Saturday 18 October 2008

Blog of Positiveness

Good Saturday, everyone. I'm sure you're all off gallivanting in the sun at this time, but I'm stuck in my room with my laptop, supposedly doing Spanish homework.

Not that I care. I've had enough exercise today!

Anyway, to write another blog... and after last night, I must say how bamboozling it is to have so many people tell you how bad life is when you don't feel any of it. Okay, I can accept that bad things happen to those who least deserve it, but don't listen to anyone else who disagrees that there IS light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel.

As Mr. Ayres has said a couple of times in our chemistry lessons, "I'm a positive ion, and I spread my positive charge to everything within a close proximity", or something like that. And, to be honest, that was the happiest quote I had heard all day, bar one (congratulations to You-know-who-you-are, for having something you wanted to happen, finally happen. You deserve it, dearie :>).

...And then there were many other negative conversations I had. Now, before I continue, I'd just like to say that I'm not against negativity as a whole - everyone gets pissed off from time to time, even me - but one thing I've never understood in my eternal quest to figure out the human mindset is, why do we dwell in what's bad in our lives? Come on, we're young. We have so much life left to live, and the hell am I going into my twenties moping about little things.

This is when some of you quite rightly interrupt me and say, "but this is important to me, these aren't little things, everything's going wrong!", at which point I concur, it is sad when all of these catastrophes occur at once, particularly to those who least deserve it (oh wait, I've used that quote before, oh well! :>), but all I can suggest is that we move on!

Easier said than done? Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. But just remember, I've gone through a period of complete and utter misfortune in my life too (please don't go into any more explicit detail oh please oh PLEASE) and I truly believe that I've come out of it as a better person.

And now, I shall put on my philosopher's hat and tell you my views on life. Quit your sarcastic moans :P

- We all die eventually, there's no denying it. Why look ahead so far, when you've probably got a good seventy years on your clock yet, eh?

- Friends, the people we can rely on, and trust with all our lives. Just be careful you know who they are. Don't let anyone else ruin your life for you, when you've got a perfectly good self to determine your own fate, eh?

- Lovers... well, we all have different views of what love is. Whether you can communicate with someone a lot better than anyone else, you share the same interests, or alternatively different ones, or maybe you just want a piece of action. Either way, just remember that love ends when the time is right for it to do so. Whether through betrayal, or a simple decay of passion, it NEVER means that no-one will love you ever again. And just think, when you look back on any past relationship, that you had fun... if you didn't, then fair enough... but even if you only did at one point, that's still something, eh?

- There's no harm in laughing once in a while. The economy will struggle to make itself better, global warming may or may not strike us (thank goodness I can front crawl), people will die, but there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Well, except the environment if you're a litterer, perhaps. Doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun, eh?

My personal moral: Live your own life, and use it to make a positive difference to something. :>

If some obstacles get in your way, and they're inevitable, then that's what makes life worth living! No-one knows what the world would be like if every single living thing in the world was happy - I'd put money on "loopy", myself - but it will never be the case. At least not in our lifetime. So, enjoy them, and learn from them.

Okay, I've done preaching. Don't hit me! *cowers*
Hope everything works out.
The cheesy Samaritan with a lot to say, Jimbob. xxxxx


Monarch_Of_Scotland said...

ur taking a leaf out of my blogging books - life lol thought we seem to have different views on it atm lol though i do seem to be complain about my life, im absolutely loving the situation im in lol

Meg said...

Jimmy that was sooo deep!
And true.
*nods wisely*
Hmm..yes..reflections on that lol
'Thumbs up to the guy!' lol
Oh atleast you can 'front crawl!' lmao :P
ly xoxox