Monday 30 June 2008

Blog of a good weekness.

Hey everybody!! Happy Half-2008!

Well, since Friday, this week's been pretty dang good. Let's start with Friday, what with chronology and all that.

Let's see, returned books, blah blah... and Hunstanton! Now THAT was actually quite fun :> taking a bus from Wisbitch to King's Lynn and from there to Hunstantinople... with Rosie giving us all guided tours of her former village. Good times. :> And at Hunstanton, THERE WAS CRAZY GOLF!! Apart from the soundtrack that repeated over and over again (something about being a pirate) it was actually quite fun :>

Top marks to Eddy for getting the thing to deflect upwards and stay there for about 10 seconds before coming down again... and I did the amazing ricochet of about five walls before coming back to where it started in one shot...

After a day on the beach and some public mastication (with Rosie. She actually asked me to assist her :P), I can safely say that Friday was gooood.

Saturday now, and a boring start, I must say. Bought a sleeping bag (only to find that the zip was pretty busted when I needed it most), and packed some stuff. Then I got dressed at about six in the evening, and was ready to see "Samuel Neeps and the Case of the Missing Cheese" at the Angles Theatre at seven.

Okay, perhaps I should explain.

Y'know I was going to the Prom with Holli? And that I couldn't arrive too early (good thing, too)? Well, that's where I was. But Holli acted it like a pro. As did Ellie Mole, actually, well done to the duo! Whatsmore, it's quite fun when the people you've just seen performing come out and you congratulate them. Especially the ladies. :D joke.

Well, alright, I was thinking it. Sorry.

Then it was before ten when we hit Holli's, so she could get changed. Sure, she wasn't really my "Prom Date", but she did look rather awesome in that dress of hers.

Then came the actual Prom. It was actually quite nice at first, seeing all my usual friends, plus a new (bar one occasion) face for me - THE one, THE only.. ROB! I have to say it, he's a good, fun bloke, and made an amazing addition to the three moustachios, or whatever it was. (Him, Me and Eddy. Turns out that my fake moustache came off after about 5 minutes, whereas Eddy wore two PLUS a monacle, the lucky buggar!)

On the other hand, it kinda ruined it seeing as everyone got so smartly dressed just so that they could ruin it all by vomiting everywhere. Oh, the number of people who left before midnight for that very reason (about one or two, I think :>). My last memories of some of the people were drunken ones. Go figure.

You know my views on people my age getting drunk; I'm rather against it... but that's the sentiments of a Prom to 16-year-olds for ya...

And then came the afterparty :) good fun, that, keeping people awake with my bad renditions of Baby Fratelli on guitar, or singing along with Green Day (*mimes shooting self*) and Oasis. The trampoline thing was also cool, when lots of people gathered in their sleeping bags and lay, looking at the stars, and talked.

Naturally, in the cold weather, my brand new sleeping bag's zip had broken. Leaving me freezing... Plus, trampolines have next-to-no friction, making it all the more harder for us all to leave. But that was fine with us! :>

Oh, so fine.

Sunday morning, waking up at about 7am to a cup of Pimm's with lots of fruit in it :> - yes, I'm against GETTING DRUNK, not the odd bit of alcohol :P

Then the morning was spent playing badminton (badly, in my case) and playing Ben 10 Top Trumps; for those of you awesome enough to watch Ben 10 (I sure am not!) then I have a question: how much of a paedo is Grandpa Max?! I'll give my answer - who cares? We made him into one, fair and square!

You think my blog's over? HELL NO.

There's still today, stoopid :)

And what happened today? Work Experience, of course. Hahahahahaha... my gosh, it's experience and a half, I'll tell ya.

Entering the building and meeting everyone to have a guy draw a picture of me and say that I'm his best friend. Awww! I thought, I'll be right at home here... And with the first hour partly helping someone wash up, and partly playing with Lego, it seemed rather easy.

