Sunday 25 January 2009

Blog of "Miss me?"ness

Wow, I really am cutting down on the blogs... don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Then again, I don't know how many people read these. Maybe it's more beneficial to me because nobody's reading the bloody things...

...either way, it helps to clarify my trail of thoughts sometimes. And sometimes it completely screws it up. I dunno.

Anyway, HEY!

So yeah, life, as usual, is pretty good at the minute. Mocks came out so-so (A, B, B, D... yes, ladies and gentlemen, the afro can have its off days :P), I had my first driving test today!!! It was so cool... went from the Walton Road area through Terrington St. Clement BACK to my own house! I mean... that's quite the adrenaline rush for me, considering I didn't go too far above 30mph the whole time...

Whatsmore, its success is marked by the fact that I'm still right here with everything still mobile :)

Anyway, today I'm resolved to myself to actually make a blog out of this. Y'know, not one of those short ones. Woop.

And some thoughts have been occurring to me, what with a change in behaviour I've noticed in some people... do people see me as arrogant? Or very VERY confident of myself? Or alternative state of mind that comes across as unsettling?

Answers on a postcard please. Or over MSN or blog comment. I promise I won't take offence, 'specially because I would very much like to know. Just lay off the heavy insults, please :>

But yes, I just can't help but get the feeling that I'm being hinted at here.

To all of those I've hurt or offended (or alternative), I sincerely apologise.

If it's any consellation, I don't love myself. I have many faults, many of which I wish I could change. And who knows, maybe some of them I can actually change. But is there anything wrong with having a positive outlook on life? I can fully accept that in some cases it may be quite the opposite, and understandably so. Not everyone has "easy" lives (though that said, mine isn't), and I suppose I should be more thankful for having such great opportunities and experiences.

I'm not perfect. If you think I think otherwise, you're seriously wrong.

*sigh* I don't know... am I too overpowering in my happiness?

C'est une enigma pour moi. (Enigma, coincidentally, is my favourite Gladiator. Not that you really needed to know that, but, y'know...)

So yes. Off my chest. Long live the blog. Hallelujah.

Right, so it seems 2009's proving to have gotten off to a better start this year than last. So far so good. Heath and Cathy are growing up to be right characters, and Toulouse and Ayla are starting to go with the new flow now. Good for them :>

And with that, and with a lack of things to say, I'm off!
Adios amigos, laters homes, Charmander char. Diddly.
Jimbob :> xxxx

PS: thanks a LOT to eddy who got bored and put up a non-functioning website in my honour. You rock :P the address: . Who'd've thought...

PPS: Yes, I'm aware that the PS very much contradicts the rest of the blog. I suppose if I made the website in my honour it would be a different story... anyway, sorry if you're now getting the idea that I'm a hypocrite.

PPPS: I'll shut up now :> BYE! xxxx

Thursday 15 January 2009

Blog of Mellow-like-a-marsh-ness

Hey people!

So here I am! You may have noticed that lately I haven't been on "Teh Interwebz" as often as normal... that is because I've kinda gotten myself obsessed with the good ol' PS2 again XD. Oh well!

To be honest, I'm nice and calm at the moment - we had exams at school, they're over, and whatever happens from there happens (from there) :>.

So what have I been up to lately? Had a physics lecture on Tuesday ("Let's physicise!"), and.... uhrm... not much else!


I'm sorry, I haven't posted a long, juicy, "twelve inch meat feast"-styled blog for a good while now... when I get the time and the willpower, I shall.

Shout-outs to Rose, who was DARLING enough (and hyper enough... minor detail!) to create a whole song about me... based on an Abba classic! Love to Zack (Rose's lizard) and, of course, I'm still waiting for you to show me Boobs! (yes, Boobs is a nickname for one of her--- actually, I won't explain it. I think the teenage male explanation is easier to fathom....yes.)

Love to all!
Jimbob XD xxx

Saturday 3 January 2009

Blog of Newness

HEY peeps :>

Well, here we are again... only this time, it's a completely different timeframe; from the murky depths of 2008 (year of the nutritionally-challenged Credit Crunch and others) to the present day... ladies and gentlemen, it is the Year of the *muffled sound of unknowingness* and stuff's gonna change :>

How? P-huh... how should I know? I can't read the future!

So, whether this year's gonna be a positive turnaround, or a complete and utter bad time, we can only imagine.

Of course, if you're looking to the future with dread and fear, "you ain't got much hope have ya?" (taken from a very funny book, "F In Exams", which shows all the funny answers to normal exam questions :>)

Anyway, I'm pretty damn tired, it's a late blog and my MSN isn't working tonight for some reason (normally you click on the link, it comes on, yippee-kye-ay... only this time you click on the link, you see the typical Windows XP egg-timer thing for a millisecond and it turns back into the typical arrow... and yes, I do think that restarting would help, only I'm defragging... and I haven't done that in a few months now.)

OH! ANECDOTE! I also emptied my recycle bin... 1.5 Gigabytes. So today's lesson, kids: empty your recycle bins now and again!

...Wow, what better way to start the cyberyear with a short, crappy blog.


Anyway, goodnight!
Happy new year to you all!
Jimbob xxxxxx