Tuesday 12 August 2008

Blog of the near futureness

Hey everybody!

So what to blog about today? Well, as I have a lot going on in the next week, I thought I'd do something rare for me and look ahead at what's to come like some mediocre daytime TV show, instead of dwell on the past like some documentary.

Just don't expect any special guests. What do you think I am, Eamonn bloody Holmes?

Let's start with tomorrow. There's a half-baked plan about me and a few friends meeting to do something of which we don't know yet. But, if that's cancelled (chances are), then I'll probably be at home with my DS playing Mario Bros. (dunno why they call it that, when you can only play as Mario... or Luigi, should you happen to press two random buttons at a given time...) or Final Fantasy XII on the PS2.

If you want an insight into the soundtrack of FFXII, go on www.gamefaqs.com and go: PS2, Final Fantasy XII, FAQs, Soundtrack FAQ by Jimbob1192. You can also find it on supercheats.com, but that makes things more complicated.

[Of course, you're presumably sane, so why would you want to look in the first place? :)]

Anyway, then that brings Thursday - one of the days I have been waiting for since gosh knows when... the day I get my Maths AS modular results! And to be honest, I'm not too worried. At least not until I step through the school gates. Plus, the following Thursday will be even MORE scary, what with eight GCSEs being given and whatnot.

As for Friday, the Cotswoldians are coming to stay for a few days (till Monday XD). Not sure what we'll be doing! We've already given them a guided tour of Wisbech, and after that thirty seconds is up, what happened? Well, in all honesty, I cannot remember :) but I'm sure whatever it was was fun.

*braces self for lots of big hugs*

[To Jack or Stan: remember to trade your Darkrai with me, please?]

And with that in mind, I shall end this critically-acclaimed "meh" blog. Have a good summer, what little time of it we have left.

And good luck for the Maths-nerds getting their results with me this Thursday!

[[don't worry, I'll wish the GCSE-getters good luck as well nearer the time, should I remember.]]

Jimbob xxxx

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