Then I had to go to the Trinity Methodist Church Cafe, which was weird. Lots of people, and none of them really talking, bar one very nice chap named John. If it wasn't for him, I actually wouldn't have known that Spain beat Germany one-nil. Good ol' Johnny XD

On the other hand, there was a weird guy who did next-to-no conversation, but kept staring at me and suggested that I should have a haircut... AS IF. But I guess a BIG smile goes a long way.

Then I had to escort this guy to one of those LearnDirect IT centres, so that he could learn some stuff on computers. A good concept, no? Well, try sitting next to him for two hours.

He's a good bloke, but bless his soul, he was struggling with highlighting text and aligning it in different ways. Of course, I was told not to tell him. The most agonising thing they could ask of you. All I could really do was point in the direction that the mouse should have gone through... and even then, he didn't really understand.

Still, I can see him being a brilliant computer dude some day.

Four more days of similar antics! WOO!

Anyway, I shall end my chronicle for tonight there. Hope you all had a good first-half-of-2008.
Love, Jimbob xxxxx

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Blog of Dairiness.(don't ask!)

I AM HERE!!! and I still don't have my father's necklace. Sure, I'm slightly annoyed, but the reason why I'm here today is to cheer myself up. Nothing I like better than smiling, after all! :)

So, how are you all? The countdown is shortening! 2 days till mass Hunstanton, 3 days till Prom, 5 till work EXP, and not long till Spain, either. WOOHOO!!!!

Oh, and I've just reminded myself, mentioning work experience... I REALLY HAVE TO RING THE PERSON IN CHARGE! I need details, and I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb in either a too-smart suit, or alternatively an Iron Maiden T-shirt... to entertain the masses that have come to need help with my semi-afro and strange resemblence to an Ent from LOTR (ask someone else, I'm no expert :> except I am fully aware of the presence of Figwit. Wikipedia is an amazing thing. How? He's one of the guys from Flight of the Conchords. Very funny band, them.)


Speaking of work (ugh) I'm actually looking for somewhere in the Summer, preferably in W'bech, but I guess if the pay's good enough for at least £5.50 a day (the price of a return ticket... damned inflation) then I guess that could work too.

Then again, I guess I'm kinda picky. For instance, I'll happily settle for till-work, or packing. None of that biking lark, preferably. And I don't appreciate getting my hands too physically dirty. But who does?

Then again, there is army registration... shame I'm a PACIFIST. And, let's face it, the media of today both glorify (mainly through video games, of which I tend to enjoy - not FPS's ((first-person shooters)) as a rule, but there's the odd exception; Timesplitters, for instance. AWESOME GAME.) and criticise it (preferred by music, also liked). The end result is a metaphorical bratty younger-brother-and-sister combo grabbing both your trouser legs and screaming whether they want ice-cream or not. Of course, the brother's fat and gagging for one; this represents media that try to get one to join war. Then of course, you have the anorexic sister who thinks that such a dairy treat can actually be the end of you.

Fortunately, I've made a decision. I'm sticking with the sister. Don't get me wrong, though. I adore real ice-cream.

Heh, funny how an only child can make references to siblings and seem to make sense in his own head. Does it to you, oh loyal reader of mine? Answers on a postcard please.

...well, fun blog today, eh? Little bit of annoyance, seriousnessness, and analogies of completely tangential topics, involving dairy products. But, when you think about it (think of this as the Jerry Springer's "Final Thought" section...), isn't life full of randomocities? And how does one overcome these?

Some might repel themselves from them, in the hopes that they can stick into a crowd and not be persuaded to move away from them.

Others might embrace them and wallow in the fun. Either's good.

Just don't say you don't learn anything from my ramblings. :)

On that note, I'm off. Take care, people. VOTE "NO" ON METAPHORICAL ICE-CREAM!
Jimbob xxxxx

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Blog of Necklacelessness (try saying that five times fast)

Evening all!!!

Ho-hum... today was actually quite fun; within getting chucked out of the house by my mother due to her friend being there, I met up with the Stanmeister! Aaaand after walking around Wisbech market (all 3 square centimetres of it) we went back to my place and watched funny videos on YouTube. WOO!

