Thursday 31 July 2008

Blog of Modern-day Media-ness

That's right, folks. Jimbob's doing a blog on a subject that's not to do with his life! And instead, giving an over-opinionated and pompous view on today's music, games and films. Hell, if Jimmy Carr was invited to take over the awesome Commercial Breakdown series, then goshdarn it, I can express my opinions on things unhumorously also.

(This blog is also inspired by the works of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw at Zero Punctuation. Man, that guy's cool. And he speaks fast.)

Anyway, without further ado, let's start off with the last thing I've seen on TV at the moment - Biffy Clyro are back! And this time, they're pushing my patience. "Mountains" is their latest single, and, granted, "The Biffy" have never been wordsmiths or poets of any kind... but why start now, and even worse, fail?

Now, as you may well know, I really liked Biffy Clyro, and in some respects I still do. Some of their singles were breath-takingly awesome, and their albums were pretty good too (buy "Infinity Land". Do it.) but after the success of their latest, "Puzzle", last year, they're becoming too up-their-own-a$$es and starting to succumb into the sell-out category. Green Day did it after a decade or so, Fall Out Boy... well, they were BORN sellout... but I can't stand to see a band start so far under-the-radar - and a semi-decent one, at that - turn into the latest craze.

Not that I have anything against those who follow the latest trends or anything, but the point I'm trying to get across is that I can't help but shake the feeling that Biffy Clyro are doing it for the money more than their fans.

Have you seen their latest video? If not, turn on your bloody TV, man. There's no escaping two men; coincidentally, the same guy in two different costumes... play one-sided chess with one another as two Oriental ninjas (one with some potentially cool swordy things, should they not happen to look like they came out of a Poundland sale... and the other with - that's right - a mop.) try to kill each other for their master's amusement. That is, until one of them falls over. Then both Titans [the same guy in different costumes, of course] stare each other down and introduce themselves.

The makings of a good video? Sorry, Biffy, but that was bollocks, and you had better improve. You're not artistic miracle people, so stop trying to pass yourselves as such, dangit.

(If I do end up downloading "Mountains" and you find out, please hit me. I owe it to myself after publishing this blog.)

So what is my favourite song of the moment? Well I'm actually going through a Weezer phase at the moment. After the success of the "Pork and Beans" video, I've decided to download a few classics from their earlier albums. "Island In the Sun" is a nice, quiet one. For the slightly heavier Weezer, "Hash Pipe" works too. Or, if you love Weezer videos and the Muppets (why? But then again, who doesn't...) then see the video for "Keep Fishin' ".

Anyway, shall we move onto films? Now don't get my first paragraph wrong - I didn't mean the newest films OF TODAY, just those I've seen lately. And I'll start off with one that's taken me a whole two days to watch, what with Sky only showing the nearly three hour Director's Cut of it.

The film? The 1988 classic, "Cinema Paradiso".

Being one of my father's favourite films of all time, I decided to give it a go. [Before I continue, I warn you - it's Italian and has subtitles. Sorry to disappoint :>] And, it starts out as a light-hearted comedy about the antics of a young boy in Italy. It's funny. After a while, however, he grows up, starts going out with a beautiful girl, etc. etc. We've all heard it before.

Or have we?

For some reason or another, he leaves town. Then we join him when he comes back, and he's old and grey. He stalks his past lover, he explores the remains of his childhood (but I'll explain that later), and so on. Of course, he finds her, she's like "we can't start seeing each other again" (there IS more of a back story to this, but I'd save it for those of you brave enough to see the film for yourselves), and that's about it on the love front.

Then, of course, you have the nostalgia side. The kid starts off as a little trouble-making scamp who is friendly with this guy who shows films in the "Cinema Paradiso". The kid, of course, wants to learn how to do it, and eventually he does. Awww. Anyway, one day the film in the cinema-rolling-thing catches fire, as does the Cinema. The man of which the kid is friendly with (named Alfredo) is stuck up there and is blinded.

