Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Blog of the '08-'09 Switcherooness

Hey people! :>

Well, here we are. It's December 30th, at nine-something in the evening. Little over 36 hours till I'm officially 17!!! (the word "officially" referring to the noon-ish birth).

Chances are that I'll be online this time tomorrow... got no parties to go to, though there'll definitely be the traditional midnight Jools Holland-fest as per usual :> then when midnight sounds (and 2008 is gone) it's the massive "Hey! Happy new year lol [xxx]" texts (the square brackets refer to the part that is optional, ie. used in texts to the females... because men sending kisses to men? Don't wanna give the wrong impression now... ((to the female audience reading this: it's a man thing :P)) ).

And so, in traditional Jimbob style, I'm gonna try and pack in one hell of a blog about 2008, before ranting about whatever springs to mind next.

My, my, my. WHAT a year.

I'll start where any man, with knowledge of the general order of a simple calendar, would logically begin: January. And believe me, that was one BAD month. It started with my birthday - quite a fun party, definitely. But from there? Downhill. RIP Steph (deceased 8 January, aged about 30) and Manda (17 January, 40ish), some good friends of the family. THEN came the death of the family's beloved dog Sally on the 29th (not forgetting mocks ongoing through the month, and a generally bad time socially as well...)

Rest in peace, all three of you.

Luckily, things began to look up... Nothing significant really happened as of then... just the way life should be sometimes. I think the next significant moment was in Spain; once in March with the school, once in July with the Kerrs, both fantastic! :>

May and June... pretty crap really. That said, the end of June was a godsend, what with school and exams being over, and just having some time of recollection, to turn back into Jimbob the human... oh, and work experience at the Victoria Lodge... I'll admit, helping out those less fortunate than myself gave me a sense of pride (yes, I know, I was abundant enough of pride beforehand, thank YOU :p) and it also opened my eyes to the wider world, showing that there are seriously unfortunate people out there.

Enter the summer... And, what with a brilliant holiday, great friendships (and great relationship), and all was well.

Then September came, and it was all a blur from there. Oh well. Along the way, there was another relationship (before you ask, I don't really consider myself a "player" just because I fancy people quicker than others...), a cat I've had for twelve of my sixteen years passed, and it was quite a lot about survival more than anything.

Yet here I am now! WOOHOO!

At this point, I'd just like to give a big thank you to all of my best friends, who have helped me enjoy the time a bit more. It's one of those things you don't really do consciously, but it works well. And thanks to everybody who has helped me broaden my horizons, learn important and VITAL social skills, and thanks to those who have come to me in their times of need, genuinely seeking my help, and in the process giving me invaluable trust... not to mention reciprocated interest (you wouldn't believe it, but it is all true. Serious. I don't exactly have a life to get back to :>).

And so onto the big oh-nine. What's to come of it? Well, I'll have a quadruplet of wheels - not to mention the sheer agony of not being able to always afford petrol, and the inevitable moaning about costs, and "the other tossers on the road" (a noble phrase - part warning, I suppose - as frequently given by my mother).

Hopefully there'll be a relationship (or however many are needed until I learn!) and a good many new friends, whilst keeping track with the current, and maybe even old, ones. Okay, good health for all is a bit much to wish for, I know... but y'know. I don't actually wish bad things to happen to anyone.

Sure, there are people out in the world I really don't like, but my New Year Wish (don't tell anyone I wrote and published it or it won't come true! XD) is for people I know and care about to get as good - or, indeed, bad - as they deserve.

As for the right now, well... got a party to organise, some recommendations from locals who can drive where a good place to learn around here is, not to mention hours of studying and cursing.

So why am I here writing this instead? No idea!

And with that epiphany, I wish you all a great new year. May there be a great many successes and... uhrm... other positive things... in the year 2009!

I love you all! Especially YOU!
...DISCLAIMER: Jimbob may not actually love you in a physical way. Apologies if this causes offence, and thank goodness if that's a relief for you. But no, I don't.

Happy new year!
Your friend, Jimbob xxxx

Friday, 26 December 2008

Blog of Xmas Cheerness

"Ho ho ho", "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiit's CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!" "Pika Pika!"

...As the three wise men of Christmas: Santa, Noddy Holder and Pikachu would say, HEY PEEPS!

So, it was Ecksmas yesterday :) Everyone have a good one? Sorry to hear that. Mine was pretty awesome :> got some presents... including a new iPod classic... worthy of a rant, methinks...

