Sunday 26 October 2008

Blog of Widespreadness

Aaaah... it's been a while! I left this for five days! I feel so... depraved... *starts shivering*

Anyway, how've we all been doing lately? :>

As for me, I've had several birthdays celebrated :> some were quite fun, some were a bit sad. But without further ado, a list of birthdays for this past week:
- Stan hit 17 this time last week. Now I owe her two presents, one for then, and one for Xmas '07.... shhhh!
- My dad would've hit 43 on the twentieth. Made a cake specially :> RIP pops!
- Remember the legend that was Sally the dog?! She would've turned fourteen on the 22nd. Bless... :(
- Super Rosie also turned 17 on the... Thursday? Whatever the 23rd was. She got some chocolates, plus the pride of beating me in several school-related events... plus she slapped me in the cinema XD... should I be worried?
- The 23rd also is my favourite comedian's birthday, Weird Al Yankovic. Listened to him specially on the way to school :P Just goes to show how nerdy I am....
- Calum's on the 24th, also ready to run me over if ever I piss him off...
- Barney's on the 24th, who would have run me over regardless...
- ...and also one of my London friends called Laura's birthday, also on the 24th. She's only 16 though. And it's quite hard to run someone over from a hundred-odd miles away.

I think that's the comprehensive list. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Anyway, you've probably been thinking "oh, thank goodness that afro-headed geek hasn't gone on about his personal life, which I would assume is the MOST boring thing on the planet". And, in some respects, you're probably right :> but NOT LATELY!

I fancy starting with yesterday, due to that being the last thing that happened, and also probably the first event I'll mention chronologically. And, if ever you find yourself going to see a movie you wouldn't go and see through your own choice, remember - friends make everything better! Not that that was needed for High School Musical 3: Senior Year, of course...

"The only number you need to think of out there is sixteen. Sixteen minutes, guys... go out there and have fun!"
Yeah, because American high school sports teams are all about teamwork, and are not anything at all like their stereotypes of kicking the other team's butt so hard that it inverts.

That said, a perfectly choreographed basketball team specialised in miming lyrics isn't typical, either.

But are you going to see HSM3 yourself? If so, here's a tip. When you leave, and you pass the queues eagerly anticipating the adventures of Troy, Gabriella, hairy guy, and pink sparkly thing... just remember these typical quotes:

"My goodness... all that blood... I think I'm going to faint!"
"Gabriella's pregnant?! What a bad plot twist..."
"Why did that school have so many bear traps?"
"Getcha getcha head in the g-uillotine! What a clever play on words! The scriptwriters are ever so creative..."
"They were miming? HA! Good one! Next you'll be telling me Santa Claus isn't real!"
"That shower scene was TOPS!"
"They do pose a good point, I think I shall vote Nazi at the next election."

...I think you get the picture.

The only other thing I can think of is going to the Cotswolds to see Shelley and Fenella (and Baggy and Nana and Maybon [previously Mabel, before Nana's pregnancy] and the baby rabbits!)

Even going to a Hallowe'en party, should be fun. They told me to bring a costume... I think I'd be more scary as a Jimbob than anything else though. Just shows that one works too hard otherwise, right?!

Of course, the well-needed excursion means I've got two days to do all my homework and learn the play near-word perfect. Oh well!

Have fun everyone! Had to cut it short due to people actually wanting to read it!
I'm bamboozled too!
But you're awesome if you want to read this. At least you are in my books.

And remember, these are the days we'll remember for the rest of our lives, till a rogue combine harvester comes along and hits you, paralysing you and giving you permanent amnesia.

Tschow! Jimbob :> xxxxxxx

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Blog of Perspectiveness

Hello, my fellow fellows.

The last few days have given me stuff to think about... therefore, in today's entry, I intend to live up to my tangential reputation, and ask some of the more rhetorical questions... if you happen to know any of the answers, please feel free to say them. Alternatively, you could not.

