Monday 2 June 2008

CILLIT BLOG grime and lime :>

BLOG and the trouble's gone!

...ok, my apologies, had to get that out of my system. There are some hysterical videos on my C.L. playlist, one of which involves it. The penultimate video. Followed by the last one (Star Trek takes on... Ocean Finance *THUNDER*)

Anyway, silliness out of the way *slaps self*. Ahem.

HEY PEOPLE! both of you XD

So, what shall I blog about today... well, there's the gauntlet I'm currently halfway through for exams. DT's out of the way, thank God, and it wasn't all that bad, actually.

Tomorrow's officially Hand Cramp Day, what with the comprehension paper, followed by history! and I have to be confident about history, really, after 39 sides and a good week or so of revision notes.

That's right. Thirty-nine. For Paper 1. Paper 2 is on the 11th, and it's noses back to the grindstone, unless I can bring that grindstone to my nose...

Anyway, as much as you all want to hear about my school life, exciting as it may be.

Rosie came round today :> to which i say, MAJOR AWESOMENESS :> considering we spent half the time revising (or should I say, "revising". ((Take that the wrong way and you're not my friend anymore :P)) ) and the other half watching Jeremy Kyle and Ray Mears and.... cake-based antics on some show of some description (they showed a naked fat man! blurred out, thank goodness).

And what else have I been up to? Internetage. The usual sites; youtube,, The latter two are great comics, one primarily about gamers (ctrlaltdel) and the other about... random absurdities. Sometimes grotesquities.

WOW I JUST MADE A WORD! Grotesquities. Love it.

Anyway, yeh I've been happier what with seeing the latest antics of Ethan and Lilah (NOTE: you really have to have read the comics in the past to get what I'm on about now. If not, go to next paragraph :P). SUCH A SHAME! i personally thought the child would have made a good addition... but after reading his blog (thus making this a blog of a blog) I guess I understand it. Tim, if ever you read this, I respect your decision :}

Welcome to the next paragraph. So yeah, really.

Reach for the stars, and all that. Y'know, clocks and everything, oh what a wonderful world this is. (That sentence goes out to someone who knows this sentence is dedicated to them).

Best of luck in exams, people!
Best fishes, Jimbob xxx

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