Sunday 30 November 2008

Blog of PAIN!...ness

Hey people :>

I thought I'd start off with a little bit of poetry, as told by today's issue of "Cyanide and Happiness" at I couldn't resist laughing...

Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon!
The little dog laughed to see such sport
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
He ran from conviction
And fed his addiction
As the dish heated the spoon.
The spoon begged to go,
But the dish shouted "No!
The heroin will be ready soon!"

Thank you, thank you.

Anyway, how are you all? Good! :)
Me? Not very well.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a bad cough. Three days before first performance :( and it's a lot worse than before.

Whatsmore, apparently I have to shout more than I did before! How annoying!

Oh well, Friday brings the last performance, and be surprised if I can't talk at all come Saturday :P It's so annoying - I hear that some of the people are intending to go to the pub after the last performance; I couldn't think of a worse way to celebrate an end to the best part of the school year (not counting summer holidays, of course)... BUT that's just me.

Can someone have a party?! Please?! I'll even come to one with alcohol, I don't care! I just want to celebrate somehow!
Oh, the pain...

(I believe it was some guy I made up that said the proverb: "A true actor can portray emotions through the art form of blogspot.")

So I'm not feeling great. Clayton's finally hit breaking point, as has my throat, and several others also...

But that's not much of a blog! I need to spread to newer horizons...

Lately, life's not been to great for me. For something that I've been looking forward to for a few months now to finally hit an obstacle like this...

And there's been other events occurring too this weekend.

But, after overcoming life's obstacles, it's time to move on. Look ahead... to December.

and that means...

OhboyohboyohboyohBOY :>

And with that, I'll end. Have fun :)
Love, Jimbob xxxxxx

Friday 28 November 2008

Blog of Thankfulness

Hey people. Today's been the day from Hell, until about half an hour ago. Something I would have originally thought would shatter me actually did the opposite.

More on that later :>

Okay, so there's the pre-play nerves (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7:30pm at the Wisbech Grammar School. BE THERE. £6 for adults, £4 for children and concessions!)...

...what? Couldn't resist :)...

...and to top these off, I've actually suffered quite the bad throat. Hoping for all the world that everything will prove to be "alright on the night", and if I recover, I'm actually quite excited!!!!!!!!!!

Where was I before getting sidetracked? OH YEAH!

I'll start with this morning. Well, all this talk about Amnesty International. Before today, I thought they were an airline... but now, I know exactly their purpose, and am very interested in their cause. It's amazing how badly people and animals are treated around the world... and yes, I would be extremely interested indeed to write letters to them.

Only problem - I can't make the meeting. It does make one think, most definitely. What does one write letters to AI about? "Please let more people go. Love, Jimmeh age 16 xx" (okay, I'm being a bit dozy here :>) or do I actually have to produce thought?! Dr Miller's words - "if you write letters and send them off to AI, someone will be saved".

May I be sceptical and ask: how? Do they recycle them and turn them into keys? Do they actually read each and every single letter, and no matter what it says, so long as it's supportive, and actually save one person by some kind of lottery system?

I respect their cause, most definitely. How they carry everything out, I don't know.
Praise and thanks to Amnesty International, for everything they do.

Okay, next thanks go to Mr Aguilar and Mr Wiles, for letting us have easy-on-the-eyes lessons. It's quite a relief, considering how tired I've been lately.

Also thanks to Miss Clayton, for bearing with my dodgy voice, and not panicking too much about it, or at least, as much as I am :>

But I suppose all of that pales in comparison (only a saying I've heard said, not seen written, thus giving that statement a "sp?") to the next bunch of thanks.

You see, something rather... remarkable... has happened. I've actually partaken in a mutual break up with someone who wants to stay friends. And I'm quite happy with that. So Rose, consider this public blog apology (read by a rather small integer XD) for everything that drove you crazy that I unintentionally did.

Glad to be how we used to be again.

Also, thanks to Sam, Rose's cousin, for keeping us both sane XD
(Funny, how I actually don't know what you look like yet :P)

I can't think of anything else to type tonight.
Just with the message in my mind that I have a lot to be thankful for, as biggotted as it sounds.

