Friday 13 June 2008

Blog of Pre-Prom Panic!!!!!....ness :p

Sup! How's everyone doing?!

So anyway, I'm talking to a few girls in my year, yeah you know what it's like... and it seems that there's one prominent topic coming up frequently (pun not intended).

The Prom.

And it's got me panicking - knowing me, I'll probably forget my ticket, and by the time I get there (a couple of hours late), chances are that everyone'll be drunk and they'll think of me as some pink elephant threatening to steal their anchovy supply, or something. I don't know what happens at these things.

But anyway, minor worry there. Well, not the ticket thing, that's high on the list. My main one is what I'm gonna do with Holli beforehand - the other day she asked me "shall we have corsages?" Now, the English Set 1 person that I am, I have no idea what a corsage is. The Microsoft Works "Dictionary Lookup" says:

flowers on dress: a small bouquet worn on the bodice of a dress or the lapel of a jacket.

...well, that's all well and good, but is this something I have to buy? *panicks*

Also, I'm just worried that I'll forget something vital, and that come the end of the evening, Holli'll end up thinking I'm a retard. At least, more of one. That's my problem - I have the common sense of a lemming.

Plus, I'm going in my expensive businessman suit. Sure, it's suave... stick a bowtie onto it and it'll be oh, so suave... but is it usable? It's worrying when everyone around you's like "OH GOD i have to get a suit/dress" and I'm like "...well, I've got one...", as it feels cheap that you're not getting something brand new.

This'll be the second time, I think. Maybe third. Though it has seen the likes of the Dorchester, you know ;)


Jeez, it's worrying when, after sixteen years of not giving a damn, you realise you've started giving a damn about what you're wearing, eh?

Anyway, Pre-Prom Panic temporarily over.

What else is there to talk about... well, not doing anything particularly interesting in my life. I could talk about my exams, but that'd bore me if I was reading it, never mind you, my faithful reader friend :) . If you do actually genuinely care, you genuinely worry me :>

Currently, I'm sitting on my bed, listening to Weird Al Yankovic's version of Aerosmith's "Livin' On The Edge". It's called "Livin' In The Fridge", and it's pretty awesome.

Anyway, I'm running out of things to say, so I'll leave it there. Hope you all haves funs.
Love you all! Except my potential male audience. Handshakes to you all.
Jimbob xxxx

1 comment:

rosie2310 said...

corsage.. like a flower thing you have pinned on your suit.. and then Holli's meant to have a matching one.. like on her wrist or something XD
They do them at florists =P
Dont worry about prom.. atleast you'll be able to walk!
have fun!