Thursday 18 December 2008

Blog of Separationness

I suppose you're probably fed up of reading my blog now I'm updating it every so often... sorry :)

Anyway, HEY PEEPS :> we all good? Good.

So, tonight has indeed sparked some activation energy (it's a chemistry term that I've never understood... apart from the fact that it's energy that activates reactions... as for which, and when to use it, I have absolutely no sodding clue...) to write yet another entry to my chronicle of what has recently been normality.

In fact, I'm even considering changing this blog's name - it hasn't been insanity lately. It may have been abstract here and there, but not really insanity.

But I have been thinking, in my several hours of not leaving the house (after going into King's Lynn yesterday, and what with this cough STILL bugging me, I thought I owed it to myself to have another day of sloth), and the main thing I've been thinking about is old friends.

What sparked this on, you ask? A card from people I haven't heard from or spoken to in a long time. Hope they're well. Anyway, yeah, it hadn't hit me before, as to how many people I'm actually separating away from as of late... some physically closer than others...

And it's got me asking - can you have your earlier life gradually erased from your memory for eternity? To think that these are the people that we have spent so much of our earlier lives with... and many happy times.

Of course, I'm not sure whether this applies to more people than myself, but I'm the kind of person that thinks back to some of my earlier life, and immediately thinks that it's time to move on, particularly from the debatably more embarassing moments of it (none immediately spring to mind, but it's the stance I have on the matter that counts, surely.)

And for someone who is scared by the idea of death, that's kind of a thought that makes me ponder.

...And when I ponder, I write pretentious blogs for my own amusement, in the hopes that others will find them somewhat amusing...

......oh, whatever happened to the days of yonder, in which my blogs actually used to be fun......

There's so many people I don't talk to. There's a couple of things I should really do, had I not the excuse that "I'm so busy" (of course, when a woman comes into the equation, I've got all the time in the world... funny that)... well, I suppose I have got to start prioritising things.

Unfortunately, school has to take tops. If I fail miserably in academic stuff, I won't forgive myself.

But there are so many people I need to drop a line to. If you feel like you're one of them (I believe one of the list actually reads this... as for the others, well, I'll find a way. Promise XD) then hang by your phones.

Not tonight. Nor probably tomorrow, due to cleaners and tree decorating and a start to my revision (one week into the holidays... how very uncharacteristic of me...)

And if you ever want to ring me, and I know you in person quite well, feel free. I'll be more than happy to chat to ya, as long as you don't have the persona of a stalker or paedophile. :)

But I do care.

I would list the names, but for the risk of embarrassment (does embar[r]ass have one or two r's?) I shall not mention you. I just hope that a mental link, or some kind of ESP, or if all else fails, Rick Rolling in March (well wouldja look at that... a subtle hint... it's amazing how I can just drop them into everyday conversation and not draw any kind of attention to them by extra-long bracket notes following them... plus I think it's quite a closed hint, as not everybody can say they've been taken to the place to get Rick Rolled... anyway, I'm babbling :> but WE MUST MEET UP!)

...*we're losing him... come in, Jimbob... charge... CLEAR*

I do care.

I just have an unconventional way of showing it - through the artmass of the blog.
(Hey, bless fate that it wasn't interpretive dance.)

Love you all!
Jimbob xxxx

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