Wednesday 29 April 2009

Blog of OVERLOADness

Hey people!

Sigh... the death month is nearing its end. Thank goodness.

And sadly, it has lived up to its name; Toulouse, my loyal companion I've owned for nearly twelve years, was put down on the 21st. It's really sad.

Still, it's not characteristic of me to stay down in the dumps :) besides, with this unfortunate death, there was a blessing of the birth of the kittens earlier this month as well. They're growing up so fast! In fact, the video's up on Youtube now, if you haven't looked at it. Search "Pikachu Galileo Scaramouche Garfield" or something like that, you should see it. I warn you, the quality of sound and light is pretty bad with the recording camera, but you can't have everything!

So how are you?! Well, in the course of since the last time I've blogged, a lot has happened.

The biggest achievement so far for me is probably surviving the concert on Friday, that was scary, what with actually having to play my first solo piece to everyone who came (thanks to all my friends who did come, Rose, Ellie, Alice... the lot of ya XD)!

Then, up there with that, I GOT A SENIOR PREFECT INTERVIEW! Quite chuffed (is that the positive terminology? I get mixed up with "chuffed" and "gutted", they're so similar! *rolls eyes*)! Interview's next Wednesday. Good luck to all the others who managed to get this far :)

Plus, last time I blogged I was still on holiday. I'm back now. Whoop-dee. What better way to celebrate than with a Spanish oral?! Well, that said, it wasn't TOO disastrous. Just used the same words over and over (oh, they were good ones though!) so hopefully if they can overlook the overloading of this, then I should - in theory - be okay!

Birthday shoutouts to Alice last Saturday, and Rose tomorrow! WOO!

So, may May bring more happiness to you all.

And to the person involved who I know probably won't be celebrating too much due to a truly horrific incident recently, my thoughts go to you, and if you ever want to talk about it, I'm right here :)

Love you ALL! (except you and you and you)
Jimbob! xoxoxox

Sunday 12 April 2009

The Easter Bloggy

Hey guys! I'm back from Spain! Miss meh? Thought not XD

So yeah, the past couple of weeks have been absolutely phenomenal. There was Spain, and before that I helped out with the cast of We Will Rock You at the College of West Anglia. Great guys, and they absolutely rock.

I'd probably even consider performing that if our school were to do it... only problem being that it contains rather a lot of swearing XD it even says that everyone from I'm A Celebrity are "a bunch of twats", haaa!!! But seriously, I enjoyed it, and I'm actually quite interested in the music of Queen because of it. Nice one, guys!

But now onto the most interesting part of my life so far... well, this holiday, anyway :> SPAIN!

Man, it rocked.

The family? ROCKED. The food? ROCKED. The partying? SUCKED (well, the sangria was quite nice actually, so the terminology "sucked" is a compliment because it's on a higher end of the spectrum...). The views? ROCKED. The activities? PRETTY GOOD. The weather? MEH.

However, the main thing that twisted it for me were - trying, and failing, to not be cliched here - my friends :> Matthew, Vince, Emily, Catherine, Emily (from another school), Sammy, Kim... oh to heck with it, they were all awesome!

Either way, I learnt so much about myself and others. For instance, I feared that I was quite lacklustre (or is it lacklustER? I dunno!) in terms of general passion. Sloth kinda does that to you, you don't give a damn either way about a lot of things. But it hit me on the final night (last night) when me, Matthew and Vince just stood in the Plaza Mayor, staring at the lights for one last time. Absolutely amazing, and I actually cried.

There is some sentiment behind my cold logic :>

But yeah, and also it's Easter. Happy Easter! And yes, I will hopefully be uploading photos later to do with the Salamanca trip, if you really wanna see them. And even if you don't, I do :P