Tuesday 18 November 2008

The Blog of Lifeness

Hey-ho! How are you all doing?

I think a good word that describes what I'm feeling is reflectiveness. Over what? Just things in life, really.

Yep, fully aware that I haven't updated blog in over a week now. I've just been... somewhat fatigued lately. It's taken me a while to be energetic enough to write on about something important for a full Jimmeh-length blog's worth.

Today's topic, surprise surprise, is life.
(Don't worry, I'll write about something else when something else happens to me.)

A strange thought occurred to me today - one would THINK that I have such a weird mindset, what with my somewhat random nature, and seemingly rare positive outlook on life. One would think that some people are luckier than others by default... for instance, some have physical features others die for... Others want abilities that they rarely see in order to cope with recent occurrences. I'm very much the latter.

Yet, what with society today, and if you're not trying to look A.R.D. or stop the infernal pain brought on by events, you're probably trying to get on with life as it is. As you well know, if you're a more frequent reader, I'm not one to dwell on recent negativities in anger or sadness.

Therefore, I'm one of the normal people, thus contrasting with the "weird" outlook I'm so widely given... and very much enjoy.

It may not seem like much on the screen, but it's huge to me: by trying to be different, I'm very much the same as most of the people out there.

And ya know what? I'm cool with that!

So, got a concert and a chlamydia(sp?) presentation on Friday, and an assembly on Tuesday. Not to mention that the week after is the play, and the Monday after THAT is my guitar exam (internal, thank goodness).

Well done to all those I saw at the Angles on Friday night, very much enjoyed the performances (plural, due to the fact that there were many short sketch performance things. It's quite a nice change, actually)!

Hope you're all well.
Yes, all of you.
That means YOU *points*.

Lots of Greekified love, Jimbob xxx

1 comment:

billy brown said...

haha tht was awesome as usual!
shuldnt it be geekified love?