- Why are the things used in badminton called shuttlecocks? It's almost as if the creator of the game had a sense of humour and wanted to give the simple-minded masses a chance to make innuendos, such as "Badminton is a game of whacking a 'cock back and forth whilecst getting a good feeling out of it", or "I swear I served the 'cock within the designated area... but if you want to dispute it, I think we need counselling." Alternative causes for this theory are "Uranus" (rather humorously named "Urrectum" in one episode), and whoever made rugby balls oval-shaped, thus allowing the "rugby is played by people with odd-shaped balls" pun, with my little addition, "it's like man-porn anyway. That's why I can't stand the sport".

- Why doesn't anyone buy Cillit Bang anymore? Sure, it wasn't a good cleaner... but by not buying it, you are disappointing the lord and saviour of cleanliness. YOU ARE DISAPPOINTING BARRY SCO-- sorry, BARRY SCOTT!

- Why does Japan have the seemingly happiest culture, America have the most spoilt and patriotic, Greece have the most seemingly honourable, Mongolia have the most un-talked about.... and Great Britain have the major chav and emo crowds?!

- Who actually thinks many people will buy the fruit and veg at the harvest festival?!

- How can music make lyrics such as "There's a world outside your window, and it's a world of dread and fear, where the only water flowing is the bitter sting of tears" as popular a song as "I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want (so tell me what you want, what you really really want) I wanna HUH I wanna HUH I wanna HUH I wanna HUH I wanna really really really wanna zigga zig AHHHHH"?!

- Why is it that simple things amuse us more than the complicated things in life? I mean, we're more obsessed with pretty colours than the workings of a deep space moonbeam generator (?!)

- Why is sex so disrespected in life, when war is comparatively glorified in comparison?! I thought sex was meant to be the most natural thing, and war was all blood, guts, and the taking of life... How many cases have you heard of Death by Sex anyway?! If anything, it causes life!! By this logic, pornography could be classed as acceptable!!! Ladies, gentlemen, ponder.

- Why do we have an obsession of trying to find out the answers of life itself, when we don't ask all available questions?! What if the world was created by a freak accident in the creation of the first sheep, for instance?

- Why do so many supposed Christians doubt that every single detail of the Bible is right? Let's take one example - Noah's Ark. What if there was such an animal as a Grozznigorg of which only one was created, therefore it could reproduce and therefore we laugh at the thought that once upon a time, they existed? And what's so wrong with a guy feeding five thousand with bread? Maybe the author of that particular fable didn't pay too much attention and mistook "people" for "ants". Maybe this was the ant version of Jesus feeding five thousand of his kind.

- Am I going to Hell when I die, just because I frequently say "oh God" when in distress? Or is that considered a compliment, how I'm thinking of the higher powers when in need. Or, indeed, am I even going anywhere in spirit when I die?

- Am I going to Hell after questioning what I just questioned?

People of the blog, I urge you ponder over some of these. Maybe the wiser of you can come up with some potential solutions.

Till next time, Jimbob :> xxx

Saturday 18 October 2008

Blog of Positiveness

Good Saturday, everyone. I'm sure you're all off gallivanting in the sun at this time, but I'm stuck in my room with my laptop, supposedly doing Spanish homework.

Not that I care. I've had enough exercise today!

Anyway, to write another blog... and after last night, I must say how bamboozling it is to have so many people tell you how bad life is when you don't feel any of it. Okay, I can accept that bad things happen to those who least deserve it, but don't listen to anyone else who disagrees that there IS light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel.

As Mr. Ayres has said a couple of times in our chemistry lessons, "I'm a positive ion, and I spread my positive charge to everything within a close proximity", or something like that. And, to be honest, that was the happiest quote I had heard all day, bar one (congratulations to You-know-who-you-are, for having something you wanted to happen, finally happen. You deserve it, dearie :>).

...And then there were many other negative conversations I had. Now, before I continue, I'd just like to say that I'm not against negativity as a whole - everyone gets pissed off from time to time, even me - but one thing I've never understood in my eternal quest to figure out the human mindset is, why do we dwell in what's bad in our lives? Come on, we're young. We have so much life left to live, and the hell am I going into my twenties moping about little things.

This is when some of you quite rightly interrupt me and say, "but this is important to me, these aren't little things, everything's going wrong!", at which point I concur, it is sad when all of these catastrophes occur at once, particularly to those who least deserve it (oh wait, I've used that quote before, oh well! :>), but all I can suggest is that we move on!

