Wednesday 5 November 2008

Special Blog of Bonfireness

Hello... we all good?

Well, it's Bonfire Night, whoopee!!! So, I thought I'd do something special.

Peeeewwwwww...... Peeeeewwwwww...

Well, that concludes the special part of the blog. Now for a more typical entry.

How's your life going? (oh God, it's the line to show that all else isn't fantastic...) Well, mine's been a lot better...

The obvious place to start is something that happened yesterday. Well, whoever's been round my house may have seen a small black and white cat called Marie (not to be confused with Toulouse, who is also black and white. Marie was more white).

Unfortunately, she had to be put down. She was fifteen years old, and had a hole in the roof of her mouth. Therefore, some of her food couldn't reach her stomach and she couldn't get all the nutrients out of it. Enough to survive...

So, RIP Marie, the one on the windowsill when I first saw her... and stayed there till we got home... you will be missed.

(I thought making it bold would increase the worth of the message, perhaps?)

Just two musketeers now. And both the bunny and Toulouse seem to be going strong. May they have long, happy lives :>

Anyway, tear-jerking aside. Now for the good news: I ACTUALLY HAVE PLANS FOR SATURDAY!!! It's a bonfire party at Ellie's. Should be fun, so long as not everyone gets drunk. I look forward to it!

Tomorrow is both library duty, and the maths challenge. Well, that'll be two hoots. Can't wait. Honest. Adrenaline is rushing. You can't prove it isn't.

Oh, and today's quote of the day was one of the funniest I've heard in a long time.

Rosie: "I got black teeth once, from running into a wall!"
Kieran (to me): "Y'know, I think Michael Jackson looked better when he had a black face..."

May the greater powers bless Kieran :) and Rosie... and all my friends :>
[yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am NOT mormon!]

May you all have a charmingly beautiful Bonfire Night.
Jimbob xxxxx

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