Friday 22 August 2008

Blog of Rollercoasterness

Hey people! How's life?

I gathered that I haven't been on Blogspot in ten days! :O! (then again, it's not as if I had any comments to read... HINT ;>) and quite a lot's actually been going on! So, without further ado, here's yet another account of my life as of late.

Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, I'll become unboring. Promise!

So, in the past week or so, a rare thing happened to me... I had become ill. Considering, it's actually quite rare... but I felt dizzy and stuff - and it wasn't an excuse to get out of manual labour either (!) - and I suppose I've kept the souvenir cough to go with it :> BUT oh well. These things happen!

Then again, it's a good excuse to get to eat some Strepsils and drink some nice blackcurrant-flavoured Lemsip drinks :) well, ok, they're a BIT strong, especially as you get near the bottom of the undissolved pool of paracetamol and other DRUGS... but they're pleasant (enough) accompaniments to get one through their flueyness.

And sticking on the subject of not-so-good news, Tilly split up with me. There are reasons, for sure, but I don't know how to convey them into words. And sure, I'll miss her and what we had, but I'm glad she felt that she could tell me she was unhappy. Either way, it opened my eyes. I even wrote a song - and not one of those "she hates me so I might as well go admire some pleasant-looking razors" or "how could I have been so *bursts out crying*" songs either - and as soon as I put it to music, I'll take great pride in keeping it to myself. If you MUST have a theme though, throat sweets happen to crop up now and again in it (don't think it's 'coz I'm all mad - I was actually sucking on one when the deed was done).

I'm good at getting over things like this. Always look on the bright side of life *whistles musically* and all that. Please tell me you're okay though, at the very least :>.

And that's the sad Jimbob rant over. Checking expression *loading screen*..... it's highly moderate!

Time for the happy Jimbob - and what better place to start (and end) than the GCSE results?! And, including the maths GCSE I had got from last year (unfortunately), I have 3 A* grades, and 6 A's. WOOO! I'm pretty happy :> It also bases perfectly around what I want to do next year: maths, chemistry, spanish and physics (physics coming last in the list for not being an A* grade, grrr.)

Often, I get asked: "So what would you like to be when you grow up?" and if I'm not snorting milk out of my nose as a result, I'll probably answer either psychology or philosophy. Both definitely interest me, perhaps the latter more (I mean, it's a subject about the formings of logic - and I like to think I write rather philosophically... answers on a postcard). But at least with these subjects, my options are still open. Plus I've got spanish because it purely interests me, although chances are that's getting dropped after next year.

But yes - I didn't do as badly as I thought I did. So I'm dead happy!

And happy I remain. Hope you enjoyed this blog, and I hope it made you think things.
I like to think I have that effect on people.
If there is such a thing.

Bon visage, Jimbob xxxx

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