Easier said than done? Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. But just remember, I've gone through a period of complete and utter misfortune in my life too (please don't go into any more explicit detail oh please oh PLEASE) and I truly believe that I've come out of it as a better person.

And now, I shall put on my philosopher's hat and tell you my views on life. Quit your sarcastic moans :P

- We all die eventually, there's no denying it. Why look ahead so far, when you've probably got a good seventy years on your clock yet, eh?

- Friends, the people we can rely on, and trust with all our lives. Just be careful you know who they are. Don't let anyone else ruin your life for you, when you've got a perfectly good self to determine your own fate, eh?

- Lovers... well, we all have different views of what love is. Whether you can communicate with someone a lot better than anyone else, you share the same interests, or alternatively different ones, or maybe you just want a piece of action. Either way, just remember that love ends when the time is right for it to do so. Whether through betrayal, or a simple decay of passion, it NEVER means that no-one will love you ever again. And just think, when you look back on any past relationship, that you had fun... if you didn't, then fair enough... but even if you only did at one point, that's still something, eh?

- There's no harm in laughing once in a while. The economy will struggle to make itself better, global warming may or may not strike us (thank goodness I can front crawl), people will die, but there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Well, except the environment if you're a litterer, perhaps. Doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun, eh?

My personal moral: Live your own life, and use it to make a positive difference to something. :>

If some obstacles get in your way, and they're inevitable, then that's what makes life worth living! No-one knows what the world would be like if every single living thing in the world was happy - I'd put money on "loopy", myself - but it will never be the case. At least not in our lifetime. So, enjoy them, and learn from them.

Okay, I've done preaching. Don't hit me! *cowers*
Hope everything works out.
The cheesy Samaritan with a lot to say, Jimbob. xxxxx

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Blog of Heroesness

Ok, I've just seen today's episode of Heroes.


Where to begin... after what, in my view, was a disappointing end to episode two ("I am your mother, Sylar...") they further the storyline how?! Well, I find this one quite comical. Enter a woman who seems to be a rather important character. I believe her name is Bridget, or something.

Her special power? She can tell people's histories. WHOOP DE FUCKING DOO! And the funny thing? Straight after Sylar [if you're not a Heroes watcher, he's the bad guy... except maybe he isn't in this series... I can't keep track] is introduced to her, she's all of a sudden forgotten about and he helps out HRG [Horn-rimmed glasses. I watch Heroes: Unmasked about six-or-so episodes behind.]

BUT the people writing the script for Heroes couldn't leave it at one brand new crappy superpower...

Peter Petrelli (the GREATEST guy in the.... oh wait, he's just shot his brother...) was in the body of that bald dude called Jesse. BUT that wasn't enough weirdness for one guy....

....I can just imagine it now. The writer's lounge: "Well, we've already confused people into thinking that he's the new severe bad guy that could rival Sylar, which is odd because he's generally the good-natured guy... let's make a bad version of him that is noticeable by a gigantic scratch on his face... and leave the good guy in the body of some bald dude... but that's not complicated enough... we need to give him an all-new, completely original superpower... I KNOW!"

(:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) SUPER SHOUTING! (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:)

I mean, come on guys.

...That said, they've also taken it into their American heads that recycling abilities is now the norm. Take that guy who's guiding Matt Parkman [policeman, can read people's minds. He somehow got transported into the desert. Go figure.] Okay, I'll admit, there could be some good leeway for a story here. The whole Isaac Mendez saga of Series One, for instance, rocked. I also kinda liked how they brought his paintings back in Series Two (y'know, the whole eight paintings of the apocolypse, or whatever? I just liked how most of them went by without us noticing. Thanks, writers, for striking. What you gonna do next to ruin our viewing entertainment? Oh yeah...

(:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) SUPER SHOUTING! (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:)
[NB: can't be bothered with pretty colours again :P] )

Anyway, it's kinda cool how Sylar seems to be becoming the good guy... as he keeps randomly killing people. I'm liking that. The bad guy isn't so good after all.

AND ANOTHER THING! Tracy Strauss [woman who turns things to ice, acted by the same actress as a character who seemed to be schizophrenic in Series One - I still don't get this - and then one of the main baddies in Series Two. I never quite got it.]. Anyway, she's meeting her maker... who apparently made sure she was born in the same hospital on the same day by the same guy. Okay, I'm getting that. I think.

