Friday 6 June 2008

Blog of Apocolypticness

Evening :>

Right. You may be wondering why I named this blog after the adjective relating to the end of the world before shoving the trademark "-ness" suffix on it. Well, today I've realised that everything's changing somehow.

I'll start with TV. Oh dear God, June 2008 would be personified as the nerd-killer... taking off all the good stuff such as The Big Bang Theory (my God, that is an awesome show) and, of course, Banzai (I'll miss you, random Japanese-themed spoof show...) to show such turds as Big Brother 9 - yes, NINE , with no sign of stopping showing different stupid, racist, people. What next, Irish Nazi followers falling in love with... i dunno... fat... chicks... - and naturally, the goshdarned football.

He kicked a ball between two posts, and gained £10 million pounds for 90 seconds hard labour. Good TV right there, eh?

I think my point's been made.

Also, a shocking revelation hit me today... i only have to turn up at school for five more days! NOOOOOOOO!!! ok, confession time - i actually enjoy school. Not the work part, mind... it just seems that my social life revolves around it. All the gossip, all the antics, all the help I can give, I can only give to those at school.

And friends of those at school.

And my other friends XD.

Either way, September is going to kick A$$. The subjects I hate are as good as dropped. Modern Music Workshop is baaack. I'll be trying new things by working in the library. Plus, I am seriously looking forward to "She Stoops To Conquer". Am seriously hoping for a comedic part...

Needless to say, the atmosphere, I am hoping, will be slightly dropped due to having FOUR FREE PERIODS! WOO!

Then again, I am naive.

But I have a lot to look forward to right now. There's Spain avec Jez XD, the prom, work EXP, going to London, perhaps going to the Cotswolds... all until August 21st. GCSE results come back... and chances are you'll be getting quite a rant about them.

I've never actually felt sorry for a blog audience before, like I do now :)

Anyway, sod exams. I don't have to go into school again 'til Wednesday, so will spend a lot of time relaxing as much as possible. Between revisionising.

Love you all.
Jimbob xxxxxxxx

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