Of course, today I had actually planned to search for my necklace of which my father got me... there's a story behind this, and a long one at that. But, I figured that if it's there in my head (and can be transferred onto a computer keyboard easily enough) then... well, I dunno. Maybe it'll give me luck.

Praying to my Greek grandparents' necklace they bought me especially with "GJ" engraved on it is also good, but it's not my father's. That's what bothers me.

Anyway, the story...

I received the necklace from my mother on March 22nd, 2005; I know this, as it was a couple of weeks before... the incident. I only took it off for games lessons and showers, so it was on me for most of the time (:P). Then, in late 2007, I gave it to my mother to have "renovations" on it... to have my full initials, and also my father's, engraved on the back of it.

When I got it for my 16th birthday, it was also a lot shinier. :>

Anyway, I lost it early February (:O). It was the A-level "speak to the teachers and get more misled" night, and I wore my necklace. Unfortunately, the chain was getting dodgy (much to my misknowledge) and, lo and behold, I return to my house finding that it was gone.

Three trips to Lost Property later, nothing's come up yet.

Then, of course, emphasis was on for GCSE revision to be done in abundance. It was only of late when my mother gave me a very annoying, naggy speech about how I don't realise the true value of such an object (I believe that's in one of my earlier blogs...) that I soon started looking for it. I guess I was kinda slacking... tidying my room isn't my idea of fun, granted, but I should have realised that it had to be done.

Still nothing.

"Wow, I'm bored... WHY did you tell me all this, you stupid handsaw?" is the question you're probably asking, or something similar. Well, it was on my mind, and I thought that it may have made a good blog. As the commentator on Banzai says, "I dunno, I no expert!".

I'm trying my luck again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find it somewhere in my room.

I really do hope.

So, that's my blog for today. What did you think? More heartfelt stories? More randomocities? I like both (the latter more!).

Looking forward to Hunstanton on Friday!!! It will be AWESOME. Me, Rosie and Hannah shall go on the pirate Crazy Golf course and lose some balls...

...GOLF balls...

...and it shall be great!

Have a good night or three.
Jimbob xxxxx

Friday 20 June 2008


'Sup peeps.

Yes, it's that time I've all (?!) been waiting for. THE GCSE'S ARE OFFICIALLY OVER!!! And have I got one hell of a holiday potentially packed up.

First of all, I'm going to the cinema with quite an old friend of mine tomorrow. And no, I haven't seen Indiana Jones yet, don't go on at me about "It's amazing!" or "It's crap!" (heard a bit of both) but frankly, I don't really mind about the film, it's just nice to hang with a good friend. :>

Plus, I've blogged before about the prom, and work experience, and Spain... any updates? Well, yes. I'm hopefully getting a Summer job. Dunno where, so don't ask :>

But today's not about work. Work is for RETARDS (no offence to the actual slow-growers out there, my heart goes out to you all) but I have had it with goshdarn revision. Revision sucks worse than gravity... the next couple of days I intend to CHILL. :)

Ok, short blog today. Kinda watching America's Got Talent. They put a male version of Shakira through...

Anyway, keep on truckin'.
Love to all, Jimbob xxx

Monday 16 June 2008

Blog of Porkness (hooray for ambiguous title!)

*sings* I eat my candy with my pork and beans, excuse my manners if I make a scene... *ends*

Oh man, Weezer rock. Youtube the video "Pork and Beans", because it is awesome... it involves coke and mentos, weird anime stuffs, and THE ULTIMATE.... IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!

Shame it's not in it for that much, though. Top marks to the band for involving it somehow.

Anyway, how ya all doing?! I'm awesome, thanks for asking. Last night was good fun (well, ok... Sex and the City wasn't that great a film. It was scary, and I'll never look at sushi in the same way again.) I enjoyed the mooching in Lynn with Holli and Eddy most, though. Entering a shop called "Flames" - next to "The Wreck", coincidentally. I laughed. - and ordering some chips and a can of coke. Well, they ordered chips, I wasn't hungry.

As interested as you are.