But why take the little kid through all that torture? That's just horrible! I mean, it's rare I feel for anyone on TV, full stop. However, that's just... wow... can't help but not feel sorry for a kid whose mother is the same actress, but not the same character... of course, his real mother's dead.


(:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) (:o) SUPER SHOUTING! (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:) (o:)
[oh for goodness' sake...]

But let's go back to the aforementioned guy who can paint the future. Mendez could do it through the use of drugs. But what's this? A guy in the Sahara Desert... with a pair of headphones?! Ok, first of all, HOW?! HOW?!?! Do they have a nearby sea for ferry transport? Did he hi-jack it himself?! Second of all... if headphones made me focus on nothing but painting the future... that would be cool! But no. This is a special pair of headphones. Or maybe it's the music he's listening to. Haven't seen his iPod, probably a mini like mine XD

No objections with Hiro and Ando, they rock. And glad to see the Haitian back again. It's like three of the family :> with some woman who called Hiro "Pikachu". Racist as that is, God bless the Pokemon reference *salutes*.

Okay, I think I'm pretty talked out.
Discuss and complain :>
Jimbob xxxx

Friday 10 October 2008

Blog of "When will the Jimbobaliciousness end?!"

Part 5 of 5. Yippee! I can happily neglect this blog for another few days after writing it! Plus my five-a-month target it already surpassed... but don't worry, I won't stay silent till November ;)

Feeling good?
No. I'm bloody annoyed. Just put Tea Tree Oil on my infected lip. It stings like hell [it's actually been open for about two minutes now due to the pain] and it looks even worse.

So, you doing anything this weekend?
For the first time since August, yes. I'm going to Laserforce for Eddy's brother's birthday! WOO! Laserforce rules XD! And of course, rehearsals on Sunday.
Doing nothing with "she that you love", then?
You...! *shakes fist angrily* Unfortunately not. I believe she's got plans.
By the way, who is this lovely lady? You haven't told us! You're so secretive! You're a bastard!
Well, since you happen to ask, it's.... (drum roll please)... Rose Ashby. She's rather a lovely person!

(response #1): Gittindere, my son!
Go away, you dirty minded person.
(response #2): But Jimbob, I've never seen her before! What does she look like?
Gorgeous. If you see me talking to someone you don't know (and isn't just in it for the high-five, like those that crave it in the lower school... grrr...) then it's more than likely her.
(response #3): Oh, I'm so happy for you!
I appreciate that. Thanks! :)
(response #4): But Jimbob! I fancied you!
I'll just take my anti-hallucinative medication...

Thought of any other things that annoy you?
Ahaha. Hell yeah!
- common sense. Everyone knows the way through life is logic. Logic is acquired through knowledge, and knowledge is not required through thinking anymore. It's more from Wikipedia. Therefore, common sense is a waste of time, QED.
- politicians. Stop yammering on about how bad this global crisis is and get on with solving it! Criticise that bloke aptly called Darling all you want, at least he's trying to solve this damn thing!
- Fall Out Boy. They used to be cool, before they started answering the pleas of the emo crowds. Now all I see when I turn on Kerrang! or Scuzz (because I'm a hard rock dude, obviously) it's that bassist that, according to an article on, "looks like he has Down's Syndrome" [which is quite offensive, to those with Down's Syndrome] is more than likely snogging some chick around some dancing monkeys in clothes - THAT'S animal cruelty, if anything - or a crappy remake of a legendary Michael Jackson song. Why do so many bands these days ruin the greats? In fact, it's rare that there are any decent covers. Quite enjoyed Disturbed's version of "Land of Confusion" (which is strange, as I absolutely despise Disturbed), for instance... and Metallica's "Whiskey In The Jar". But where was I? Oh yeah. I hate Fall Out Boy. No-one wants to hear about your penises 'accidentally' put in pictures on the interweb. PUT IT AWAY.
- myself. At least I don't hate myself... but I'm just so damn annoying... being tall's great, but it's not great on the back. Plus, I have a way with words: this way, named after CRAP, is CRAP. Plus sometimes, I just feel like I'm too sensible. It genuinely pisses me off XD.
- Pimp My Ride UK. I saw this on two occasions, and on neither time did it change. The US version is alright; Xzibit is a decent host who I'm more than willing to watch "pimp out" something that's on my shopping list come my seventeenth. So why do I hate the UK version? Because it just goes to show that even Britain can rip off a superpower with our famed chav population painting their car to look like a Nike logo or something (ok, I'm exaggerating here, but the point still stands). Pimp My Ride? More like "Modify My Vehicle", or on behalf of the generally interested British population, "make my fucking piece of shit look decent, fucking...". Of course, on the before and after, it doesn't show when they crash it into their neighbouring posse's drug den.

