Saturday 1 November 2008

Blog of ARGHness

Average evening!

Well, I'm back from the Cotswolds. Bloody cold over there, but the people at least are great fun. Sure, they're eccentric, oh so VE-HE-HERY eccentric, but they're cool.

No temperature pun intended with the last statement.

Anyway, this Hallowe'en, I actually had a party! It was quite decent (although when I say I'm not wearing make-up, I'm NOT wearing make-up! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I actually won an argument! I deserve a bloody trophy)!

That's where I've been lately, with my fellow group of Halloweeners (hehehehe... I said weener...). Today, however, when I came back, well everything's gone kabookie. For a start, the oh-so-reliable Sky+ has FAILED for the past couple of days, meaning that we've lost Heroes [though to be honest, the way the series is going at the moment, it's no major loss. I'M SORRY, BUT IT NEEDS TO GET BETTER, DAMMIT!]. Fortunately, the rest of what didn't tape was my mother's stuff :P and she ain't taking it too well :>

So yes, after I tried to learn a whole play and FAILED, I thought, what else could possibly fail on me today? Well, I've finally found the answer. My computer. I click on my name and input my profile password (I won't give it away, it's top secret... unless of course, you know it already!) and it said something about not being able to load... now I hope this is only temporary, because I don't even have my iTunes up and running. Can't get to my pictures, my documents, sweet nothing.


If you're one of two talking to me on MSN at the moment, you'll have probably noticed that my font is different. No, I didn't fancy a change today, it's because of the MAJOR COMPUTER FAILURE that's hopefully temporary.

Heh... I think I should take my song-writing "whenever I feel like it" past-time (I've written about five in the past, and have only kept two. One of them isn't even complete. And as for the music... pffft.) should sway partially to this... "Jimbob's new hit, 'LOLFAIL'!"

Singer-songwriter in the future? Methinks not, but it's fun.

Anyway, such is life. But what about the next few months? I can tell you're sitting there in front of your computer RIGHT now, and thinking, "I really wonder what Jimbob's got planned for the next few months..."


Well, I hate to disappoint (rather, I hate not having something extra to write about, particularly at such a milestone as the first day of a month), so, here's a long complicated paragraph for you to not necessarily read and to pretend you enjoyed it anyway!

First, I have Speech Day of which I HAVE to attend :< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">THE PLAY!!!! (3rd, 4th and 5th Dec, do NOT miss me and several others making complete asses of ourselves for the sake of entertainment! That said, I wonder why I have this blog... hmmm...) Then's the breather for Xmas, of which I'll have to revise for Mock AS's, no doubt. Plus January marks my 17th! Hence, driving lessons!!!!! (or, probably in my case, "don't make the car explode" lessons)...

puff.... puff....

So! I have a life! Social? Dear goodness no... oh well... can't have everything, I s'pose...

Hope you're all well.
Have a good November.
Lots of love and cookies,
Jimbob xxxxxx


rosie2310 said...

Thankyou for the cookies =)
And YAY! you're back!
see you tommorowowooww

billy brown said...

ahhhh my comp. died while i was writin here! so i will try to remember wot was written!
erm...tht was an awesome blog (as usual)...i make a fool out of myself for entertainment all the time, thts y i have so called "friends" they just laugh at me!
erm and my social life consists of seein rosie and goin round alecs...which isnt alot of variety reli! haha