Wednesday 25 June 2008

Blog of Dairiness.(don't ask!)

I AM HERE!!! and I still don't have my father's necklace. Sure, I'm slightly annoyed, but the reason why I'm here today is to cheer myself up. Nothing I like better than smiling, after all! :)

So, how are you all? The countdown is shortening! 2 days till mass Hunstanton, 3 days till Prom, 5 till work EXP, and not long till Spain, either. WOOHOO!!!!

Oh, and I've just reminded myself, mentioning work experience... I REALLY HAVE TO RING THE PERSON IN CHARGE! I need details, and I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb in either a too-smart suit, or alternatively an Iron Maiden T-shirt... to entertain the masses that have come to need help with my semi-afro and strange resemblence to an Ent from LOTR (ask someone else, I'm no expert :> except I am fully aware of the presence of Figwit. Wikipedia is an amazing thing. How? He's one of the guys from Flight of the Conchords. Very funny band, them.)


Speaking of work (ugh) I'm actually looking for somewhere in the Summer, preferably in W'bech, but I guess if the pay's good enough for at least £5.50 a day (the price of a return ticket... damned inflation) then I guess that could work too.

Then again, I guess I'm kinda picky. For instance, I'll happily settle for till-work, or packing. None of that biking lark, preferably. And I don't appreciate getting my hands too physically dirty. But who does?

Then again, there is army registration... shame I'm a PACIFIST. And, let's face it, the media of today both glorify (mainly through video games, of which I tend to enjoy - not FPS's ((first-person shooters)) as a rule, but there's the odd exception; Timesplitters, for instance. AWESOME GAME.) and criticise it (preferred by music, also liked). The end result is a metaphorical bratty younger-brother-and-sister combo grabbing both your trouser legs and screaming whether they want ice-cream or not. Of course, the brother's fat and gagging for one; this represents media that try to get one to join war. Then of course, you have the anorexic sister who thinks that such a dairy treat can actually be the end of you.

Fortunately, I've made a decision. I'm sticking with the sister. Don't get me wrong, though. I adore real ice-cream.

Heh, funny how an only child can make references to siblings and seem to make sense in his own head. Does it to you, oh loyal reader of mine? Answers on a postcard please.

...well, fun blog today, eh? Little bit of annoyance, seriousnessness, and analogies of completely tangential topics, involving dairy products. But, when you think about it (think of this as the Jerry Springer's "Final Thought" section...), isn't life full of randomocities? And how does one overcome these?

Some might repel themselves from them, in the hopes that they can stick into a crowd and not be persuaded to move away from them.

Others might embrace them and wallow in the fun. Either's good.

Just don't say you don't learn anything from my ramblings. :)

On that note, I'm off. Take care, people. VOTE "NO" ON METAPHORICAL ICE-CREAM!
Jimbob xxxxx

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