Tuesday 7 October 2008

Blog of More Jimbobaliciousness

This is actually for my own experimental purposes - can I do one week's worth of blogs (Monday through Friday, anyway) on questions often asked to me? Well, I'll give it a dagnabbed try.

Prepare, ladies and gentlemen, for part two of the Jimbobalicious fun.

Hey, what's the answer to number four in my homework?
No it isn't!
Maybe you should ask Jeeves next time, slacker.

What interests you?
Well, despite the fact that I dropped biology before GCSE, I am quite into the human mind, and how it all works so that we behave the way we do. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am a psychology nerd. Sorry. If you want a more general answer, I play the electric guitar - normally without an amp. Go figure.
What do you like playing?
Video game music, because it gives me happy memories. That and rock. Luckily I can hear something and it takes a couple of minutes to figure out how to play it. The bad thing for me? My fingers. They're really long and spidery, and it doesn't help.

What's your favourite colour?
Hmmm... probably yellow, actually.

What absolutely annoys you?
Want a list?
- Emos. They're just... ugh... they're teenagers, and they're spending what is arguably the best time of their lives moping over nothing. Okay, maybe they have hard home lives and resort to self-harming to ease the pain. The logic's beyond me, but if it helps them, then so be it. What I absolutely cannot STAND are those who just do it to get attention. When I was thirteen, my life took a rather unfortunate twist of events. I lost some family, and I lost some friends in due course. It was terrible. BUT my arms are still intact, and my blood still clots in the lump of cholesterol that is my body. Get over it.
- "Rockstar" by Nickelback. Oh come on, if your mother likes it, and it's all over every single music channel and sofa advert, it's gotta be grinding on some people's nerves, no?
- MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, etc. . I have the first two on the list, but absolutely never use them, except to add people and stuff. But I can never use them again. As if I want everyone to see pictures of me doing mundane activities while on every other page there's a super awesome party with people halfway through some mass orgy--- ok, maybe a bit far. But you're all dressed like it. Even the males, you whore-sluts, you. BUT IT'S NOT JUST THIS! The thing that pisses me off the MOST, and this particularly goes for MySpace, is the thing of which you have a table of what everyone's doing, who's friends with who, who put what music on their page... but I don't give a damn if my best friend happens to have a friend of which I don't know their name because their display name comes from a My Chemical Romance song, and the same best friend adds "Barbie Girl" to their page! It's not as if I'm gonna go on their site just to hear it! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?! AND THE WORST IS THIS: -and I believe this only refers to MySpace... the bulletins. As if I want to go through the same survey partaken by ten different people of whom I don't even speak to, trying to give witty answers. [Hypocritical, no?] And the thing I absolutely CANNOT stand: "Please post this bulletin another twenty-seven times so that this poor starving child of which I don't know can LIVE!" Because MySpace has linked up with this boy's life support machine, I suppose?

I hope that answers your question. More of my annoyances may be added in a later installment of Jimbobaliciousness.

What's your favourite sport?
Tea-making. And I'm damn fine at it too.

Fancy anyone?
Yes, but I'm not saying who. GO AWAY.

I think that'll do :)
All the love in the world. Jimbob xxxxx

1 comment:

rosie2310 said...

another entry of awesomeness =)