Monday 6 October 2008

Blog of Jimbobaliciousness

Good evening, folks!

Today, I feel like getting a few things off my chest. Sod all these blogs about play rehearsals, you're probably as fed up of reading them as I am.... um... doing mundane activities. So, I thought tonight, I'd do a Jimbob FAQ. So many questions I'm always asked (or wish I was), and I end up repeating the same things (regardless of whether I was asked or not).

So, without further ado, let the Jimbobaliciousness begin!!!

Why the cool hair?
'Cos it's teh awsumz, why else?!

Will the singularity of the hair end up killing us all?
Maybe, just maybe.

HOW are you so tall?
Ey'up, I'm only six foot four. There are people taller than me. Plus, chances are I've already started shrinking. I dunno.

I prefer version two of the above question, repeat it? For me?
Haha. I sleep in a growbag, and drink Miracle-Gro every morning. When the growbag's occupied, I use the rack. Y'know, for the morning stretches... if you didn't get that pun, shame on you. If you did, shame on me.

Why are you so clever?
First of all, I cannot stop pointing out, THERE ARE CLEVERER THAN ME! I'm by no means the smartest person in the year, school, etc. If you've heard those rumours, they're wrong. Where do I get what smartness I have? Well, if you sacrifice a social life and a lot of your weekend, you too can become as clever as me. DISCLAIMER: this is not recommended if you're cleverer than me.

How would you describe yourself?
Tall, hairy, no bad intentions, but a bit arrogant. Don't like being taken for granted, and severely dislike violence.

Do you fancy anyone? Eh? Eh? *nudges and winks*
OOOH!!!! Who?!?!?!
Not saying.
Go on... I won't tell her. I promise.
Shut up.

Well... what do you look for in a woman?
Pulse... I kid. Well, hopefully with a pulse. I would more than likely say no to someone without... BUT anyway. Not fussed about the colour of hair, though I do like curls, dunno why. Ego always comes over emo. Why? I dig self-confidence. And smiles :> But personality's important too. Happiness is the main thing I look for. Go figure.

If I give you a fifteen digit number of some sort, will you remember it for tomorrow?
Chances are, yes. I remember phone numbers easily enough.


Anyway, now you know a little more about me.
Hope you're not too disappointed.
Adios amigos! Jimbob xxxx

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