Poor bloke. Of course, we're led to grow to like this man. Naturally.

OH! I forgot to mention, right at the beginning of the film, there's a phone call saying that Alfredo's dead. Hence the "two and a lot" hours of nostalgia.

Anyway, the main guy's in his teens and has fallen in love. Alfredo's still around, running films and solving the guy's love crises. Then something happens of which I can't remember, and Alfredo tells the guy to leave town and never come back, for his own good.

He comes back or Alfredo's funeral, of which you see the important tear-jerking bits. Of course, MANY years have passed. Also, you see Cinema Paradiso, the old building that it is, get demolished. Watching old men cry while the young'uns drive their mopeds around in sheer thrills is... kinda sad.

There's a lot of tear-jerking bits of the film (and I hold my hands up, it was SO depressing that I nearly did, too). Which brings me to make my concluding point about it - this film is a sheer torturer. Don't get me wrong, it's a truly touching film and everything, but COME ON! No-one should have to be brought into the comedy, as we expect the whole film to be full of it; of course, that heightens the blow at the end when nothing is as it was in its "golden age".

It makes me scared of growing old.

Then again, it's not far different from my favourite film of all time, again Italian and subtitled, entitled "Life Is Beautiful". Put the puke-bags away and listen, boy! It's about this Jewish Italian family who live a happy, fun life until they get taken into the Concentration Camps of war. However, the main guy has a son, and manages to convince the son that it's all a fun game. The ending makes you feel like a better person for watching it, though.

Anyway, that's my music and film side done. Just one more... video games; the height of technology, and sometimes the status symbols of nerds. Hell, I'm a nerd, and I'm proud of it.

Without further ado, I'll talk about something of which I'm not too much of an expert on, and unless you've ever classed yourself as a "gamer", you probably won't understand what I'm talking about. However, I've seen enough webcomics and other related game sites to have a slight idea about what I'm on about.

E3; a thing of which new gaming feats are announced for the following year or so to come, including new consoles, games, and so forth.

The thing I want to talk about is this: no-one's given it a good review of what I've seen. And what does that mean? That absolutely nothing's gonna come out in the next year or so that'll change the gaming revolution forever. Don't get me wrong, I like the same old games. I'm on my third playthrough of Final Fantasy XII, for example [yet the second playthrough got corrupted near the end, and this time I'm writing an FAQ for].

So, why the mention of E3? Well, If I may make my own views of the aftermath effects - and there are a couple. For a start, everyone on the internet that's been to E3 of their own accord and given it a bad rating really needs to get out more. Sure, that's a lot coming from me, but come on; these are grown humanoids who whinge that technology of which is already remarkable is getting better at a slower rate than usual.

Then again, I can see one side for the proposal; gaming companies are taking the money-grabbing route out, and have been for far too long. Video games used to be a successful medium (listen to me, I'm so pretentious!) but unless I want the latest High School Musical game now on the DS, or treat my trusty PlayStation 2 with Doctor Who's Top Trumps [a highly technological way of finding out which numbers are bigger than which other ones, I suspect] then there is feck all.

I am most looking forward to FFXIII, but only if it doesn't ONLY hit PS3. I'm not made of money, and I'm surprised that so many have come to the mad conclusion that £300 is more than sufficient to experience their games which can, in about 90% of cases, be bought for the MUCH cheaper Xbox 360 (of which I haven't got yet).

However, one next-gen console I do own is the Wii, and it's pretty awesome, but with one fatal flaw; there are next to no decent games out for it! I bought it (well, got it for Christmas) thinking that Super Monkey Ball and Zelda: Twilight Princess would see me through the year. I got bored of both within a month or so. Shame. As for the games I don't have but want, well, there's the new Super Smash Bros. game, for a start. That does look pretty awesome... and whatsmore, Pokemon: Battle Revolution [*gulp*]. It seems to be some light-hearted fun...

