Tuesday 24 June 2008

Blog of Necklacelessness (try saying that five times fast)

Evening all!!!

Ho-hum... today was actually quite fun; within getting chucked out of the house by my mother due to her friend being there, I met up with the Stanmeister! Aaaand after walking around Wisbech market (all 3 square centimetres of it) we went back to my place and watched funny videos on YouTube. WOO!

Of course, today I had actually planned to search for my necklace of which my father got me... there's a story behind this, and a long one at that. But, I figured that if it's there in my head (and can be transferred onto a computer keyboard easily enough) then... well, I dunno. Maybe it'll give me luck.

Praying to my Greek grandparents' necklace they bought me especially with "GJ" engraved on it is also good, but it's not my father's. That's what bothers me.

Anyway, the story...

I received the necklace from my mother on March 22nd, 2005; I know this, as it was a couple of weeks before... the incident. I only took it off for games lessons and showers, so it was on me for most of the time (:P). Then, in late 2007, I gave it to my mother to have "renovations" on it... to have my full initials, and also my father's, engraved on the back of it.

When I got it for my 16th birthday, it was also a lot shinier. :>

Anyway, I lost it early February (:O). It was the A-level "speak to the teachers and get more misled" night, and I wore my necklace. Unfortunately, the chain was getting dodgy (much to my misknowledge) and, lo and behold, I return to my house finding that it was gone.

Three trips to Lost Property later, nothing's come up yet.

Then, of course, emphasis was on for GCSE revision to be done in abundance. It was only of late when my mother gave me a very annoying, naggy speech about how I don't realise the true value of such an object (I believe that's in one of my earlier blogs...) that I soon started looking for it. I guess I was kinda slacking... tidying my room isn't my idea of fun, granted, but I should have realised that it had to be done.

Still nothing.

"Wow, I'm bored... WHY did you tell me all this, you stupid handsaw?" is the question you're probably asking, or something similar. Well, it was on my mind, and I thought that it may have made a good blog. As the commentator on Banzai says, "I dunno, I no expert!".

I'm trying my luck again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find it somewhere in my room.

I really do hope.

So, that's my blog for today. What did you think? More heartfelt stories? More randomocities? I like both (the latter more!).

Looking forward to Hunstanton on Friday!!! It will be AWESOME. Me, Rosie and Hannah shall go on the pirate Crazy Golf course and lose some balls...

...GOLF balls...

...and it shall be great!

Have a good night or three.
Jimbob xxxxx

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