Love you all,
Jimbob xxxx

Sunday 23 November 2008

Blog of Anticipationness

Ho, boy, has it been a whole five days since last blog... starting to get withdrawal symptoms...


Anyway, hello :P today, I intend to spend some of my free time (and by free time, I mean free time not spent talking to others, due to regular stalemates in conversation. It happens to the best of us.) blogging about stuff that I can actually look forward to in my life at the moment.

Starting chronologically, I suppose Tuesday is my first milestone. Why? Haha, wouldn't YOU like to know :P

[NB: if you're a reader that doesn't go to WGS, and you're actually genuinely intrigued by what this Tuesday will bring for me, GET YOUR HEAD CHEC--- I apologise. I mean "just ask :)"]

But yes, after that's all over, there's always Thursday, which at this rate will be spent planting bulbs in Leverington with Mrs Wildman and some others (pffft, why not?).

Oh, I missed something - all rehearsals this week, of which there are 5 [with Wednesday and Saturday off], end not at half past five, but six instead. Greh-heh-hate.

And speaking of rehearsals, the play starts showing in less than a fortnight. *GULP*. However, I'm confident that something'll just come out and make it all worthwhile :>

Or so I'd hope.

Anyway, to add to the tangle of randomly short paragraphs, Grade 3 guitar exam on the 8th December. Considering the pieces are actually quite different to the old Rockschool ones, plus I haven't actually learnt the chords OF WHICH I HAVE TO LEARN THEM.

There's priorities, and then there's that "HOLY SHI-PWRECK" moment when you realise that you may actually be screwed...

Then, of course, school ends that week on the Friday, leaving a mere thirteen days till Xmas... AND TWENTY BEFORE JIMBOB ORNATEPANTS TURNS THE BIG ONE SEVEN... wow.

Ever closer to mortality. But I'm not thinking about that.
Not...... thinking.... about............... it....

Anyway, May the future be good for everyone.
Love you all.
Too much.
Jimbob xxxxxxx

Tuesday 18 November 2008

The Blog of Lifeness

Hey-ho! How are you all doing?

I think a good word that describes what I'm feeling is reflectiveness. Over what? Just things in life, really.

Yep, fully aware that I haven't updated blog in over a week now. I've just been... somewhat fatigued lately. It's taken me a while to be energetic enough to write on about something important for a full Jimmeh-length blog's worth.

Today's topic, surprise surprise, is life.
(Don't worry, I'll write about something else when something else happens to me.)

A strange thought occurred to me today - one would THINK that I have such a weird mindset, what with my somewhat random nature, and seemingly rare positive outlook on life. One would think that some people are luckier than others by default... for instance, some have physical features others die for... Others want abilities that they rarely see in order to cope with recent occurrences. I'm very much the latter.

Yet, what with society today, and if you're not trying to look A.R.D. or stop the infernal pain brought on by events, you're probably trying to get on with life as it is. As you well know, if you're a more frequent reader, I'm not one to dwell on recent negativities in anger or sadness.

Therefore, I'm one of the normal people, thus contrasting with the "weird" outlook I'm so widely given... and very much enjoy.

It may not seem like much on the screen, but it's huge to me: by trying to be different, I'm very much the same as most of the people out there.

And ya know what? I'm cool with that!

So, got a concert and a chlamydia(sp?) presentation on Friday, and an assembly on Tuesday. Not to mention that the week after is the play, and the Monday after THAT is my guitar exam (internal, thank goodness).

Well done to all those I saw at the Angles on Friday night, very much enjoyed the performances (plural, due to the fact that there were many short sketch performance things. It's quite a nice change, actually)!

Hope you're all well.
Yes, all of you.
That means YOU *points*.

Lots of Greekified love, Jimbob xxx

Sunday 9 November 2008

Blog of Survivalness

Hey people :)

This weekend has been a huge relief, considering the previous week has been Hell-on-high-water... so, without further ado, here's yet another account of a weekend I've actually spent having fun!!! Well, part of it... it also involves struggles, hence the name, "Survivalness".