But my point still stands. If you can't live without video games, stop whinging to all of us who'd like to think that we have lives. You might just convert others to hardcore anti-socialism. PUT IT AWAY.

And with that, I must take my leave and cook myself a Pasta 'n' Sauce. Chow. xxxx

(PS: this long blog makes me even for the last two shorties? Thanks. Don't expect this everyday, though :P)

Saturday 26 July 2008

Blog of Happiness!

Hey people!

Not much news in the land of pretty colours and movements, bar one piece - me and Tilly are now going out! And I'm so goshdarn happy :> It's been a while since I've been this happy, in all honesty.

So if you'd like to raise your imaginary glasses, for a toast - To The Future! *imagines some clanking noises*.

Anyway, yet another short blog today! (<:-o) but don't worry. I'll make more longer, randomised blogs come the rare occasion that I think of one that I can make long, randomised comments about!

And thank you all for the support you have given us, particularly Ellie, Jez, Josh, Jack, Beefy, Rosie, Chloe, Meg... oh, the list goes on. If I haven't mentioned you and you feel that you deserve it, just think; you truly are a valued part of the "..." of the sentence.

Your happy pal, Jimbob :>

Monday 21 July 2008

Blog of Coldness - coz Jimbob's back

Hey peeps :)

So yes, as you may or may not have gathered (if not, you're truly a dumb-dumb) then I have returned to the strangely overcast United Kingdom. Man, I wish I was back in Spain. Swimming pools everywhere, sun was always out, lovely beach (when there weren't tidal waves), and whatsmore, the resort was one of the most well-kept i've ever been to.

Then again, it was also THE most existant I've ever been to.

Anyway, me and the Kerrs went, and all returned alive without any serious bruising or lost passports or baggage. That's good in itself. And, beside when there was sibling-rivalry, it was nice and quiet as well. All-in-all, it was a highly enjoyable experience. Best part? Hitting a pool ball somehow into the neighbouring swimming pool. THAT WAS AWESOME! Worst part? the 4am flight home. It's horrible when you're sleeping, and all of a sudden you have a bright red light shining in your eyes from a window about six rows in front of you. Whatsmore, when you ask them to roll down the blinds, they reply, "Que?", and end up walking back to your seat in a fatigued rage.

Apparently, it was the best week to go to Spain. There were lots of happy people there, no thuggish Liverpudlian chavs... temperatures in their thirties... no rain... t'was gorgeous. *puts on childish voice* I would give it ten out of ten because it was good.

*ends childish voice*.

But nothing major's changed, really. No Spanish senoritas, no sunburn, no sombrero, no other "S" words come to mind...

Anyway, sorry for incomplete blog. I have to go. Been kinda busy watching "Super Special Dog" on Youtube. Don't worry, it doesn't make fun of the mentally disabled. It's just a cartoon dog in funny clothes who's seriously stupid.

Chow. Jimbob xxxxxx

Thursday 10 July 2008

Blog of Spainyness - a "goodbye for now"

Hey everyone. What's hangin'?

Well, this is it. Tonight will be the last night before I go, for a week, to an area near the Costa Del Sol. T'will be fun, methinks :) VERY nervous, actually. Chances are I'll forget something vital. Passport, ticket, socks, nuclear bomb... I dunno. XD

But that's the good thing about me. Always think in the positive... the positive (*breathes deeply*)...

It should be cool. It's a resort (I believe) with a swimming pool (nicceeee) and the beach nearby (nicceeeer) and stuff. Actually, if I forget anything, it'll probably be that - my swimming trunks :> oh, that would be a pain! And Sod's Law also states that it's kinda likely. And, since I've never burned in all sixteen and a half years of my life, well... maybe it's time...

If not, something will happen that's new, I'm sure. The Spanish syllabus actually coming in useful, for instance!!!! Naaa, I'm proud to have taken it. And it has done some wonders in Salamanca.