That's right. I know my street, homeboy.

Can you say something that no-one else knows about you?
My schizophrenic other half speaks in italics. That good enough? No? Hmmm... let's see... little know that I was born to "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred. No joke. It was New Year's Day in the hospital, and they had a radio on them. Go figure.

Do you have any phobias?
Crocs and alligators. The way they move... and their mouths... ugh...

What is your most prized possession?
Probably my necklace. Sure, it's not my father's actual necklace (you can read about that in a couple of my past entries, late-June I believe...) but my Greek grandparents gave it to me. It even has "GJ" enscribed on the back, to indicate that it belongs to George James.
Is it a St. Christopher's?
What's a St. Christopher's? Stop asking me! I don't know!

Congratulations, you've just completed five consecutive days of self-indulgent crap. Hope you're happy.
Sure am, guv'nuh XD

Love you all! Jimbob xxxxxx

Thursday 9 October 2008

Blog of Jimbobaliciousness, Jimbobaliciousness, Jimbobaliciousness!

Only this one and another, thank goodness.

How ya doing?
Nakered and moping, thanks.
Want a list? I recommend you say no!

How do you read your notes when revising?
WTF?!?! (for the record, this is what we spent a valuable 40 minutes on first period today.) um... it's actually QUITE revolutionary... I have these things that transfer data from sight to thought. They're called eyes. You should try them.

Done anything much today?
A more appropriate question would be, have you NOT done anything much today... in which case, I would hasten to mention that I didn't see her that I love [oh, so corny XD] today, bar a couple of incidences of bumping into her on the way to lessons, plus I had to give up a place on a trip to Cambridge due to the minibus being too full. But since you asked, I watched more of a Spanish show similar to Friends, I participated in the "coffee and cake" with the headmaster and headteachers... and I helped in the library, because I'm cool.

She that you love? Ooh la! that a question?!
Make it into one, you dumb bastard, you.
Too much work for ten in the evening... but yeah, she's cool. You'll like her.

What the heck happened to your lip?
Yeah, haha... yesterday. I shaved it, and it was fine. Then I got a biro, and flicked the lid... only it was sharper than I expected it to be, leaving it bleeding from about 8am, through first period... the aftermath is noticeable, I'm sure.
Bet "she that you love" doesn't mind! ;)
You're quite the impertinent one, asker-person.

What's your favourite animal?
Cats, I s'pose.
How about those of "she that you love"?
Does the internet have any good munitions to throw at you, asker-person?

What are your views of the economy?
There's an economy?

Why do you have EMA and I don't?
'Cause I applied for it. Duh.
And does "she that you love"...
--oh, for goodness' sake...

Sorry for the abrupt end. Thought it matched the apocolypse according to Kieran's theory of the singularity of the hair.

Take care, Garnier-- I mean Jimbob xxxxx

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Blog of Even More Jimbobaliciousness

Part three, hut!

How's it goin'?
Been better. Had one helluva long day. Having Jess over was pretty awesome, but all this work these damn teachers are giving us... grrr...

So, what you got planned for tonight, then?
Something, trust me.
What does it involve?!?!?!
You may just find out.

Oh come on, think of something. You're failing the experiment!
Not the first time today I failed an experiment. Take chemistry, for instance. FIVE TITRATIONS because my results sucked. Just goes to show really. BUT I SHALL CONTINUE! I MUST!