Saturday, what an awesome day. T'was Ellie Mole's bonfire party (and by "party", i actually mean a midnighter that didn't have all of its guests crawling around the floor drunk and singing 'Oh Danny Boy'). And, sure, there were people that rock, such as Jez, and Sam, and Ellie (obviously) BUT BUT BUT there were two people there who I had seen but never actually met!

...Ladies and gentlemen, the King and Queen!

(If you've seen the play "Samuel Neeps and the Case of the Missing Cheese" at the Angles Theatre in late June - I believe I made a blog mentioning it - they played the legendary King and Queen, who the King knocked up several others bar the Queen... yeah, you probably had to have been there... but it was rather legendary, TRUST ME.)

Brandon, Debz, you rock.

(oh look at me, Mr. Popular-all-of-a-sudden, nyah nyah nyah, I go outside... XD)

The highlight for me was being in a room alone with them both (don't worry, no bad things happened between us. Except...) Well, Brandon took my phone, wrote a text, of which I quote, "i want your body x", and sent it to Ali Burgess! The best bit of that, was that when I was sending a text saying "omg sory" or whatever, he'd actually replied first saying "i want yours too! x".

Aaaah, Ali. Good sport :) But if there's a rumour going around school tomorrow saying that I tried to chat up Ali, I give you my full word that IT'S A LIE :>

The bonfire was pretty damn good too. We even had a Guy Fawkes! Bet not many of you can say that. Oh, how upper class I'm becoming!

And, after a fight between Ellie and Debz about who gives better hugs, we left.

(If you're wandering who won, it was pretty even, actually :> though Debz [named Debz because she's actually called "Debbie" or something, but she hates it when people misspell it.] gave firmer hugs, she kept saying how I was lanky and not very warm. Made me feel sad... And, firmer isn't necessarily better all the time :P ok, I'm just trying to suck up to Ellie now because I know if she reads this, then she'll kill me if I say otherwise :P)

Today, at last.

"And on the Sabbath day, the Lord said that we should all return from Tesco's by 4pm, and endure grey skies and heavy rainfall whilst doing so."

Sorry, Lord, but that was impossible, as there were REHEARSALS!!!!! And BOY are they getting cool now :>

It's quite comforting that I actually do know the first half of the play now. I'm rather amazed, actually. Who would've thought whispering the word "sex" could be so fun... then again, who would've thought the play would have so many innuendo-sounding lines :>

I loved how she actually seemed to fill a notebook with criticisms of what she saw when we tried to do a speed-run of the first half, that happened to be over an hour. One page, I can actually remember.

"Act 2 Scene 1: React! Overall: CRAP!!!"

Aaaah, so critical...

One thing I'm actually finding sucky at the moment is schoolwork, as I've actually handed in something half-baked to Mr Wiles (which is a similar experience to, as Jack so put it, "like punching your best friend in the face - you really feel guilty afterwards") - and it wasn't intentionally half-baked, might I add, but it was a shitty week. Sure, you're probably rolling your eyes right now, but it's true.

On top of THAT, chemistry's turning into a really difficult subject now that it involves thinking...

Oh well, guess the sixth form IS all about survival after all.

Love you all, really, I do.
Jimbob xxxxx

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Special Blog of Bonfireness

Hello... we all good?

Well, it's Bonfire Night, whoopee!!! So, I thought I'd do something special.

Peeeewwwwww...... Peeeeewwwwww...

Well, that concludes the special part of the blog. Now for a more typical entry.

How's your life going? (oh God, it's the line to show that all else isn't fantastic...) Well, mine's been a lot better...

The obvious place to start is something that happened yesterday. Well, whoever's been round my house may have seen a small black and white cat called Marie (not to be confused with Toulouse, who is also black and white. Marie was more white).

Unfortunately, she had to be put down. She was fifteen years old, and had a hole in the roof of her mouth. Therefore, some of her food couldn't reach her stomach and she couldn't get all the nutrients out of it. Enough to survive...

