Saturday 13 September 2008

Blog of Sundayness

Well, dare I say it, I think I may have moved on from the good old "what I did today" blogs, purely because I never do anything on any set day. Unless I can think of some anecdotes on the subject, I'd write about it before imposing it on you all to read...

...that's why this entry will change it all :)

The setting: it's Saturday night. Saturdays are the day of fun, when one can go to the local market and officially mooch around the shops, check out the new stocks (updated Fridays, for some reason) and watch X Factor.

What?! The auditions are legendary!

Anyway, what other better way to spend a Saturday of fun - with Everybody Dance Now on TV (the remote control's toooo far away.) - than to show my dislike of something.

"And on the Sabbath Day, God rested, for he knew the job was done."

Unfortunately, after about five thousand years, the Sabbath Day was kept afterwards for human beings to go to Asda... till 4pm. For those who don't need to go, it's for being vegetative, and for completing work that Saturday's "leave it till tomorrow" attitude left behind. Fuckadoodledoo.

On top of that, fully aware that it may be different in your area of residence, but the household chores are done in the evening to the tune of whatever happens to be on the ol' iPod mini.

The question I'm asking is this: if the majority of people in the world have two days free per week, why can they not be spent free? I mean, what's the point of going out on a Sunday when there's absolutely nowhere or nothing to do?! You might as well just have five hard days of working, then have one of fun and one of mourning, for Pete's sake.

Come on, why can our society not be logical? If our students and office workers can have 'normal' weekends, why can't shopkeepers have a different day off, say, Monday? Let's face it, they would have four whole lunchtimes free to do their own shopping... they can afford to lose that instead of Sunday. Besides, the number of people who do casual shopping on Saturdays, chances are they have those days off sometimes as well...

So what's left of the weekend? More than likely an overcast day, full of doing absolutely nothing, literally. Might as well be sitting on the sofa, drooling and making a random monotonus noise for twenty-four hours.

Day of rest, my butt! Sunday's one of the most boring, tedious, hardest days of the week! Thanks to all those bloody household tasks. Thanks to the binmen for coming first thing on a Monday. Grrr.

Anyway, I think that's a rap. And speaking of rap, check out the CERN Scientists' rap. It's on YouTube, and even if the voice grinds after a while, at least you can see that even scientists can have a bit of fun as well :)

Ciao. Jimbob XD

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