But anyway, 7pm in King's Lynn is just so... deserted, bar a couple of drunken guys who happened to have a good chat with us. And a good spit. Well, that's Wisbechians for ya. Following that, we sat outside the cinema, met with everyone (quite a few... although a couple left us to walk the deserted streets... tut tut!) and then we saw... well... Sex and the City.

Fortunately, I've already said my opinion of it. At least sitting next to Holli and Chloe, with Eddy nearby to steal my popcorn (:P) made it more... bearable :). But - a word to the males who are gonna be dragged to see this film - apart from a couple of bare tits, which, let's face it, are ruined by the faces of their owners (*shudders*), it's a very feminine film.

That said, a few of the females didn't seem to enjoy it either.

As for next week, it's the light at the end of the tunnel. Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning are my only obstacles left, and IT'S ALL OVER!!! Nothing AT ALL (except Rosie [YAY!] and a bit of gardening [ugh...]) till the following Friday. Book returns would never be so fun...

Then the 28th gives me THE PROM! and the following Monday starts the helping adults with learning disabilities avec Eddy - who's threatening to contribute to the job that needs to be done in all the wrong ways :P - and Spain comes sometime after that!

I guess I'm actually gonna have a Summer this year. Woah!

Of course, after Spain, and not including potential trips to London and the Cotswolds, I'll be bored out of my skull. One thing's for sure though.


*sigh*.... these are the days...

And I'm off. I've tended to recommend songs in a few of my blogs, and "Pork and Beans" by Weezer is definitely a worthwhile video to see.

Stay classy, San Diego.
Lots of love to many, Jimbob xxxxx

Friday 13 June 2008

Blog of Pre-Prom Panic!!!!!....ness :p

Sup! How's everyone doing?!

So anyway, I'm talking to a few girls in my year, yeah you know what it's like... and it seems that there's one prominent topic coming up frequently (pun not intended).

The Prom.

And it's got me panicking - knowing me, I'll probably forget my ticket, and by the time I get there (a couple of hours late), chances are that everyone'll be drunk and they'll think of me as some pink elephant threatening to steal their anchovy supply, or something. I don't know what happens at these things.

But anyway, minor worry there. Well, not the ticket thing, that's high on the list. My main one is what I'm gonna do with Holli beforehand - the other day she asked me "shall we have corsages?" Now, the English Set 1 person that I am, I have no idea what a corsage is. The Microsoft Works "Dictionary Lookup" says:

flowers on dress: a small bouquet worn on the bodice of a dress or the lapel of a jacket.

...well, that's all well and good, but is this something I have to buy? *panicks*

Also, I'm just worried that I'll forget something vital, and that come the end of the evening, Holli'll end up thinking I'm a retard. At least, more of one. That's my problem - I have the common sense of a lemming.

Plus, I'm going in my expensive businessman suit. Sure, it's suave... stick a bowtie onto it and it'll be oh, so suave... but is it usable? It's worrying when everyone around you's like "OH GOD i have to get a suit/dress" and I'm like "...well, I've got one...", as it feels cheap that you're not getting something brand new.

This'll be the second time, I think. Maybe third. Though it has seen the likes of the Dorchester, you know ;)


Jeez, it's worrying when, after sixteen years of not giving a damn, you realise you've started giving a damn about what you're wearing, eh?

Anyway, Pre-Prom Panic temporarily over.

What else is there to talk about... well, not doing anything particularly interesting in my life. I could talk about my exams, but that'd bore me if I was reading it, never mind you, my faithful reader friend :) . If you do actually genuinely care, you genuinely worry me :>

Currently, I'm sitting on my bed, listening to Weird Al Yankovic's version of Aerosmith's "Livin' On The Edge". It's called "Livin' In The Fridge", and it's pretty awesome.

Anyway, I'm running out of things to say, so I'll leave it there. Hope you all haves funs.
Love you all! Except my potential male audience. Handshakes to you all.
Jimbob xxxx

Friday 6 June 2008

Blog of Apocolypticness

Evening :>

Right. You may be wondering why I named this blog after the adjective relating to the end of the world before shoving the trademark "-ness" suffix on it. Well, today I've realised that everything's changing somehow.