I absolutely adore it!!! It is seriously more awesome than any iPod I've ever had... one. Plus an MP3 player that wasn't technically an iPod (the Rio Nitrus, January-March 2005... t'was fun :>) but one thing I don't get is the fact that it's called an iPod classic. I mean, the ol' Pods have been going for about 5 years now, and they're FANTASTIC things :) but WHY is it called a "classic"? I mean, it's the 6th generation of iPods... 120gb - which, for the record, is more than my laptop can hold - is pretty damn amazing [it's called Destructinator :>], but the old 4gb blue (CLASSIC) iPod mini named Fluffy WILL be a relic and go down in history as the tool which has given me such pleasure, March 2005 thru December 2008.

The Lord bless Fluffy.

(Fluffy's actually lying in my room as we speak! I really should organise a box of relics and other legendary objects... something to tell my future offspring about when they're old enough to pretend to care :>)

It should also be noted that I haven't blogged in over a week now (meh... I'm over it) so I should have a lot to blog about in theory.

Theories can be misleading :>

However... old WGSians - I mean those in our year circa J2-J6 - remember Sunny (aka Sandeep)? Been speaking to him a lot lately :) it's good to get in touch with old friends that one hasn't spoken to in a LONG time :> but no, we haven't seen each other yet. Can't wait till we do!

That's about the height of the excitement of my current life - unless you want to know that I'm filling in Barack Obama's head in Hanjie form. That's kinda fun.

Can't think of anything else to type really. Got some album covers to hunt!

Hope you all had a brilliant Christmas!
Will try for one more blog by the end of the year... but I AM OFFICIALLY DIECISIETE (that's "seventeen" in Spanish... because hyphens are too much of a pain to write the word in French... dix*nggh...nggh...* naaaa, can't reach the dash button. Crud.) ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, coincidentally, is also not 2008. That's kinda good. Though it may be a bad thing too. Who knows?

Always look to the future with happiness. If you dread what's to come, well, what's there to live for? Apart from the feeling that you've lived through it. But then one would feel depressed by what's just happened.

See? Happiness :>

DISCLAIMER: if you're not happy and you have a good reason for it, I understand and am terribly sorry. I give my Apologies *registered trademark* and hope that whatever happens gets better soon. If it can't get better soon, I hope it somehow does anyway.

Yours, (oh, what a stylish sendoff!)
Jimbob oxoxoxo-cube

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Blog of Separationness

I suppose you're probably fed up of reading my blog now I'm updating it every so often... sorry :)

Anyway, HEY PEEPS :> we all good? Good.

So, tonight has indeed sparked some activation energy (it's a chemistry term that I've never understood... apart from the fact that it's energy that activates reactions... as for which, and when to use it, I have absolutely no sodding clue...) to write yet another entry to my chronicle of what has recently been normality.

In fact, I'm even considering changing this blog's name - it hasn't been insanity lately. It may have been abstract here and there, but not really insanity.

But I have been thinking, in my several hours of not leaving the house (after going into King's Lynn yesterday, and what with this cough STILL bugging me, I thought I owed it to myself to have another day of sloth), and the main thing I've been thinking about is old friends.

What sparked this on, you ask? A card from people I haven't heard from or spoken to in a long time. Hope they're well. Anyway, yeah, it hadn't hit me before, as to how many people I'm actually separating away from as of late... some physically closer than others...

And it's got me asking - can you have your earlier life gradually erased from your memory for eternity? To think that these are the people that we have spent so much of our earlier lives with... and many happy times.

Of course, I'm not sure whether this applies to more people than myself, but I'm the kind of person that thinks back to some of my earlier life, and immediately thinks that it's time to move on, particularly from the debatably more embarassing moments of it (none immediately spring to mind, but it's the stance I have on the matter that counts, surely.)

And for someone who is scared by the idea of death, that's kind of a thought that makes me ponder.

...And when I ponder, I write pretentious blogs for my own amusement, in the hopes that others will find them somewhat amusing...

......oh, whatever happened to the days of yonder, in which my blogs actually used to be fun......

There's so many people I don't talk to. There's a couple of things I should really do, had I not the excuse that "I'm so busy" (of course, when a woman comes into the equation, I've got all the time in the world... funny that)... well, I suppose I have got to start prioritising things.

Unfortunately, school has to take tops. If I fail miserably in academic stuff, I won't forgive myself.

But there are so many people I need to drop a line to. If you feel like you're one of them (I believe one of the list actually reads this... as for the others, well, I'll find a way. Promise XD) then hang by your phones.

Not tonight. Nor probably tomorrow, due to cleaners and tree decorating and a start to my revision (one week into the holidays... how very uncharacteristic of me...)

And if you ever want to ring me, and I know you in person quite well, feel free. I'll be more than happy to chat to ya, as long as you don't have the persona of a stalker or paedophile. :)

But I do care.

I would list the names, but for the risk of embarrassment (does embar[r]ass have one or two r's?) I shall not mention you. I just hope that a mental link, or some kind of ESP, or if all else fails, Rick Rolling in March (well wouldja look at that... a subtle hint... it's amazing how I can just drop them into everyday conversation and not draw any kind of attention to them by extra-long bracket notes following them... plus I think it's quite a closed hint, as not everybody can say they've been taken to the place to get Rick Rolled... anyway, I'm babbling :> but WE MUST MEET UP!)

