Friday 3 October 2008

Blog of Temporary Restness


Well, it's a nice relaxing Friday night sitting on the sofa with one eye on MSN (hey rose, chloe, tamsin and meg!) and the other on Shrek 3 - I don't know what everyone's got against the third one, I think it's better than the second by far!

You all lied to me! :>
...But I'll forgive ya :P

So anyway, we're 5 weeks into the term, and with 3 more till half-term... everything rocks! No homework last night, bareable amounts for this weekend... whatsmore, it's another quiet Saturday, so far :>

Sunday, however... play rehearsal! WEY! And if you're going... you're in for a treat. This is the act where I officially make a gigantic tit out of myself.

Whatsmore, I've had to learn how to flirt. I don't know whether the art is natural to me or not (either way, it hasn't worked :>) Today was actually quite exciting. I fake flirt with Hannah Drury - a great character both in and out of the play - PLUS I've had to fill in for Charlie on one of his love scenes with Ellie XD don't worry, no kissing or anything :P but either way, the sentiment's there :> Fakeness. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's not real! GASP!

It's actually quite funny. Particularly Kieran... may the Lord bless him... having to stand in for Qwyn and getting fake spanked (yes, spanked... with a rolled-up script... go figure!). Plus having Anna Dunnet fake "canoodle" with him :>shame it's not his actual role. There'd be more laughs :>

And yeah, so what have I got planned tomorrow? Well, I'll probably be roguely walking about in Wisbech market in the morning. Fun fun! Followed by the JOYS (*melodramatic hand pose*) of spanish, chemistry and physics. Never mind.

At least I'm spending lots of time of my time management! 28 hours of homework a week, now!

Bitches >:@

Anyway, I'm ending it there! Got too many good convos to partake in!
Your greatest pal in the whole world, bar [integer].
Jimbob xxx

1 comment:

Rose said...

Your blog has teh best title.

Your soul is deeply devalued because of boobs.
Maybe less than a soul?
Nawh. That's too generous.

Boobs shall live for a loonng time.

.5 human. Woot.

Zoom, Zoom.