Monday 28 December 2009

Blog of 2009ness

Alas, it's nearing the end of the noughties. I daresay it's "the me decade" because I've got a good feeling about the oh-tens :) but in my overly cheesy and reflective manner, I shall dedicate a blog to looking back on the past year. Here's my 2009 in a nutshell.

January: Well, my 17th was pretty cool, going to see "Yesman" with a few mates (Zooey Deschanel ftw!). Also with our new additions to the family as of 31/12/08, Heathcliffe and Cathy, to keep Toulouse and Ayla company. They spent most of it under the Xmas tree, which we kept up a little longer by popular demand. Mocks were extraordinarily "bleh". OH! I also started driving lessons. Woop woop.

February: As with all Februarys, rather nondescript. Did see Tilly for the first time in six months, and the only time this year. So that was pretty cool.

March: Again, a bit of a blur, really. I think this was when I started to overdo everything, and ended up asking someone out... just when they told me they had a boyfriend. That's my first lesson of the year, as well as a full-fledged slap on the back which hopefully left a mark :). Also, I got asked out by someone :O which was a complete honour... at this point, however, I cruelly gave it the big fat "maybe". In true Jimmeh fashion.

MONTH OF THE YEAR: April. Well, doesn't necessarily mean the BEST month, per se, but a LOT happened during it.
- 2nd: Cathy gave birth to four little baby kittens :)
- 3rd: Going to Peterborough to see "Lesbian Vampire Killers" in the cinema. Well, why not?! Also attended "We Will Rock You" backstage at the COWA. Saw it afterwards. Top quality stuff :)
- 4th: Landmark anniversary. Mainly involved walking around the churchyard, I think. Then I cheered up and went backstage at the COWA again with la mere. From there I made a good friend, so it's all good.
- 5th-12th: SALAMANCA! A pretty amazing trip. Made me realise a lot about myself... but hey, it's a blog so I should probably write some of these down: the first: to admire beauty when it arises, to meet new people (biggup the Brentwood School people!), and also to not doubt friends. You know who I'm talking about, person involved... not that they read my blog anyway.
- 13th: Someone else told me they liked me (yep, you :D) but swore me to not respond. Very sweet, actually. Hadn't felt that sense of [i can't think of the word] to that intensity for a long while.
- 21st: Toulouse sadly had to be taken to the vets to be put down, aged 16. His legacy still lives on :(. On a separate note, I also found a friend I haven't spoken to in YEARS.

That was April. This was May: well, I said no to the first invitation out, but told "(yep, you :D)" I was still interested. We still didn't go out, agreed due to imminent exams. On a separate note, we were robbed. My laptop, our DVD recorder, and a PC monitor was taken, as well as several important remotes. Luckily the damage was minimal, and we actually think this was due to the rabbit scaring them off with her banging action... that is, banging of her body on the cage. Okay, there's no way to make that any less innuendous.

June: The exams. Didn't feel they went too well. On the other hand, I was made Deputy Head Boy of WGS 2009-10, so I couldn't really complain. Meg's barbeque occurred - good fun times :) oh, and I also witnessed and thus begun the long game saga that is Edraved. It's still going :D

July: SUMMAR! The month of next to nothing happening. Bliss.

August: STILL SUMMAR! Started with twelve days in London with grandparents and uncle, which was where I started my running routine (it's still going but haven't been able to recently due to that blasted snowfall >:( ). Results day came, it was a bit pants, hence starting a massive panic about what the hell I was doing.

This continued through to September, where I made the bold choice of dropping Spanish. In a sense I'm glad I did because it's made UCAS a lot easier, but on the other hand, I miss those lessons XD. Started Amadeus, in the golden period of rehearsals. Was asked out by someone else, I wasn't so much touched this time as mystified due to the fact that I'd never met them before. So that was a definite no. However I did start going out with Rose, and everything was hunky dory.

October... hmmm.... trying to remember it... passed my theory test... actually attended some parties :O Chaz's 18th, Ellie's Hallowe'en do, and Rosie's Geeks and Greeks 18th. All highly enjoyable :)

November: The end of the golden age of 2009, I think. Just felt... a bit... I dunno... rubbish. :)

December: Started horribly. Troubles with UCAS application (which was finally sent on the 14th). Amadeus was causing a lot of pre-performance stress, but fortunately turned out well in the end! And the relationship ended [I still hope you're okay - we don't talk that much anymore!] But then Xmas came, and it's been pretty good, touchwood. Got a Blackberry and a new router, so I can now go online on everything that isn't a PC! WOO! Even bought "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" for play on the Nintendo Wii. Good times!

So all in all, a generally good year, with a few bad things thrown in. But you've got to take the rough with the smooth; of course bad things are going to happen, life wouldn't be any good if there weren't any.

And I suppose if I've learnt one thing, it's this: you have to focus on things if you want them to turn out well. There's no use saying that you're going to change things if you're going to do nothing about it. I suppose that's where I faltered in a lot of things (thinking exams particularly).

So, the oh-tens are coming. May you all have a great new 2010 and a great new decade :)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot: my ritual annual apology! Silly me...

To everyone I have hurt this year (yes, I know I've hurt a few people), I truly am sorry. I honestly am trying to do things with the least amount of pain being inflicted upon others. It's actually quite hard *empty laugh*. So yeah, if collective-you are still miffed with me, please don't be :) I love you all!

And that's that for Abstract Insanity this year, this decade. Tune in next year where I'll try to install a pony for your entertainment*.

Lots of love to all!
Jimbob :D xxxx

*pony not included. STOP BUGGING ME ABOUT THE PONY.