...*we're losing him... come in, Jimbob... charge... CLEAR*

I do care.

I just have an unconventional way of showing it - through the artmass of the blog.
(Hey, bless fate that it wasn't interpretive dance.)

Love you all!
Jimbob xxxx

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

THE FIFTIETH BLOG... of Imminentness

Hey peeps :>

As the blog count hits the big FIFTY (:3O) I'm sat here no different to always, listening to "The Night Santa Went Crazy" by Weird Al Yankovic (hey, didn't I listen to it when I was doing another blog in the past? I can't remember...)

Still, at least this time it's seasonal. Something for the church choir to sing to the sermonites (that's what I call them as of now. Definition: people who regularly attend church sermons.) And, since I'm in such an aptly festive mood (with Christmas spirit, not euphamistic for homosexuality thank you - not that I have anything against them, not at all.)

One of the best verses from the newly-crowned hymn goes as follows:

Well, the workshop is gone now, he decided to bomb it
Everywhere you'll find pieces of Cupid and Comet
And he tied up his helpers, and he held the elves hostage
And he ground up poor Rudolph into reindeer sausage
He got Dancer and Prancer with an old German Luger
And he slashed up Dasher just like Freddy Krueger
And he picked up a flamethrower and he barbecued Blitzen
And he took a big bite and said "It tastes just like chicken!"

So, now we're full of Christmas Cheer. Let's get on with looking at what's imminent.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the countdown has hit single digits... nine more days. NINE. That's like, just over a week. Jesus would have been two thousand and eight years old (considering the year after 1 BC was 1 AD... why am I being so mathematical tonight? It's the holidays, dammit, and I intend to hit the maths revision sometime later this week... so long as it's not tomorrow... STILL recovering...)

It's also sixteen days till my seventeenth!

Now, apologies for not blogging yesterday. I did try, but the computer turned off on me partway through. Grrr. Yes, I do realise that it would have been 17 till the 17th birthday... that's kind of a special day in itself... but myes.

So yes, what am I getting for my birthday? Well, not a clue, really, except for money toward driving lessons...

Yesterday was good fun, being a walking advertisement for the Young Enterprisians at the Xmas Market in Wisbech. I even bought a fluffy hat and scarf - they're surprisingly warm and snuggly XD - for the bargain price of nine smackers! Plus, even Kieran says they suit me... but then, Kieran decorates Greeks for Christmas and brings his creations to Mass :P

Don't worry, it's a mutual insider joke (and I'm fully aware that resorting to insider jokes in blogs is quite low, considering the loss of humour amongst the readers of this... so it's worth a try explaining.) Y'see, Kieran rips on me - in a friendly way, of course - about me being Greek... so I do it to him about being Catholic ((which, for the record, he isn't anymore...)) so I think we're pretty equal there.

One thing that is currently annoying me - yes, another tangential topic of conversation (in fact, I believe this is the first one for a long time... I must be losing my touch...) - is my cold - I've had it for about a week, and I can barely smell or taste a thing. I say barely, because I can in rare, short intervals... but today's been especially hell because I've been blowing my nose pretty much all day. It's a wonder I don't go through as many tissue boxes as I should.

With this, there's something even worse to augment the PAIN (oh, I'm quite the young, artistic, poetic sufferer, eh?) - a cough. Now, the thing about THAT is that there are roughly-three hour intervals when I'm completely free of it, and it doesn't cross my mind once. However, when it hits, by Jinzo does it hit. It's like when you complete one round of coughing, you can't breathe in through the throat for some reason, so you make a suffocating sound as you hit Round 2 (only without the slutty young woman jumping about holding a sign in what little clothing she's been paid to wear). Then by the time round five-or-so is reached, you learn by then that holding your nose works (trust me, it just does.), and breath is slowly regained. And when I say slowly, I mean s - l - o - w - l - y...

And that's what I've been up to the past couple of days.

It's also really depressing when it's the 16th of December, and the Xmas tree isn't even up; on one hand, it's kinda the fault of the recarpeting job. Everything's scattered everywhere, the house is a completely different mess to what it usually is... and it's hard to find time when your mother's still at school and you're not.

Oh well :)

Deck the halls with boughs of fish-mas
'Tis the season to be Christmas
Come the eve, we'll all be pissed-mas
Fahlala, lalala, la la LAAAA,
CHRIIIISTmas Christmas Christmas Christmas

And so ends my poetic teen angst-ridden life in blog form.
Here's to fifty entries of Abstract Insanity... and apologies for having to bear them.

