Wednesday 15 October 2008

Blog of Heroesness

Ok, I've just seen today's episode of Heroes.


Where to begin... after what, in my view, was a disappointing end to episode two ("I am your mother, Sylar...") they further the storyline how?! Well, I find this one quite comical. Enter a woman who seems to be a rather important character. I believe her name is Bridget, or something.

Her special power? She can tell people's histories. WHOOP DE FUCKING DOO! And the funny thing? Straight after Sylar [if you're not a Heroes watcher, he's the bad guy... except maybe he isn't in this series... I can't keep track] is introduced to her, she's all of a sudden forgotten about and he helps out HRG [Horn-rimmed glasses. I watch Heroes: Unmasked about six-or-so episodes behind.]

BUT the people writing the script for Heroes couldn't leave it at one brand new crappy superpower...

Peter Petrelli (the GREATEST guy in the.... oh wait, he's just shot his brother...) was in the body of that bald dude called Jesse. BUT that wasn't enough weirdness for one guy....

....I can just imagine it now. The writer's lounge: "Well, we've already confused people into thinking that he's the new severe bad guy that could rival Sylar, which is odd because he's generally the good-natured guy... let's make a bad version of him that is noticeable by a gigantic scratch on his face... and leave the good guy in the body of some bald dude... but that's not complicated enough... we need to give him an all-new, completely original superpower... I KNOW!"

(:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) SUPER SHOUTING! (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:)

I mean, come on guys.

...That said, they've also taken it into their American heads that recycling abilities is now the norm. Take that guy who's guiding Matt Parkman [policeman, can read people's minds. He somehow got transported into the desert. Go figure.] Okay, I'll admit, there could be some good leeway for a story here. The whole Isaac Mendez saga of Series One, for instance, rocked. I also kinda liked how they brought his paintings back in Series Two (y'know, the whole eight paintings of the apocolypse, or whatever? I just liked how most of them went by without us noticing. Thanks, writers, for striking. What you gonna do next to ruin our viewing entertainment? Oh yeah...

(:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) SUPER SHOUTING! (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:)
[NB: can't be bothered with pretty colours again :P] )

Anyway, it's kinda cool how Sylar seems to be becoming the good guy... as he keeps randomly killing people. I'm liking that. The bad guy isn't so good after all.

AND ANOTHER THING! Tracy Strauss [woman who turns things to ice, acted by the same actress as a character who seemed to be schizophrenic in Series One - I still don't get this - and then one of the main baddies in Series Two. I never quite got it.]. Anyway, she's meeting her maker... who apparently made sure she was born in the same hospital on the same day by the same guy. Okay, I'm getting that. I think.

But why take the little kid through all that torture? That's just horrible! I mean, it's rare I feel for anyone on TV, full stop. However, that's just... wow... can't help but not feel sorry for a kid whose mother is the same actress, but not the same character... of course, his real mother's dead.


(:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) SUPER SHOUTING! (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:)
[oh for goodness' sake...]

But let's go back to the aforementioned guy who can paint the future. Mendez could do it through the use of drugs. But what's this? A guy in the Sahara Desert... with a pair of headphones?! Ok, first of all, HOW?! HOW?!?! Do they have a nearby sea for ferry transport? Did he hi-jack it himself?! Second of all... if headphones made me focus on nothing but painting the future... that would be cool! But no. This is a special pair of headphones. Or maybe it's the music he's listening to. Haven't seen his iPod, probably a mini like mine XD

No objections with Hiro and Ando, they rock. And glad to see the Haitian back again. It's like three of the family :> with some woman who called Hiro "Pikachu". Racist as that is, God bless the Pokemon reference *salutes*.

Okay, I think I'm pretty talked out.
Discuss and complain :>
Jimbob xxxx

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