yes, I know it's been a while! Thanks to all one of you who asked me to update this (it was a while ago... but Rose, you still rock :P) and BOY has a lot happened since the 29th April.

Well, if we were living in the P3 world, more and more people would be succumbing to the Apathy Syndrome, and people would be questioning their own motives. Things are pretty similar over here, actually. So much has happened in the past couple of months, so I'll try to fill you all in to the best of my ability. (In-your-endo realised and lolled at.)

First of all, it's nice to give shout-outs to some new people; well, one. Aimeh! Fellow roflwaffler, Lt. Corporal Douchemallow, hug-whore (hug a mugger!)... or as I found myself calling her today, "English Person". It's 'coz I'm Greekly blond.

Oooh, look at me and my new lingo. :P

Also, there's been SO much focus on universities and futures and stuff. Don't get me wrong - I really panic about it and I truly am trying to sort myself out... but it was only the other day that it hit me: I'm gonna struggle living for myself in the real world (oooo!)... Luckily, I'll manage somehow. I always do. And yes, I am aware that this is quite a bad way to go about life. But to be honest, it diverts from the fear. Henceforth, I'm a coward.

...thing is, I already knew that.

Speaking of which, I'm now Deputy Head Boy at my school next year. I'm really proud and everything, but again, this is meant to show that I have common sense about me. It's my main flaw! Crud.

Well, it really has been too long for me to not write in my chronicle of boredom (hey, that's a good name for a blog...) so I'll try to drag it out as much as physically and humanly (and Dalekly) possible.

I've been reading up on Philosophy lately, in a book entitled "What's It All About?" by Julian Baggini. I never realised how in-depth a subject it is. Think of something deep, and double it. In order to be a good philosopher, you really need to know some stuff.

The book contemplates the meaning of life, whether there's an afterlife, etc. and so forth. Unfortunately, I've only just finished the third chapter. And to be honest, I can't really regurgitate any of the thinking behind some of the stuff, but it's strange; this guy (who is an Athiest, not sure if that contributes to anything) considers both sides of the argument - let's go for whether there's purpose to life or not, and links it to whether there is an afterlife. Because let's face it, we probably would too. Basically we're at the stage that if there is a meaning of life, does that really mean anything when after we're dead, there might not be an afterlife? And even if there is, we'd've forgotten anyway?

There's more, but I hate rambling about complicated stuff. :>

Anyway, it's the Summer now! WOO! Hopefully I will have a job... I've applied for several places (four - hey, it beats one) INCLUDING the new reptile place in Wisbech.

Rose, if you're reading this, they have rare snakes... apparently there are some breeds of which there are only thirty-or-so of in the country. This shop has them! GO! :>

I was talking with one of the staff there; they were all like "Do you know a lot about reptiles?" and to be honest, they'd already had me there. But to me (and here comes the philosophy again... mine, this time) we've got a short time on Earth, try new things and learn as much as possible.

I know, reptiles can potentially be extremely complicated animals. Or can they....... well, if on the extremely low possibility that I actually get this job, then I will definitely mug up on the subject! Well, that's kind of harsh. Reptiles aren't a "subject", they're living creatures.

On the plus side, if they eventually get baby crocs in, I can at least confront my fears. Don't worry, my worry is ONLY for crocs and gators. Nothing more.

Well, here's my conclusionless hole-dig at an end.
Love you all!
Jimbob! xxxoxoxox

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