Friday 30 May 2008

Blog of Cheering Upness!

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! ...oh gawd.

Anyway, greetings :> I thought after yesterday's gloominess that I needed to cheer people up (including me). So, here goes!

What did I do today? Well, hours of chemistry revision - yes, chemistry today - sat on my bed, and searched for my pen lid for about fifteen minutes before finding it... in my pencilcase. Then I went to my mother's friend's house and ate cake. Then played Crash Bandicoot for a couple of hours :)

Fun? Well, apart from the revision part, yes. WOO!

Also, we've been playing with the rabbit cage today. You know, the one I made in my RMT project... well, it's been experimenting. Currently it's in the stage when she has to jump from one cage, to another, and then leap again for a top-floor experience (obstacle #1).

Considering her mass, however, I'm questioning the idea. XD

Well, we're about three hours after setting it up, and seemingly no result. We can tell, as we put some treats in there just for her. For fattening up and struggling to get back down (obstacle #2).

As long as she doesn't end up killing herself, it's all worth it. Also, it helps if she enjoys herself. I'd rather she didn't think of her new 'extension' as a slave camp with absolutely nothing but a few treats and a never-ending hazard :)

But, she's chewed through so many wires in this house, especially live ones! She's a daredevil...

What else has happened today... well, anyone watching Britain's Got Talent? I'm behind in terms of the live semi-finals, using Sky+ (if you haven't got it, GET IT) to tape the ITV2 showings at half four in the afternoon. In the process of last night's show (just finished seeing classical person) and top marks for the comedian kid, he was... different. Football guy was pretty good - and considering how much I'm NOT a footie fan, that's pretty good. Did drop it twice, though. Tut tut.

My favourite so far though HAS to be... SIGNATURE *angel sings*. Seriously, a Michael Jackson wannabe and a cool guy in a turban can't get much more awesome. Well, until they start performing. My vote's with them!

And who do I not like? Well, those Cheeky Monkeys (ugh >:-( ) and... don't hurt me... those two martial arts dudes. Sure, their routine was awesome. But, as a man who used to do karate in the past, and as a man of sentiments, I don't really appreciate how martial arts [considering they are not only for defence, but part of a culture for Japan and maybe more countries] can be classed in the same league as ripping off your shirts and wooing the ladies.

I mean, come on. Sure, there's the appeal factor, but they're ruining the whole idea of martial arts. I'm sorry. It's what I think.

Apart from that, though, God they're cool.

So, that's all that I can think of to write about now. Hope you all have a good'un, and see you Monday!

And for the record, this next school week is gonna be hell for me, what with there being 7 exams over the next 4 days. Well, at least after that, the worst'll be out of the way.

Any last words in terms of music? Well, not really. But for all you people who love Top Gear, you'll recognise The Allman Brothers Band and their song, "Jessica". 7 minutes of pure awesome.

And I shall leave it there! Goodbye!!! xxxxxoxoxoxoxox

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