What kind of music do you like, then?
Good stuff, OBVIOUSLY. Bit of rock, and bit of instrumental.
Instrumental, eh? Like what?
Y'know... Final Fantasy XII soundtrack... it's by Hitoshi Sakimoto. Some of it is breathtakingly awesome. Others also, such as different FF games, Super Mario, Crash Bandicoot... all of it, bar Flight of the Valkyries, derives from a game.
Video game music is underrated, y'know. Perfect for a bit of ambience now and again :P

You're weird. You must fancy someone.
Well, I do admit I'm-- HEY! Where on earth did THAT come into it?! Crafty buggar, you...
Well, do you?
No. I'm asexual.
OMG you're asexual?!?!
You truly suck. 'Course I'm not :P And if you must know, I'm currently in the process of telling "she" so. Not that I'm asexual, fool... whatever.

What's your favourite soup?
Chicken Noodle. Followed by tomato.

Will you have my babies?
I'll see what I'm doing Saturday.

Well. Have fun. Dunno whether part four'll be tomorrow or Friday, what with there being a phsyics lecture, returning back to school at 8:50pm. Dunno if I'll even be online tomorrow! GULP! But, if that's the case, I shall do part five on Saturday :>

Hope you're all well!
Jimbob xxx

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Blog of More Jimbobaliciousness

This is actually for my own experimental purposes - can I do one week's worth of blogs (Monday through Friday, anyway) on questions often asked to me? Well, I'll give it a dagnabbed try.

Prepare, ladies and gentlemen, for part two of the Jimbobalicious fun.

Hey, what's the answer to number four in my homework?
No it isn't!
Maybe you should ask Jeeves next time, slacker.

What interests you?
Well, despite the fact that I dropped biology before GCSE, I am quite into the human mind, and how it all works so that we behave the way we do. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am a psychology nerd. Sorry. If you want a more general answer, I play the electric guitar - normally without an amp. Go figure.
What do you like playing?
Video game music, because it gives me happy memories. That and rock. Luckily I can hear something and it takes a couple of minutes to figure out how to play it. The bad thing for me? My fingers. They're really long and spidery, and it doesn't help.

What's your favourite colour?
Hmmm... probably yellow, actually.

What absolutely annoys you?
Want a list?
- Emos. They're just... ugh... they're teenagers, and they're spending what is arguably the best time of their lives moping over nothing. Okay, maybe they have hard home lives and resort to self-harming to ease the pain. The logic's beyond me, but if it helps them, then so be it. What I absolutely cannot STAND are those who just do it to get attention. When I was thirteen, my life took a rather unfortunate twist of events. I lost some family, and I lost some friends in due course. It was terrible. BUT my arms are still intact, and my blood still clots in the lump of cholesterol that is my body. Get over it.
- "Rockstar" by Nickelback. Oh come on, if your mother likes it, and it's all over every single music channel and sofa advert, it's gotta be grinding on some people's nerves, no?
- MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, etc. . I have the first two on the list, but absolutely never use them, except to add people and stuff. But I can never use them again. As if I want everyone to see pictures of me doing mundane activities while on every other page there's a super awesome party with people halfway through some mass orgy--- ok, maybe a bit far. But you're all dressed like it. Even the males, you whore-sluts, you. BUT IT'S NOT JUST THIS! The thing that pisses me off the MOST, and this particularly goes for MySpace, is the thing of which you have a table of what everyone's doing, who's friends with who, who put what music on their page... but I don't give a damn if my best friend happens to have a friend of which I don't know their name because their display name comes from a My Chemical Romance song, and the same best friend adds "Barbie Girl" to their page! It's not as if I'm gonna go on their site just to hear it! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?! AND THE WORST IS THIS: -and I believe this only refers to MySpace... the bulletins. As if I want to go through the same survey partaken by ten different people of whom I don't even speak to, trying to give witty answers. [Hypocritical, no?] And the thing I absolutely CANNOT stand: "Please post this bulletin another twenty-seven times so that this poor starving child of which I don't know can LIVE!" Because MySpace has linked up with this boy's life support machine, I suppose?

I hope that answers your question. More of my annoyances may be added in a later installment of Jimbobaliciousness.

What's your favourite sport?
Tea-making. And I'm damn fine at it too.

Fancy anyone?
Yes, but I'm not saying who. GO AWAY.