OH SHIT! I was meant to write to the woman!!! ....oh well. Time is an everlasting thing, till those greenhouse gases kill us all. Or the second coming of Jesus (as depicted in "Passion of the Christ 2". Also appearing in cinemas at similar times are "Titanic 2: Return of the Titanic" and the next Bambi film, where Bambi wakes up and finds the whole of the original film was a dream, and is reunited with his mother, somewhat zombified).

Remind me to write to Spielberg with all these ideas.

Anyway, as a goodbye for a week blog, I suppose I have to make it somewhat special.
Don't say I never do anything special for you all :P

But on a more serious note. I must make my goodbyes.
- to Jack, who I found actually reads this blog. "Jihad, Jihad, Jihad."
- to Tilly and Rosie, for being generally awesome. "See you later!"
- to everyone else I like. "Bye!"
- to everyone I depise. "Ugh."

I think that settles it, does it not?

Anyway, love you all, bar the males. Hope you all have a good week, and I wish the best of fortunes to you all.

Your pal, Jimbob xxxx

Sunday 6 July 2008

Blog of another good weekness

supsupSUP! how ya all doing?

So, where to start on this blog... I'm predicting it's gonna be pretty long, but anything to distract me from my mother shouting at the tennis ("Come on Rafa!") XD But hey, at least it's about something.

And people say I have no inspiration in life. Well, I'm going to prove them wrong. Y'see, this blog has been inspired by my last blog.

Up yours, non-believers! WOO!


Let's start with - seeing as we've done Monday - the Work Experience period. See the link? Me neither. BUT anyway. Victoria Lodge, located on the side-streets of the more residential side of Wisbech, is a great place for people with learning disabilities, as well as physical ones. From autism to near-paralysis to undiagnosed... things, there was a VERY wide variety of people. And I've made a lot of new friends, so I feel :>

The work itself varied from mundane activities, such as wiping tables down, to helping people arrange flowers for the rose fair (shame it was raining), to even going swimming with those who "find the water relaxing". It's kinda sweet, in a way. If I was one of those people, I'd probably feel a lot happier about life despite the fact that I couldn't (presumably) cope in the real world alone. And, at first, I actually felt really sad seeing all these people with such problems, but then I realised the true purpose of the centre. It's great what they do there, and I give the Victoria Lodge the best of my wishes.

I even started some paperwork on becoming a certified volunteer of the disabled. Quite fun! But, it won't happen this summer, unfortunately.

What WILL "happen this summer, unfortunately", though, is paid employment. That's right, for one day, Jimbob's strolling around the Wisbech market giving near-blank CVs to shops like Somerfield, Argos, etc. and so forth. Well, I need the money badly, because EMA doesn't kick in till September :<

Then, on Friday night, I went round Jez's. And my gosh, was that one awesome 2-night-sleepover. The first night was spent getting tipsy on sparkling white wine---

--I can explain. Because I shun abundances of beer, etc, One and a half small glasses of wine ACTUALLY made me slightly dizzy. I was surprised, too. I guess it's just my metabolism, or something.

Anyway, to continue (still on night one)... the other super-awesome thing we did [apart from eat a rather lovely Indian meal] was dig out a forgotten gem of a game. And a console, for that matter. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we challenged each other to a game of Pokemon Stadium 2!!!

The next day, we went to King's Lynn (though not to browse the shops, unfortunately.) and then Jez did one of his discos - with me playing Pokemon Diamond beside him. YES I STILL LIKE POKEMON GAMES BUT SO WHAT :>. And then came a rather different occurrence.

It was a party, of a leaving-friend variety. The moral was sad, but at least the party kept going with our group of... oooh, six?... and everything was super awesome.

Barney, if you're reading this, have fun in Belgium while we squat in your house :>

And that's about the height of it all. Hope you all have a good Summer, Christmas, Hanukkhah (sp?)... yeah.
Jimbob xxx