Tuesday 30 December 2008

Blog of the '08-'09 Switcherooness

Hey people! :>

Well, here we are. It's December 30th, at nine-something in the evening. Little over 36 hours till I'm officially 17!!! (the word "officially" referring to the noon-ish birth).

Chances are that I'll be online this time tomorrow... got no parties to go to, though there'll definitely be the traditional midnight Jools Holland-fest as per usual :> then when midnight sounds (and 2008 is gone) it's the massive "Hey! Happy new year lol [xxx]" texts (the square brackets refer to the part that is optional, ie. used in texts to the females... because men sending kisses to men? Don't wanna give the wrong impression now... ((to the female audience reading this: it's a man thing :P)) ).

And so, in traditional Jimbob style, I'm gonna try and pack in one hell of a blog about 2008, before ranting about whatever springs to mind next.

My, my, my. WHAT a year.

I'll start where any man, with knowledge of the general order of a simple calendar, would logically begin: January. And believe me, that was one BAD month. It started with my birthday - quite a fun party, definitely. But from there? Downhill. RIP Steph (deceased 8 January, aged about 30) and Manda (17 January, 40ish), some good friends of the family. THEN came the death of the family's beloved dog Sally on the 29th (not forgetting mocks ongoing through the month, and a generally bad time socially as well...)

Rest in peace, all three of you.

Luckily, things began to look up... Nothing significant really happened as of then... just the way life should be sometimes. I think the next significant moment was in Spain; once in March with the school, once in July with the Kerrs, both fantastic! :>

May and June... pretty crap really. That said, the end of June was a godsend, what with school and exams being over, and just having some time of recollection, to turn back into Jimbob the human... oh, and work experience at the Victoria Lodge... I'll admit, helping out those less fortunate than myself gave me a sense of pride (yes, I know, I was abundant enough of pride beforehand, thank YOU :p) and it also opened my eyes to the wider world, showing that there are seriously unfortunate people out there.

Enter the summer... And, what with a brilliant holiday, great friendships (and great relationship), and all was well.

Then September came, and it was all a blur from there. Oh well. Along the way, there was another relationship (before you ask, I don't really consider myself a "player" just because I fancy people quicker than others...), a cat I've had for twelve of my sixteen years passed, and it was quite a lot about survival more than anything.

Yet here I am now! WOOHOO!

At this point, I'd just like to give a big thank you to all of my best friends, who have helped me enjoy the time a bit more. It's one of those things you don't really do consciously, but it works well. And thanks to everybody who has helped me broaden my horizons, learn important and VITAL social skills, and thanks to those who have come to me in their times of need, genuinely seeking my help, and in the process giving me invaluable trust... not to mention reciprocated interest (you wouldn't believe it, but it is all true. Serious. I don't exactly have a life to get back to :>).

And so onto the big oh-nine. What's to come of it? Well, I'll have a quadruplet of wheels - not to mention the sheer agony of not being able to always afford petrol, and the inevitable moaning about costs, and "the other tossers on the road" (a noble phrase - part warning, I suppose - as frequently given by my mother).

Hopefully there'll be a relationship (or however many are needed until I learn!) and a good many new friends, whilst keeping track with the current, and maybe even old, ones. Okay, good health for all is a bit much to wish for, I know... but y'know. I don't actually wish bad things to happen to anyone.

Sure, there are people out in the world I really don't like, but my New Year Wish (don't tell anyone I wrote and published it or it won't come true! XD) is for people I know and care about to get as good - or, indeed, bad - as they deserve.

As for the right now, well... got a party to organise, some recommendations from locals who can drive where a good place to learn around here is, not to mention hours of studying and cursing.

So why am I here writing this instead? No idea!

And with that epiphany, I wish you all a great new year. May there be a great many successes and... uhrm... other positive things... in the year 2009!

I love you all! Especially YOU!
...DISCLAIMER: Jimbob may not actually love you in a physical way. Apologies if this causes offence, and thank goodness if that's a relief for you. But no, I don't.

Happy new year!
Your friend, Jimbob xxxx

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