Monday 30 June 2008

Blog of a good weekness.

Hey everybody!! Happy Half-2008!

Well, since Friday, this week's been pretty dang good. Let's start with Friday, what with chronology and all that.

Let's see, returned books, blah blah... and Hunstanton! Now THAT was actually quite fun :> taking a bus from Wisbitch to King's Lynn and from there to Hunstantinople... with Rosie giving us all guided tours of her former village. Good times. :> And at Hunstanton, THERE WAS CRAZY GOLF!! Apart from the soundtrack that repeated over and over again (something about being a pirate) it was actually quite fun :>

Top marks to Eddy for getting the thing to deflect upwards and stay there for about 10 seconds before coming down again... and I did the amazing ricochet of about five walls before coming back to where it started in one shot...

After a day on the beach and some public mastication (with Rosie. She actually asked me to assist her :P), I can safely say that Friday was gooood.

Saturday now, and a boring start, I must say. Bought a sleeping bag (only to find that the zip was pretty busted when I needed it most), and packed some stuff. Then I got dressed at about six in the evening, and was ready to see "Samuel Neeps and the Case of the Missing Cheese" at the Angles Theatre at seven.

Okay, perhaps I should explain.

Y'know I was going to the Prom with Holli? And that I couldn't arrive too early (good thing, too)? Well, that's where I was. But Holli acted it like a pro. As did Ellie Mole, actually, well done to the duo! Whatsmore, it's quite fun when the people you've just seen performing come out and you congratulate them. Especially the ladies. :D joke.

Well, alright, I was thinking it. Sorry.

Then it was before ten when we hit Holli's, so she could get changed. Sure, she wasn't really my "Prom Date", but she did look rather awesome in that dress of hers.

Then came the actual Prom. It was actually quite nice at first, seeing all my usual friends, plus a new (bar one occasion) face for me - THE one, THE only.. ROB! I have to say it, he's a good, fun bloke, and made an amazing addition to the three moustachios, or whatever it was. (Him, Me and Eddy. Turns out that my fake moustache came off after about 5 minutes, whereas Eddy wore two PLUS a monacle, the lucky buggar!)

On the other hand, it kinda ruined it seeing as everyone got so smartly dressed just so that they could ruin it all by vomiting everywhere. Oh, the number of people who left before midnight for that very reason (about one or two, I think :>). My last memories of some of the people were drunken ones. Go figure.

You know my views on people my age getting drunk; I'm rather against it... but that's the sentiments of a Prom to 16-year-olds for ya...

And then came the afterparty :) good fun, that, keeping people awake with my bad renditions of Baby Fratelli on guitar, or singing along with Green Day (*mimes shooting self*) and Oasis. The trampoline thing was also cool, when lots of people gathered in their sleeping bags and lay, looking at the stars, and talked.

Naturally, in the cold weather, my brand new sleeping bag's zip had broken. Leaving me freezing... Plus, trampolines have next-to-no friction, making it all the more harder for us all to leave. But that was fine with us! :>

Oh, so fine.

Sunday morning, waking up at about 7am to a cup of Pimm's with lots of fruit in it :> - yes, I'm against GETTING DRUNK, not the odd bit of alcohol :P

Then the morning was spent playing badminton (badly, in my case) and playing Ben 10 Top Trumps; for those of you awesome enough to watch Ben 10 (I sure am not!) then I have a question: how much of a paedo is Grandpa Max?! I'll give my answer - who cares? We made him into one, fair and square!

You think my blog's over? HELL NO.

There's still today, stoopid :)

And what happened today? Work Experience, of course. Hahahahahaha... my gosh, it's experience and a half, I'll tell ya.

Entering the building and meeting everyone to have a guy draw a picture of me and say that I'm his best friend. Awww! I thought, I'll be right at home here... And with the first hour partly helping someone wash up, and partly playing with Lego, it seemed rather easy.

Then I had to go to the Trinity Methodist Church Cafe, which was weird. Lots of people, and none of them really talking, bar one very nice chap named John. If it wasn't for him, I actually wouldn't have known that Spain beat Germany one-nil. Good ol' Johnny XD

On the other hand, there was a weird guy who did next-to-no conversation, but kept staring at me and suggested that I should have a haircut... AS IF. But I guess a BIG smile goes a long way.

Then I had to escort this guy to one of those LearnDirect IT centres, so that he could learn some stuff on computers. A good concept, no? Well, try sitting next to him for two hours.

He's a good bloke, but bless his soul, he was struggling with highlighting text and aligning it in different ways. Of course, I was told not to tell him. The most agonising thing they could ask of you. All I could really do was point in the direction that the mouse should have gone through... and even then, he didn't really understand.

Still, I can see him being a brilliant computer dude some day.

Four more days of similar antics! WOO!

Anyway, I shall end my chronicle for tonight there. Hope you all had a good first-half-of-2008.
Love, Jimbob xxxxx

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