So, RIP Marie, the one on the windowsill when I first saw her... and stayed there till we got home... you will be missed.

(I thought making it bold would increase the worth of the message, perhaps?)

Just two musketeers now. And both the bunny and Toulouse seem to be going strong. May they have long, happy lives :>

Anyway, tear-jerking aside. Now for the good news: I ACTUALLY HAVE PLANS FOR SATURDAY!!! It's a bonfire party at Ellie's. Should be fun, so long as not everyone gets drunk. I look forward to it!

Tomorrow is both library duty, and the maths challenge. Well, that'll be two hoots. Can't wait. Honest. Adrenaline is rushing. You can't prove it isn't.

Oh, and today's quote of the day was one of the funniest I've heard in a long time.

Rosie: "I got black teeth once, from running into a wall!"
Kieran (to me): "Y'know, I think Michael Jackson looked better when he had a black face..."

May the greater powers bless Kieran :) and Rosie... and all my friends :>
[yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am NOT mormon!]

May you all have a charmingly beautiful Bonfire Night.
Jimbob xxxxx

Saturday 1 November 2008

Blog of ARGHness

Average evening!

Well, I'm back from the Cotswolds. Bloody cold over there, but the people at least are great fun. Sure, they're eccentric, oh so VE-HE-HERY eccentric, but they're cool.

No temperature pun intended with the last statement.

Anyway, this Hallowe'en, I actually had a party! It was quite decent (although when I say I'm not wearing make-up, I'm NOT wearing make-up! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I actually won an argument! I deserve a bloody trophy)!

That's where I've been lately, with my fellow group of Halloweeners (hehehehe... I said weener...). Today, however, when I came back, well everything's gone kabookie. For a start, the oh-so-reliable Sky+ has FAILED for the past couple of days, meaning that we've lost Heroes [though to be honest, the way the series is going at the moment, it's no major loss. I'M SORRY, BUT IT NEEDS TO GET BETTER, DAMMIT!]. Fortunately, the rest of what didn't tape was my mother's stuff :P and she ain't taking it too well :>

So yes, after I tried to learn a whole play and FAILED, I thought, what else could possibly fail on me today? Well, I've finally found the answer. My computer. I click on my name and input my profile password (I won't give it away, it's top secret... unless of course, you know it already!) and it said something about not being able to load... now I hope this is only temporary, because I don't even have my iTunes up and running. Can't get to my pictures, my documents, sweet nothing.


If you're one of two talking to me on MSN at the moment, you'll have probably noticed that my font is different. No, I didn't fancy a change today, it's because of the MAJOR COMPUTER FAILURE that's hopefully temporary.

Heh... I think I should take my song-writing "whenever I feel like it" past-time (I've written about five in the past, and have only kept two. One of them isn't even complete. And as for the music... pffft.) should sway partially to this... "Jimbob's new hit, 'LOLFAIL'!"

Singer-songwriter in the future? Methinks not, but it's fun.

Anyway, such is life. But what about the next few months? I can tell you're sitting there in front of your computer RIGHT now, and thinking, "I really wonder what Jimbob's got planned for the next few months..."


Well, I hate to disappoint (rather, I hate not having something extra to write about, particularly at such a milestone as the first day of a month), so, here's a long complicated paragraph for you to not necessarily read and to pretend you enjoyed it anyway!

First, I have Speech Day of which I HAVE to attend :< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">THE PLAY!!!! (3rd, 4th and 5th Dec, do NOT miss me and several others making complete asses of ourselves for the sake of entertainment! That said, I wonder why I have this blog... hmmm...) Then's the breather for Xmas, of which I'll have to revise for Mock AS's, no doubt. Plus January marks my 17th! Hence, driving lessons!!!!! (or, probably in my case, "don't make the car explode" lessons)...

puff.... puff....

So! I have a life! Social? Dear goodness no... oh well... can't have everything, I s'pose...

Hope you're all well.
Have a good November.
Lots of love and cookies,
Jimbob xxxxxx