Friday 30 May 2008

Blog of Cheering Upness!

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! ...oh gawd.

Anyway, greetings :> I thought after yesterday's gloominess that I needed to cheer people up (including me). So, here goes!

What did I do today? Well, hours of chemistry revision - yes, chemistry today - sat on my bed, and searched for my pen lid for about fifteen minutes before finding it... in my pencilcase. Then I went to my mother's friend's house and ate cake. Then played Crash Bandicoot for a couple of hours :)

Fun? Well, apart from the revision part, yes. WOO!

Also, we've been playing with the rabbit cage today. You know, the one I made in my RMT project... well, it's been experimenting. Currently it's in the stage when she has to jump from one cage, to another, and then leap again for a top-floor experience (obstacle #1).

Considering her mass, however, I'm questioning the idea. XD

Well, we're about three hours after setting it up, and seemingly no result. We can tell, as we put some treats in there just for her. For fattening up and struggling to get back down (obstacle #2).

As long as she doesn't end up killing herself, it's all worth it. Also, it helps if she enjoys herself. I'd rather she didn't think of her new 'extension' as a slave camp with absolutely nothing but a few treats and a never-ending hazard :)

But, she's chewed through so many wires in this house, especially live ones! She's a daredevil...

What else has happened today... well, anyone watching Britain's Got Talent? I'm behind in terms of the live semi-finals, using Sky+ (if you haven't got it, GET IT) to tape the ITV2 showings at half four in the afternoon. In the process of last night's show (just finished seeing classical person) and top marks for the comedian kid, he was... different. Football guy was pretty good - and considering how much I'm NOT a footie fan, that's pretty good. Did drop it twice, though. Tut tut.

My favourite so far though HAS to be... SIGNATURE *angel sings*. Seriously, a Michael Jackson wannabe and a cool guy in a turban can't get much more awesome. Well, until they start performing. My vote's with them!

And who do I not like? Well, those Cheeky Monkeys (ugh >:-( ) and... don't hurt me... those two martial arts dudes. Sure, their routine was awesome. But, as a man who used to do karate in the past, and as a man of sentiments, I don't really appreciate how martial arts [considering they are not only for defence, but part of a culture for Japan and maybe more countries] can be classed in the same league as ripping off your shirts and wooing the ladies.

I mean, come on. Sure, there's the appeal factor, but they're ruining the whole idea of martial arts. I'm sorry. It's what I think.

Apart from that, though, God they're cool.

So, that's all that I can think of to write about now. Hope you all have a good'un, and see you Monday!

And for the record, this next school week is gonna be hell for me, what with there being 7 exams over the next 4 days. Well, at least after that, the worst'll be out of the way.

Any last words in terms of music? Well, not really. But for all you people who love Top Gear, you'll recognise The Allman Brothers Band and their song, "Jessica". 7 minutes of pure awesome.

And I shall leave it there! Goodbye!!! xxxxxoxoxoxoxox

Thursday 29 May 2008

Blog of Emotions... a PS!

Wow, I just read my own blog. I'd like to clear up that my mother wasn't actually crying. She was just a bit teary-eyed.

My apologies! I knew she wanted to and I kinda wrote it down as if she did. Man, I'm bad.

BYE! xxx

Blog of Emotions. Yes, Jimbob gets sad yet stays under control.

Hey all!

Right. Today was a fun day, mostly. Me and Jack went to Ely, which was pretty cool. We all partied in respect for my Grandmother in all her glory (Happy Birthday!) and as a slight detour from revision - definitely well needed - today was definitely classifiable as "awesome".

And it's not as if anything 'bad' happened today. I enjoyed it!

Of course, the mother and I watch "Boston Legal" - a different, suave kind of legal comedy (yes, there's such a thing, and it actually works quite well). Naturally, the makers of the show try to get to the more... emotional... audience, what with one of the main character's fathers dying of Alsheimer's [apologies if misspelt].

This has got my mother up and crying, and who can blame her. Everyone who reads this should know the person who was taken in his prime of whom was significantly close to me and her.

If you don't know, go ask someone else.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this blog today is because... well, I guess I don't really have a set justification. Sure, I miss my father, and I think about him a lot. And yes, the fact that I lost his special necklace in February and haven't put much effort into finding it still bugs me.

That's all very well for me to say. "I have too much going on in my life, GCSEs, and bluh bluh bluh". But I gotta find this thing. It means the world to me... I guess I just don't show it.

Y'know, there is actually a deepness underneath my happy, maybe dopey self. And even though all of this is going on, I am still happy. Just because I miss someone close to me does not make me an unhappy person. I dedicate special time to the cause, and I even try to communicate with him through prayer.

It's strange, I never classed myself as the religious type.

Another reason to write this blog is just to say... don't try extra hard to dodge the subject, should it be blatantly imminent. I'd be more offended if you started on saying something about my father and never finished. And, as long as this does not offend my father, or anything closely related to him (if anyone tries to twist these words, you are NOT funny.), I will understand.

I miss my father, I loved him (still do) and I wish he was still here. I just don't appreciate being brought into thinking about him in my... happy state. Why? Because I think about him enough. Perhaps more.

