Friday 26 December 2008

Blog of Xmas Cheerness

"Ho ho ho", "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiit's CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!" "Pika Pika!"

...As the three wise men of Christmas: Santa, Noddy Holder and Pikachu would say, HEY PEEPS!

So, it was Ecksmas yesterday :) Everyone have a good one? Sorry to hear that. Mine was pretty awesome :> got some presents... including a new iPod classic... worthy of a rant, methinks...

I absolutely adore it!!! It is seriously more awesome than any iPod I've ever had... one. Plus an MP3 player that wasn't technically an iPod (the Rio Nitrus, January-March 2005... t'was fun :>) but one thing I don't get is the fact that it's called an iPod classic. I mean, the ol' Pods have been going for about 5 years now, and they're FANTASTIC things :) but WHY is it called a "classic"? I mean, it's the 6th generation of iPods... 120gb - which, for the record, is more than my laptop can hold - is pretty damn amazing [it's called Destructinator :>], but the old 4gb blue (CLASSIC) iPod mini named Fluffy WILL be a relic and go down in history as the tool which has given me such pleasure, March 2005 thru December 2008.

The Lord bless Fluffy.

(Fluffy's actually lying in my room as we speak! I really should organise a box of relics and other legendary objects... something to tell my future offspring about when they're old enough to pretend to care :>)

It should also be noted that I haven't blogged in over a week now (meh... I'm over it) so I should have a lot to blog about in theory.

Theories can be misleading :>

However... old WGSians - I mean those in our year circa J2-J6 - remember Sunny (aka Sandeep)? Been speaking to him a lot lately :) it's good to get in touch with old friends that one hasn't spoken to in a LONG time :> but no, we haven't seen each other yet. Can't wait till we do!

That's about the height of the excitement of my current life - unless you want to know that I'm filling in Barack Obama's head in Hanjie form. That's kinda fun.

Can't think of anything else to type really. Got some album covers to hunt!

Hope you all had a brilliant Christmas!
Will try for one more blog by the end of the year... but I AM OFFICIALLY DIECISIETE (that's "seventeen" in Spanish... because hyphens are too much of a pain to write the word in French... dix*nggh...nggh...* naaaa, can't reach the dash button. Crud.) ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, coincidentally, is also not 2008. That's kinda good. Though it may be a bad thing too. Who knows?

Always look to the future with happiness. If you dread what's to come, well, what's there to live for? Apart from the feeling that you've lived through it. But then one would feel depressed by what's just happened.

See? Happiness :>

DISCLAIMER: if you're not happy and you have a good reason for it, I understand and am terribly sorry. I give my Apologies *registered trademark* and hope that whatever happens gets better soon. If it can't get better soon, I hope it somehow does anyway.

Yours, (oh, what a stylish sendoff!)
Jimbob oxoxoxo-cube

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