Wednesday 28 July 2010

Up Blogness Creek

Four months have passed since last writing. Zoiks. Well, fortunately I'm sat here on my sofa, after a long absence, and thinking of stuff to say.

Turns out, after reading my last blog, that a lot has happened as of recent. So I'm hoping something good's going to come out of this blog. Who can tell? Let's find out! :)

First of all, after a lot of whinging on my part, I'm taken! And happily so! With a fantastic girl that goes by the name of Lottie. I won't put surnames, as I don't want her to Google herself, or even worse: a potential employer of some kind does so - it happens, apparently, hence I try not to post my full name up on this blog... though chances are I probably have, in which case, *slow, sarcastic clap* to myself for that one.

So yeah, the past month or two have been great because of this! Yay!

But this blog doesn't have such a negative name for nothing. I haven't seen her in a week, and won't be seeing her for another two weeks.

[No, that's not the worst I can do. Be patient.]

A-levels have been and gone. One month ago tomorrow since the last exam, and the best part of another month till I get the results. August 19th, in fact, which if you're a regular follower of this blog, or indeed my life, and have a spectacular memory for dates, can tell that this date generally has negative connotations on my part.


And yeah, I'm panicking a little about results. I need three A's ideally to get into my first choice, University College London, which I really want to go to, what with being born and living the first few years of my life in the city, and everything. If not, Sheffield's a very competant second choice, and if I end up going there, I will be more than happy.


And now, the true reason while I'm up a particular creek of a not very pleasant variety. [Finally!]

Two tribes are going to war (going to war, going to war) - and by tribes, I mean friends, and by war, I mean war.

And guess who's been made to choose sides? Only the guy who's terrified of hurting people. Fortunately (in an ironic sense), after yesterday, that's not the only thing I'm terrified of at this point.

Things have gotten to the stage where I'm petrified when the phone goes off. Turns out Lottie was the only person to text me today, and my driving instructor was the only person to ring me. Which reminds me, after the imminent damage has been done, I am SO changing my ringtones.
(Text tone is just "duh-ding", whereas ring tone is the full moon boss battle fight music from Persona 3. It's called "Master of Shadow", and it's kinda disco-ravey. Unfortunately, the connotations associated with it are becoming more numerous and negative, so please, if you read this, learn to enjoy the track. It's my memory of lazy days of January-July 2009, as well as this whole fiasco.)

Is it true that standing up to friends is the hardest thing for someone to have to do? Because if it isn't, I really don't want to experience it. I suppose there's a very unlikely off-chance that I won't have to even do that, but I really can't be doing with this.

July 2010 is definitely a month to be embedded in my memory. It started fantastically... waking up on the 1st July at a friend of Lottie's house, after a fantastic night on the Cromer Promenade speaking with a group of who(m?) could be the nicest people I ever met... finishing school, which was a truly bittersweet experience... having some time to myself after a few months of non-stop work... more days with the gorgeous Lottie... and now this.

Time is an amazing thing. It doesn't require a lot for something extremely brilliant to happen. Nor does it require a lot for something to potentially crush everything you are.

Sometimes, exterior positivity is a facade. But we all knew that really.

Sorry to end a blog so negatively, like Feeder sang: "it's just the way I'm feeling, yeah yeah, it's just the way I'm feeling."

On a completely unrelated note - and a last-ditch attempt to put a smile on everyone's face: I like Feeder. Listen to them if you don't know them. I suppose the lyrics are kinda "emotional" in nature, but they're always put to catchy tunes. Therefore it's acceptable. :D

I wish everyone well!
Jimbob :)

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