As for today, my "happy state" (HA! that sounds like I take drugs or something... I assure you, I don't) has been... slightly tainted. Sorry if I seem a little distant.

But, everyone has their unhappy moments. This blog gets a lot of my mind. Thanks for reading this, and apologies if I have depressed you all.

Hopefully my next blog will have something positive to say!

Best wishes to all my readers (both of ya ;>), Jimmy xxxxxxxxx

Sunday 25 May 2008

Blog of Musicness, as inspired primarily by Eurovision


Well, it was that time of year again, where all that is wrong in Europe can fight it out through interpretive dance, ROCK!, or strange dances.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is my take on the 2008 Eurovision.

Starting in Serbia, with the act of the hybrid child between Harry Potter and Hiro Nakamura from Heroes... who, in fact, beat some awesome men in tin foil last year (Ukraine was robbed last year, and we shall never forget that. *stands and salutes* sieben sieben EINS ZWEI DREI! TANZEN!)


Anyway, the acts of which one can't really forget include Bosnia & Herzegovina, with their mad-man-(and-women) antics with... CLOTHES LINES! Latvia and their PIRATE SONG! Finland with their rather awesome rockiness (Lordi really influenced them for the better, because that's the third year in a row they've been rocking it). And who can forget the Spanish entry - BAILA EL CHIKI CHIKI! ("dance the chiki chiki") - which i had actually heard on the Spanish trip; this group of guys were singing it in this park in Segovia, i believe.

But it's ritual that i vote for my personal favourite. And what could have been better than... FRANCE! seriously, what could be better than some really awful singer riding a golf caddy and bursting an inflatable globe? i mean, come on!

So, *SPOILER ALERT* who won? Russia. Yes, Russia won the EUROvision. the song contest for EUROPE. Top marks there, mister organiser. Now Greece came 3rd, and good for them. The song... wasn't to my taste (it's hard to make the words "secret combination" sound attractive, and the attractive Greek singer actually didn't do much wonders to it for me) but it's nice to see us Greeks up there anyway. And Turkey! That was a valiant effort on their part.

(Fittest female singer has to go to... BOSNI--aaah! No! :P naaa... it's gotta be the singer of Armenia, with those three dancing men perving up her skirt...)

Needless to say, the UK got a staggering 14 points - significantly more than usual - and came JOINT LAST! That Andy bloke's a good singer, but HE IS NOT EUROVISION MATERIAL!

Thanks a bunch, Malta. NOT.

And so ends my euroblog. Now onto other music i like. And yes, i am one for video game soundtracks sometimes, and if all else fails, a bit of heavy rock.

Lately, one soundtrack i've been admiring is that of a cruelly neglected game known as Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. It's not that bad at one-player! Really! Sure the endgame drags on, and it's a bit cheesy... but playability-wise it's a sufficiently good enough game. With an awesome soundtrack.

Want a peek? On Youtube, look up "Treasure Sleeping in the Sand" (theme of the desert level) or "Across the Divide" (theme of the final fully playable dungeon). They are pretty dang awesome tracks. For the more serene of you, "Departure" works well.

Out of soundtrack-land, and i've come across an old yet awesome band, known as the Barenaked Ladies. Download "One Week" for some of the most random lyrics known to man.

Well, i'm all out of titbits of wisdom for the evening. Take care.
Jimbob xxxxxxxx

PS: sorry i haven't replied to either of my two viewers' comments. it's that when it asks for my username, i don't actually know it :S

Thursday 22 May 2008

Yes, i am BACK and ranting about nothing as per usual

Evening :) wow, i started this early January... and the day after, it was covered in dust, just waiting to be blown out...

Until now. Boy have i got a blog and a half tonight.

So what's new in the land of Abstract Insanity? Well, 2008's just been a disaster zone so far. Three deaths [notably all in the month of January, the first a couple of days after first post], slipping grades at school, single (but is that so bad?) and on top of ALL that, i have GCSEs until the 20th June. Ouch.

Now take into account that I'm a good way into being 16 - even though it still doesn't feel like it consciously - and i have next-to-no social life :) why, you ask? is it because you're so hot no-one can touch you? if that's what you honestly think, may i just say HAHAHAHA!... seriously, though, the "best days of our lives" are spent in our bedrooms crooning over books of complicated stuff that's bound to be forgotten come next year. Go figure.

At this point, you're probably thinking what an unhappy soul I am in an endless life of discovery and beauty (that last part refers to life in general, not necessarily mine alone :p) but overall I'm actually quite content. It seems like [oh God, here comes spiritual Jimbob going off on his irrelevances yet again] I'm seeing more of my inner self lately. A lot of the problems I've had lately have been, or are being, clarified somehow. It's quite nice knowing that there are people out there who actually give a damn.

And those you give a damn about don't give too much of a damn that you give a damn about them. That's the way it should be!

In fact, friends are funny creatures. They fight with each other, they hate each other... and they all come to me for assistance! Which i'm all too willing to give (seriously, i love helping people, hence my rather apt interest in psychology... the essay-style blog probably reinforces that idea). But best of luck to the retard vs. reality turf wars on my part. You know who you are. :)

And on that happy note, I'm bored, so I'll sign off here.

Take care peeps :) Lots of love (and gentlemanly handshakes for the masculine audience), Jimbob :>