Sunday 6 July 2008

Blog of another good weekness

supsupSUP! how ya all doing?

So, where to start on this blog... I'm predicting it's gonna be pretty long, but anything to distract me from my mother shouting at the tennis ("Come on Rafa!") XD But hey, at least it's about something.

And people say I have no inspiration in life. Well, I'm going to prove them wrong. Y'see, this blog has been inspired by my last blog.

Up yours, non-believers! WOO!


Let's start with - seeing as we've done Monday - the Work Experience period. See the link? Me neither. BUT anyway. Victoria Lodge, located on the side-streets of the more residential side of Wisbech, is a great place for people with learning disabilities, as well as physical ones. From autism to near-paralysis to undiagnosed... things, there was a VERY wide variety of people. And I've made a lot of new friends, so I feel :>

The work itself varied from mundane activities, such as wiping tables down, to helping people arrange flowers for the rose fair (shame it was raining), to even going swimming with those who "find the water relaxing". It's kinda sweet, in a way. If I was one of those people, I'd probably feel a lot happier about life despite the fact that I couldn't (presumably) cope in the real world alone. And, at first, I actually felt really sad seeing all these people with such problems, but then I realised the true purpose of the centre. It's great what they do there, and I give the Victoria Lodge the best of my wishes.

I even started some paperwork on becoming a certified volunteer of the disabled. Quite fun! But, it won't happen this summer, unfortunately.

What WILL "happen this summer, unfortunately", though, is paid employment. That's right, for one day, Jimbob's strolling around the Wisbech market giving near-blank CVs to shops like Somerfield, Argos, etc. and so forth. Well, I need the money badly, because EMA doesn't kick in till September :<

Then, on Friday night, I went round Jez's. And my gosh, was that one awesome 2-night-sleepover. The first night was spent getting tipsy on sparkling white wine---

--I can explain. Because I shun abundances of beer, etc, One and a half small glasses of wine ACTUALLY made me slightly dizzy. I was surprised, too. I guess it's just my metabolism, or something.

Anyway, to continue (still on night one)... the other super-awesome thing we did [apart from eat a rather lovely Indian meal] was dig out a forgotten gem of a game. And a console, for that matter. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we challenged each other to a game of Pokemon Stadium 2!!!

The next day, we went to King's Lynn (though not to browse the shops, unfortunately.) and then Jez did one of his discos - with me playing Pokemon Diamond beside him. YES I STILL LIKE POKEMON GAMES BUT SO WHAT :>. And then came a rather different occurrence.

It was a party, of a leaving-friend variety. The moral was sad, but at least the party kept going with our group of... oooh, six?... and everything was super awesome.

Barney, if you're reading this, have fun in Belgium while we squat in your house :>

And that's about the height of it all. Hope you all have a good Summer, Christmas, Hanukkhah (sp?)... yeah.
Jimbob xxx

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