Abby Titmuss to all!
Jimbob xxxx

Friday, 12 December 2008

'Tis the Season to be blogging of fahlalalala..lalalala-ness

I thought I'd encorporate a little happiness into the title as well... just goes to show that it doesn't have to be savoured like your rich uncle's own brand caviar, but it can be spread like some good old-fashioned Utterly Butterly.

And, it is December 12th. The last official day of going to school in the year 2008. One of twelve days in the year of which the date is the same as the relative position of the month in the monthly spectrum (ie. 12/12/08... if i could explain it better, I would...)

...and you know what that means?

Yeah! XD

So anyway, have I got a blog for you guys tonight, while most of you youths are out doing what you do best - partying XD and probably getting peshed (ie. the word "pissed" in pissed language) while you're at it. Good for you, if that's your cup of tea. Unfortunately, I'm still bursting into random coughing fits that sound actually quite lethal. Plus, the first I heard about it was last night... Tonight, all I intend to have is a little relaxation :>

Last I blogged, I believe it was Sunday. I was recovering from the shock of completing the play, I was relaxed from a party of my own (staying sober, thank you very much... furthest I've ever been is tipsy, and that's easy... all I need is one glass of Lambrini - which, for the record, is probably my favourite alcoholic beverage - but I'll end this bracket before I continue the risk of sounding like a broken record.)

Tonight, I believe it is Friday. I am recovering from a whole term's worth of hard labour, as well as a cold, and I am relaxed, safe in the knowledge that everything worth thinking about does not need said thinking about for a good while... at least till after the weekend's through.

So, as I sit here stroking my brand new Drama colours (I ACTUALLY WAS PRESENTED A FULL COLOURS IN SOMETHING! I thought it was only the important members of the school who were presented them...) I like to sit back and reflect on the positive aspects that the term has brought me...

I could list lots of the stuff that I've felt has been good - in fact, I did, before I deleted it, realising that even I fell asleep reading it back to myself - but I suppose the main thing I feel in the newfound spirit of Christmas is friendship. I've made some new friends... and I've also lost a couple. But that's life.

We are, after all, only human.

But anyway, positiveness. What are you all getting for Christmas?! *waits attentively for reply*

Hopefully this Christmas will be all about fun, relaxation, the birth of Jesus, and presents :> and not necessarily in that order... in fact, forget orders, they're all independant events (some of them may even be pipe dreams to some of us... oh well...)

We wish you an Abby Titmuss, we wish you an Abby Titmuss, we wish you an Abby Titmuss, generic next line.
(Improvisational song techniques. Just goes to show that I can't even get a day job to not give up...)

And on that note, I think I'll leave this blog :) Hope you all have a Happy Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year... and Easter.

Lots of love and cookies, Jimbob xxxxxx

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Blog of Broken Silenceness

Well, after some of the most eventful days I've had lately, I'm proud to finally be able to say: HELLO!

Why so long? The play, duh! And may I just say...


Okay, there may have been a few screw-ups and awkwardnesses around, but it's all over. And it's kind of a shame, really... but there's another play starting soonish! Bring it on!

Anyway, after the hecticness of the play, guess what? WE HAVE A RECARPETING JOB STARTING TOMORROW!

But yeah, I haven't even had a lot of time to look back and dwell on the recent successes.
So, I hope you enjoyed the play (if you didn't see it, you missed OUT :p)
And the major cough is a sign that effort was put in :P

And my personal congrats to everyone else who partook in the play, I think you all rocked it!

And so, to Saturday. After hours of tidying my room, there was a party!
For the record, no matter how much I say I hate parties with loads of booze and loud music, I must say - Charlie's party was a nice change :> It was relaxing to talk to everyone I normally wouldn't, in a remotely sane (sober) state of mind [in most cases].

I think that the play has brought many things - temporary opportunities, lots of fun, MANY comparisons... apparently I have the voice and mannerisms of Hugh Laurie, and the looks - and I'm still contemplating how this could be a compliment in ANY respects - of Jeremy Clarkson... well, whatever, I suppose :>... but the main thing I'm glad to have gotten out of it: new friends, particularly Charlie.

I must say, that had either of us not done the play, me and Charlie wouldn't have talked much. But I've spoken to him a lot, I've seen his house, lifestyle, and everything... and I respect him a lot. He's been through Hell lately, bless him... yet he seems to have coped with the shite that life has thrown at him really well. It's very hard to be able to manage that, and top marks to him for doing so.

So, considering it's 11pm right now, I have a guitar exam tomorrow, and so much stress in general, I'd like to thank everyone, particularly my friends, for managing to keep it together in their relative situations.

Love to all,
HAPPY DECEMBER! (18 sleeps to Santa, and 25 sleeps till the road law decrees that pavements are the new roads...)
Jimbob :> xxx