Tuesday 2 September 2008

Blog of Cheap Punliness - aka. Specialty a la Jimbob

So how's it hangin', homes? :)

Well, after a truly heartfelt last blog... partly to sound wise, and partly to bring the August blog count to five (XD)... and tomorrow starts TRUE school... thus making it slightly Jimmy-logical to start with today's humournesses.

Picture this: sixty teens in a hall, spread in five groups... sitting in circles around their precious form teachers... arranging themselves in order of birthdays starting on the left of the teacher (ME FIRST! January 1st is KINDA an easy cop-out :>), then in ascending order of height (ME LAST! challenge me, bloody lower sixth activities... you make AS levels feel like singing nursery rhymes'll get me an easy A in quantum physics)...

Anyway, then you get to meet up with your respective teachers to talk with them about respective subjects and GCSE results and stuff. That was... non-descript. NEXT PARAGRAPH.

Then eating. That was mildly amusing, what with the little baby sausage rolls, and (what looks like) chicken drumsticks, and quiche slices of which I didn't eat because it looked pretty bad. Then I talked with other people, and waited for the highlight of the day.

Mr Hammond.

May I just say, that I already prefer him to Repper... it should be pointed out here that every morning, afternoon, and whenever I have Spanish, I'll be seeing him staring at me due to the picture on the stairs being replaced by - GUESS WHAT?! - one of him. It's barely flattering... but anyway, his half-hour speech was also slightly (unintentionally) humorous... warning the sixth form not to come to school hungover, or have sex with younger children (apparently, that's paedophilia. Beats me!), and following with "everyone has high expectations of you, I don't envy you."

All in all, i can see my last two years being very happy with him in rule!

So tomorrow, we have three free periods by default... then my very first lesson, physics WITH WILESY!!! WOOHOOOHOOO!! then guess what? ANOTHER free lesson. One of three in a week, but on the first day, it may not seem so appreciated :>

On top of that, the Thursday morning seems a bit pointless too. First lesson, "Pastoral Care", whatever that is. Then... TWO FREE LESSONS! As if I need one hour twenty to revise what I just learnt on how to be nice to people...

Anyway, that's all I can think of writing about. Happy birthday to Fenella! And good luck to everyone tomorrow.
Jimbob! xxx

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