I think that'll do :)
All the love in the world. Jimbob xxxxx

Monday 6 October 2008

Blog of Jimbobaliciousness

Good evening, folks!

Today, I feel like getting a few things off my chest. Sod all these blogs about play rehearsals, you're probably as fed up of reading them as I am.... um... doing mundane activities. So, I thought tonight, I'd do a Jimbob FAQ. So many questions I'm always asked (or wish I was), and I end up repeating the same things (regardless of whether I was asked or not).

So, without further ado, let the Jimbobaliciousness begin!!!

Why the cool hair?
'Cos it's teh awsumz, why else?!

Will the singularity of the hair end up killing us all?
Maybe, just maybe.

HOW are you so tall?
Ey'up, I'm only six foot four. There are people taller than me. Plus, chances are I've already started shrinking. I dunno.

I prefer version two of the above question, repeat it? For me?
Haha. I sleep in a growbag, and drink Miracle-Gro every morning. When the growbag's occupied, I use the rack. Y'know, for the morning stretches... if you didn't get that pun, shame on you. If you did, shame on me.

Why are you so clever?
First of all, I cannot stop pointing out, THERE ARE CLEVERER THAN ME! I'm by no means the smartest person in the year, school, etc. If you've heard those rumours, they're wrong. Where do I get what smartness I have? Well, if you sacrifice a social life and a lot of your weekend, you too can become as clever as me. DISCLAIMER: this is not recommended if you're cleverer than me.

How would you describe yourself?
Tall, hairy, no bad intentions, but a bit arrogant. Don't like being taken for granted, and severely dislike violence.

Do you fancy anyone? Eh? Eh? *nudges and winks*
OOOH!!!! Who?!?!?!
Not saying.
Go on... I won't tell her. I promise.
Shut up.

Well... what do you look for in a woman?
Pulse... I kid. Well, hopefully with a pulse. I would more than likely say no to someone without... BUT anyway. Not fussed about the colour of hair, though I do like curls, dunno why. Ego always comes over emo. Why? I dig self-confidence. And smiles :> But personality's important too. Happiness is the main thing I look for. Go figure.

If I give you a fifteen digit number of some sort, will you remember it for tomorrow?
Chances are, yes. I remember phone numbers easily enough.


Anyway, now you know a little more about me.
Hope you're not too disappointed.
Adios amigos! Jimbob xxxx

Friday 3 October 2008

Blog of Temporary Restness


Well, it's a nice relaxing Friday night sitting on the sofa with one eye on MSN (hey rose, chloe, tamsin and meg!) and the other on Shrek 3 - I don't know what everyone's got against the third one, I think it's better than the second by far!

You all lied to me! :>
...But I'll forgive ya :P

So anyway, we're 5 weeks into the term, and with 3 more till half-term... everything rocks! No homework last night, bareable amounts for this weekend... whatsmore, it's another quiet Saturday, so far :>

Sunday, however... play rehearsal! WEY! And if you're going... you're in for a treat. This is the act where I officially make a gigantic tit out of myself.

Whatsmore, I've had to learn how to flirt. I don't know whether the art is natural to me or not (either way, it hasn't worked :>) Today was actually quite exciting. I fake flirt with Hannah Drury - a great character both in and out of the play - PLUS I've had to fill in for Charlie on one of his love scenes with Ellie XD don't worry, no kissing or anything :P but either way, the sentiment's there :> Fakeness. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's not real! GASP!

It's actually quite funny. Particularly Kieran... may the Lord bless him... having to stand in for Qwyn and getting fake spanked (yes, spanked... with a rolled-up script... go figure!). Plus having Anna Dunnet fake "canoodle" with him :>shame it's not his actual role. There'd be more laughs :>

And yeah, so what have I got planned tomorrow? Well, I'll probably be roguely walking about in Wisbech market in the morning. Fun fun! Followed by the JOYS (*melodramatic hand pose*) of spanish, chemistry and physics. Never mind.

At least I'm spending lots of time of my time management! 28 hours of homework a week, now!

Bitches >:@

Anyway, I'm ending it there! Got too many good convos to partake in!
Your greatest pal in the whole world, bar [integer].
Jimbob xxx