Friday 10 October 2008

Blog of "When will the Jimbobaliciousness end?!"

Part 5 of 5. Yippee! I can happily neglect this blog for another few days after writing it! Plus my five-a-month target it already surpassed... but don't worry, I won't stay silent till November ;)

Feeling good?
No. I'm bloody annoyed. Just put Tea Tree Oil on my infected lip. It stings like hell [it's actually been open for about two minutes now due to the pain] and it looks even worse.

So, you doing anything this weekend?
For the first time since August, yes. I'm going to Laserforce for Eddy's brother's birthday! WOO! Laserforce rules XD! And of course, rehearsals on Sunday.
Doing nothing with "she that you love", then?
You...! *shakes fist angrily* Unfortunately not. I believe she's got plans.
By the way, who is this lovely lady? You haven't told us! You're so secretive! You're a bastard!
Well, since you happen to ask, it's.... (drum roll please)... Rose Ashby. She's rather a lovely person!

(response #1): Gittindere, my son!
Go away, you dirty minded person.
(response #2): But Jimbob, I've never seen her before! What does she look like?
Gorgeous. If you see me talking to someone you don't know (and isn't just in it for the high-five, like those that crave it in the lower school... grrr...) then it's more than likely her.
(response #3): Oh, I'm so happy for you!
I appreciate that. Thanks! :)
(response #4): But Jimbob! I fancied you!
I'll just take my anti-hallucinative medication...

Thought of any other things that annoy you?
Ahaha. Hell yeah!
- common sense. Everyone knows the way through life is logic. Logic is acquired through knowledge, and knowledge is not required through thinking anymore. It's more from Wikipedia. Therefore, common sense is a waste of time, QED.
- politicians. Stop yammering on about how bad this global crisis is and get on with solving it! Criticise that bloke aptly called Darling all you want, at least he's trying to solve this damn thing!
- Fall Out Boy. They used to be cool, before they started answering the pleas of the emo crowds. Now all I see when I turn on Kerrang! or Scuzz (because I'm a hard rock dude, obviously) it's that bassist that, according to an article on, "looks like he has Down's Syndrome" [which is quite offensive, to those with Down's Syndrome] is more than likely snogging some chick around some dancing monkeys in clothes - THAT'S animal cruelty, if anything - or a crappy remake of a legendary Michael Jackson song. Why do so many bands these days ruin the greats? In fact, it's rare that there are any decent covers. Quite enjoyed Disturbed's version of "Land of Confusion" (which is strange, as I absolutely despise Disturbed), for instance... and Metallica's "Whiskey In The Jar". But where was I? Oh yeah. I hate Fall Out Boy. No-one wants to hear about your penises 'accidentally' put in pictures on the interweb. PUT IT AWAY.
- myself. At least I don't hate myself... but I'm just so damn annoying... being tall's great, but it's not great on the back. Plus, I have a way with words: this way, named after CRAP, is CRAP. Plus sometimes, I just feel like I'm too sensible. It genuinely pisses me off XD.
- Pimp My Ride UK. I saw this on two occasions, and on neither time did it change. The US version is alright; Xzibit is a decent host who I'm more than willing to watch "pimp out" something that's on my shopping list come my seventeenth. So why do I hate the UK version? Because it just goes to show that even Britain can rip off a superpower with our famed chav population painting their car to look like a Nike logo or something (ok, I'm exaggerating here, but the point still stands). Pimp My Ride? More like "Modify My Vehicle", or on behalf of the generally interested British population, "make my fucking piece of shit look decent, fucking...". Of course, on the before and after, it doesn't show when they crash it into their neighbouring posse's drug den.

That's right. I know my street, homeboy.

Can you say something that no-one else knows about you?
My schizophrenic other half speaks in italics. That good enough? No? Hmmm... let's see... little know that I was born to "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred. No joke. It was New Year's Day in the hospital, and they had a radio on them. Go figure.

Do you have any phobias?
Crocs and alligators. The way they move... and their mouths... ugh...

What is your most prized possession?
Probably my necklace. Sure, it's not my father's actual necklace (you can read about that in a couple of my past entries, late-June I believe...) but my Greek grandparents gave it to me. It even has "GJ" enscribed on the back, to indicate that it belongs to George James.
Is it a St. Christopher's?
What's a St. Christopher's? Stop asking me! I don't know!

Congratulations, you've just completed five consecutive days of self-indulgent crap. Hope you're happy.
Sure am, guv'nuh XD

Love you all! Jimbob xxxxxx

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