I'll start with TV. Oh dear God, June 2008 would be personified as the nerd-killer... taking off all the good stuff such as The Big Bang Theory (my God, that is an awesome show) and, of course, Banzai (I'll miss you, random Japanese-themed spoof show...) to show such turds as Big Brother 9 - yes, NINE , with no sign of stopping showing different stupid, racist, people. What next, Irish Nazi followers falling in love with... i dunno... fat... chicks... - and naturally, the goshdarned football.

He kicked a ball between two posts, and gained £10 million pounds for 90 seconds hard labour. Good TV right there, eh?

I think my point's been made.

Also, a shocking revelation hit me today... i only have to turn up at school for five more days! NOOOOOOOO!!! ok, confession time - i actually enjoy school. Not the work part, mind... it just seems that my social life revolves around it. All the gossip, all the antics, all the help I can give, I can only give to those at school.

And friends of those at school.

And my other friends XD.

Either way, September is going to kick A$$. The subjects I hate are as good as dropped. Modern Music Workshop is baaack. I'll be trying new things by working in the library. Plus, I am seriously looking forward to "She Stoops To Conquer". Am seriously hoping for a comedic part...

Needless to say, the atmosphere, I am hoping, will be slightly dropped due to having FOUR FREE PERIODS! WOO!

Then again, I am naive.

But I have a lot to look forward to right now. There's Spain avec Jez XD, the prom, work EXP, going to London, perhaps going to the Cotswolds... all until August 21st. GCSE results come back... and chances are you'll be getting quite a rant about them.

I've never actually felt sorry for a blog audience before, like I do now :)

Anyway, sod exams. I don't have to go into school again 'til Wednesday, so will spend a lot of time relaxing as much as possible. Between revisionising.

Love you all.
Jimbob xxxxxxxx

Monday 2 June 2008

CILLIT BLOG grime and lime :>

BLOG and the trouble's gone!

...ok, my apologies, had to get that out of my system. There are some hysterical videos on my C.L. playlist, one of which involves it. The penultimate video. Followed by the last one (Star Trek takes on... Ocean Finance *THUNDER*)

Anyway, silliness out of the way *slaps self*. Ahem.

HEY PEOPLE! both of you XD

So, what shall I blog about today... well, there's the gauntlet I'm currently halfway through for exams. DT's out of the way, thank God, and it wasn't all that bad, actually.

Tomorrow's officially Hand Cramp Day, what with the comprehension paper, followed by history! and I have to be confident about history, really, after 39 sides and a good week or so of revision notes.

That's right. Thirty-nine. For Paper 1. Paper 2 is on the 11th, and it's noses back to the grindstone, unless I can bring that grindstone to my nose...

Anyway, as much as you all want to hear about my school life, exciting as it may be.

Rosie came round today :> to which i say, MAJOR AWESOMENESS :> considering we spent half the time revising (or should I say, "revising". ((Take that the wrong way and you're not my friend anymore :P)) ) and the other half watching Jeremy Kyle and Ray Mears and.... cake-based antics on some show of some description (they showed a naked fat man! blurred out, thank goodness).

And what else have I been up to? Internetage. The usual sites; youtube,, The latter two are great comics, one primarily about gamers (ctrlaltdel) and the other about... random absurdities. Sometimes grotesquities.

WOW I JUST MADE A WORD! Grotesquities. Love it.

Anyway, yeh I've been happier what with seeing the latest antics of Ethan and Lilah (NOTE: you really have to have read the comics in the past to get what I'm on about now. If not, go to next paragraph :P). SUCH A SHAME! i personally thought the child would have made a good addition... but after reading his blog (thus making this a blog of a blog) I guess I understand it. Tim, if ever you read this, I respect your decision :}

Welcome to the next paragraph. So yeah, really.

Reach for the stars, and all that. Y'know, clocks and everything, oh what a wonderful world this is. (That sentence goes out to someone who knows this sentence is dedicated to them).

Best of luck in exams, people!
Best fishes, Jimbob xxx